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SUBJECT AND OBJECT PRONOUNS by Cheryl Hamilton. PRONOUNS. Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns . Subject pronouns take the place of the subject of the sentence. Object pronouns take the place of the object of the sentence. WHAT IS A SUBJECT?.

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  2. PRONOUNS Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Subject pronouns take the place of the subject of the sentence. Object pronouns take the place of the object of the sentence.

  3. WHAT IS A SUBJECT? • A subject tells whom or what the sentence is about. • A subject can be singular or plural.

  4. WHAT IS AN OBJECT? • An object is used after the action verb or as the object of a preposition. • An object can be singular or plural.

  5. SUBJECT PRONOUNS • I • you • he • she • it • we • they

  6. Singular Subject Pronouns • I • you • he • she • it

  7. Plural Subject Pronouns • we • you • they

  8. OBJECT PRONOUNS • me • you • him • her • it • us • them

  9. Singular Object Pronouns • me • you • him • her • it

  10. Plural Object Pronouns • us • you • them

  11. BOTH SUBJECT AND OBJECT PRONOUNS • it • you • These can be either subject or object pronouns depending on if they take the place of the subject or object in the sentence.

  12. SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Rick and Cheryl are on vacation. • is changed to • Rick and I are on vacation.

  13. SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Mr. Michael is in the cafeteria. • is changed to • He is in the cafeteria.

  14. SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Mrs. Soberdash likes to dance. • is changed to • She likes to dance.

  15. SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • The boat belongs to George and Sara. • is changed to • It belongs to George and Sara.

  16. SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Mrs. Hamilton’s class is going to music. • is changed to • We are going to music.

  17. SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • The third graders are going to gym. • is changed to • They are going to gym.

  18. OBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • The car is driven by Nick. • is changed to • The car is driven by him.

  19. OBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • The crown belongs to Mrs. Cole. • is changed to • The crown belongs to her.

  20. OBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Grady likes to watch baseball. • is changed to • Grady likes to watch it.

  21. OBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Would you like to go to the mall with the third grade teachers? • is changed to • Would you like to go to the mall with us?

  22. PLURAL PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Do you want to go with Colin and Christian to the movies? • is changed to • Do you want to go with them to the movies?

  23. OBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Disneyworld was very exciting for me! • Me is after the verb “was” and is an object pronoun.

  24. YOU AS A SUBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • Luke wears Bullskin colors everyday. • is changed to • You wear Bullskin colors everyday.

  25. YOU AS AN OBJECT PRONOUN EXAMPLE • At Fun Day they give you water. • You is after the action verb give.

  26. REMEMBER TO STUDY! • Good Luck!

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