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College of Nursing Administrative Affairs. Office of Research Financial Management. Unit Research Administrator Roles and Responsibilities.
College of NursingAdministrative Affairs Office of Research Financial Management
Unit Research Administrator Roles and Responsibilities The URA reports directly to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the College who is responsible for all fiscal and operational aspects of the college (dotted line reporting to Dr. Cindy Munro, Associate Dean of Research). The URA’s primary responsibility is to protect and preserve the fiscal and human resource assets of the university/college.
URA Adjunct to the PI to assistwith adherence to federal and state laws, granting agency requirements, and university policies and procedures. Works alongside the PI to insure the successful fiscal management of all project funds. Assist development of pre-award budget proposal setup.
Serve as liaison with: • University Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) • This is pre-award budget • University Research Financial Management (RFM) • This is post-award financials, close outs, etc. • Other USF and external offices based on functionality.
The best practice for the PI is to ASK FIRST we are here to help!
How does your URA assist with Proposal Development? • Review program announcement to ensure proposal compliance with sponsor and university requirements. • Assist with budget development including: • Calculation of direct costs, cost share, etc. • Assist in preparing budget justifications . • Review sub-recipient budgets. • Questions scope of work, unmet needs, etc.
AWARD MANAGEMENT(You’ve got the money now what?) • AssistPI and University’s Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) with insuring that the project scope and deliverables match the budget, invoicing and reporting requirements. • Review award document including terms and conditions for proper disposition of funds. • Schedule meeting to review the CON Checklist for New Grant Award. (Appendix A) • Prepare Grant Budget Release and Subaccount Establishment Forms to request project chartfields and allocate funds to appropriate budget categories http://www.research.usf.edu/dsr/forms.asp
AWARD MANAGEMENT, cont. • Assist PI with proper HR steps needed for recruitment of new project staff. • Liaison with COO and CON HR staff • Only the Dean can make offers of employment • Assist PI with adjustments to payroll distribution • Feeds into PERT – personnel effort report • http://usfweb2.usf.edu/uco/research/pertgeneral.asp • Process, on behalf of PI, budget transfers.
AWARD MANAGEMENT, cont. • Assist PI with approvals: • Change in PI or personnel • Budget revisions • Extensions (cost and no-cost) • Assist new faculty with transfer of existing awards to USF
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT -day to day monitoring • Set up and maintain financial project files. • Prepare monthly reconciliation. • Perform quarterly projections (and as needed). • Review and monitor vendor invoices. • Review, prepare and/or approve travel authorization and expense reports. • Collaborate with CON HR office on hiring project staff.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, cont. • Review purchase requisition request and P-card transactions • Monitor inter-departmental charges. • Perform financial compliance services on project expenditures. • Assist PI with financial reports to sponsor (which are prepared by RFM). • Assist COO with file management and audits.
COLLEGE SPECIFIC • The CON has two (2) URA positions that support sponsored projects, Research Incentive Accounts (RIA), Internal USF and CON pilot awards, CON start-up commitments , Research Foundation, and USF Foundation research-based concession accounts. (Appendix B) • Project Ledgers/Reconciliation: • A copy of the university ledgers will be provided to PI once per month (signature from PI is required and after second attempt document will be placed in mailbox). (Appendix D) • CON Reconciliation Report will be provided at the end of the month. (Appendix C)
Project Projections: • For most awards, at-a-glance projections will be run monthly along with the monthly ledger reconciliation process. Project Research Advance: • Request for research advances should be made 4 weeks in advance. • Direct deposit is the preferred method to receive funds. Office Supply Purchases • Purchases for all standard office equipment and supplies will be made once a week. • Supply request should be made by email to your URA by Wednesday evening for a Monday delivery.
Designated Work Times In order to maintain an effective work environment and meet college and university deadlines, your Unit Research Administrator has designated days for specific services. Appointments and Pre-Award Budget Preparation Cathryn Branch – Monday Janice Walker – Wednesday Closed Door Cathryn Branch – Thursday Janice Walker – Tuesday For emergencies, see backup URA for assistance or speak with the COO.
REFERENCE RESOURCES FacultyOne-Stop is HIGHLY recommended for all Nursing facultyand provides USF Researchers with one-stop quick references for each phase of the research administration life cycle with links to forms, tools and training. http://www.research.usf.edu/train/facultyOne.asp OMB Circular A-21 federal circular establishes principles for determining reasonable costs applicable to grants, contracts, and other agreements with educational institutions. Applies to all federally funded grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements at USF. Designed to provide that the costs charged to the federal government be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. See section for information on allowability of specific costs on federal awards. http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a021_2004 OMB Circular A-110 Federal circular A-110 addresses uniform administrative requirements across federal agencies and sets standards for obtaining consistency and uniformity among federal agencies in the administration of grants to and agreements with institutions of higher education. Recipients shall apply the provisions to sub-recipients performing substantive work under grants and agreements that are passed through or awarded by the primary recipient, if the sub-recipient is also subject to the circular. http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a110
OMB Circular A-133 This federal circular establishes standards for obtaining consistency and uniformity among federal agencies for the audit of states, local governments. USF is subject to A-133 and the auditing protocols and requirements.http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a133_compliance_supplement_2011 Federal Acquisition Regulation The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is the primary regulation for use by all federal executive agencies in their acquisition of supplies and services with appropriated funds. http://farsite.hill.af.mil/vffar1.htm USF Travel Policy The Travel Policies and Procedures Manual provides the user with policies and procedures applicable to authorized travel for official university business. Travel policies and procedures apply to all university departments. Employees may be required to abide by other travel procedures required by a grant or contract, or other travel rules and requirements established by the department. http://usfweb2.usf.edu/uco/travel/TravelRulesRequirements.asp Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) Oversight This web link will direct you to the area on the Office of Sponsored Research website which discloses to the federal government the processes, methodologies, and policies by which costs are determined, allocated, and assessed. This document explains such items as treatment of unallowable costs, determination of direct and indirect cost categories, cost transfer policies, mechanisms for effort reporting, etc.http://www.research.usf.edu/dsr/cas.asp
CCHIP'sThe CCHIP (Clarification or Change in Procedure) concept was created to provide a means to distribute procedural updates or reminders relative to the fiscal management of research awards. The below listed CCHIPs were developed within Research Financial Management and have been reviewed and endorsed by the both the Research Management Council and the Associate Deans for Research.http://usfweb2.usf.edu/uco/research/CCHIP.asp Research Participant Costs To encourage participation, research studies often pay their study subjects. There are several regulatory issues related to these payments, including confidentiality and privacy, tax reporting, and appropriate controls over the asset(s) used to make payments. This policy specifically addresses gift cards as a form of payment. USF Business Processes (COMPASS) Training on USF policies and procedures. http://compass.custhelp.com/app/home USF WEBSITES: USF Human Resources (staff and admin hires)http://usfweb2.usf.edu/human-resources/ USF Health Faculty Affairs (faculty hires)http://health.usf.edu/facultyaffairs/index.htm USF Comptroller (travel, purchasing, accounting) http://usfweb2.usf.edu/uco/ USF Division of Sponsored Research http://www.research.usf.edu/ USF Research Financial Management http://usfweb2.usf.edu/UCO/research/
OUR GOAL • Striking the Balance between service and compliance • Preserve and protect the university and college • Advisement, Dean and Research Dean of CON • Utilize federal resources as they are intended • Reasonableness (business sense) • Allowability (Circular) • Consistency (everyone does it) • Uniformity (does it the same) • Assist the PI in award management • Personal growth and development