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The Italian Strategy for E-government. Renzo Turatto. PREFACE. I t is ten years from when E- gov entered as a priority in the Italian government program From then, four different government administrations succeeded and E- gov still represents one of the objectives in the political agenda
The Italian Strategy for E-government Renzo Turatto
PREFACE • It is ten years from when E-gov entered as a priority in the Italian government program • From then, four different government administrations succeeded and E-gov still represents one of the objectives in the political agenda • Moreover, in spite of the different governments, most of the unleashed policy actions in this fields can be listed as part of the same unvarying E-gov strategy
The 3 Main Questions Of The E-gov Strategy • Why E-gov? • How far from the target? • Which policy to adopt?
Why E-gov? • Using the web technologies P.A. be more efficient • similarly to what happens in all information sectors, new technologies give the opportunity to change the PA production function • The effects: less resources for the same services (less paper, less mail services, less employees for the front office, the info services, etc)
Why E-gov? • Using the web technologies P.A. can offer new services, more suited to the citizen preferences • In the last years, in the information sector, the consumers choices fueled a new fast growing demand for online services • There exists an unexpressed demand of e-gov to discover and fulfill
Why E-gov? • Thanks to the web technologies transparency in P.A. choices and management turns into a fact • Often “open government” principles have been neglected even as a consequence of high costs and lack of organization • This argument doesn't apply anymore: today Internet and the WEB give the opportunity to fulfill the transparency principles easily and cheaply
Why E-gov? • To use Internet for providing new public services urges the P.A. to standardize its processes and rethink its organization • Today most of the P.A. IT solutions are based on old stand-alone architectures • The new cloud (web-based) architectures encourage the emerging of a dominant software capable to became a standard for all the P.A. engaged in the same functions
How far from the target? Figure1.1Emergingleaders ine-governmentdevelopment • United nations 0.7840 Austria Table1.1Worlde-govern- mentdevelopmentleaders2012 0.7835 Iceland 0.7770 Spain 0.7718 Belgium E-government 0.7492 Slovenia Monaco 0.7468 0.7345 RussianFederation 0.7344 United ArabEmirates 0.7333 Lithuania 0.7328 Croatia 0.7201 Hungary 0.7190 Italy 0.7165 Portugal 0.7149 Ireland 0.7131 Malta 0.6946 Bahrain 0.6872 Greece 0.6844 Kazakhstan 0.6769 Chile 0.6703 Malaysia SaudiArabia 0.6658 0.6604 Latvia 0.6572 Colombia 0.6566 Barbados 0.6508 Cyprus 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 EGDI 0.75 0.80
How far from the target? Figure1.3:FullOnlineavailabilityranking,2009‐2010(in%) Fullonlineavailability2009Fullonlineavailability2010 EU27+average2009 EU27+average2010 • European Union IE ITMTPTSEUKESSIFIDKDENLEELVNOTR*FRBEPLCZLULTBGCHHUHRSKROISCYEL Figure1.2:Services’sophisticationranking,2009‐2010(in%) Sophistication2009Sophistication2010 EU27+average2009 EU27+average2010 IE MT AT PT SE DE IT ES UK SI EE NL FI DK LV FR BE NO TR* PL LU CH CZ LT SK HU IS HR BG RO CY EL
How far from the target? • European Union
How far from the target? • International benchmarking results: • The Italian E-gov supply is more or less in line with most of the European countries • What is unquestionable is the lack on the demand side
How far from the target? • More problems arise if you look beyond the national (average) data • Huge discrepancies between administration with: • more E-gov services available for the firms; less E-services for the citizen • In general, more E-gov solutions provided by the central administration; less E-services from the small/local administration (even if some suggestions contradict this a as rule)
Which policy to adopt? • In the last decade the government intervention focused over three main intervention areas: • E-government regulation • E-gov Infrastructures • Implementation of Key national projects • ad-hoc Financial support to the P.A. for developing new E-govsolutions
Which policy to adopt? • E-government regulation • E-services are asynchronous and not contextual, while in providing its services the “analogic” P.A. is with the beneficiary IDENTITY • E-services rely on E-document, while “analogic” P.A. services are on paper DOCUMENT COPY - DOCUMENT SIGNATURE – DOCUMENT BACKUP • E-services use e-mail, while “analogic” P.A. is based on certified mail CERTIFIED EMAIL • CAD - DecretoLegislativo 7 marzo 2005, n. 82
Which policy do adopt? • E-government Infrastructures for: • IDENTITY • SIGNATURE • BACKUP • CERFIFIED EMAIL • Trust and security • System interoperability and cloud solutions for local P.A. (key issues to promote E-gov usability)
Which policy to adopt? • Key national projects • The new National civil registry • Health (electronic prescriptions - electronic health records) • Justice (Civil and criminal court Document Management System) • School and Education (broadband - digital book - digital whiteboard - national content repository - school social network)
Thanks!!! Renzo Turatto National School of Public Administration Via deiRobilant, 11 00198 ROMA ITALY r.turatto@sna.gov .it