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The First Sign of Jesus in John’s Gospel John 2:1–11 約翰福音裏耶穌的首個 神蹟 約 2:1-11. Modern symbol for Christianity – the Cross 現今象徵符號 基督教 — 十字架. Tao Fong Shan – Sha Tin 沙田 — 道風山. 11 First century A.D. symbol for Christianity 基督教在公元一世紀的 象徵符號. fish 魚.
The First Sign of Jesus in John’s Gospel John 2:1–11 約翰福音裏耶穌的首個 神蹟 約 2:1-11
Modern symbol for Christianity – the Cross 現今象徵符號 基督教—十字架
Tao Fong Shan – Sha Tin 沙田—道風山
11First century A.D. symbol for Christianity 基督教在公元一世紀的 象徵符號
Jesus 耶穌 Christ 基督 God 神 Son 兒子 Savior 救贖主
The 7 Signs in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏的7件神蹟 1. Turning water into wine (ch. 2) 變水為酒(2章) 2. Healing the nobleman’s son (ch. 4) 醫大臣之子(4章)
The 7 Signs in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏的7件神蹟 3. Healing the paralytic (ch. 5) 醫好癱瘓病人(5章) 4. Feeding the multitude (ch. 6) 給五千人吃飽(6章)
The 7 Signs in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏的7件神蹟 5. Walking on water (ch. 6) 在水上行走(6章) 6. Healing the blind man (ch. 9) 醫好瞎眼的(9章)
The 7 Signs in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏的7件神蹟 7. Raising Lazarus from death to life (ch. 11) 叫拉撒路從死裏復活(11章)
The Purpose of John’s Gospel約翰福音的目的 John 約 20:30–31
The Purpose of John’s Gospel約翰福音的目的 7 Key Terms in the Purpose 目的裏的7個關鍵詞 1. The name: Jesus 名字:耶穌 2. The title: Christ (Messiah) 頭銜:基督(彌賽亞)
The Purpose of John’s Gospel約翰福音的目的 7 Key Terms in the Purpose 目的裏的7個關鍵詞 3. The description: Son of God 描述:神的兒子 4. The method: believe 方法:信
The Purpose of John’s Gospel約翰福音的目的 7 Key Terms in the Purpose 目的裏的7個關鍵詞 5. The possession: have 擁有:得(生命) 6. The characteristic: life 特徵:生命
The Purpose of John’s Gospel約翰福音的目的 7 Key Terms in the Purpose 目的裏的7個關鍵詞 7. The relationship: in his name 關係:因他的名
The Meaning of the Signs各神蹟的意義 To reveal Jesus’ divine power 顯示耶穌神聖的力量 To make a connection with faith 將信心聯繫上
The Meaning of the Signs各神蹟的意義 To display Jesus’ glory 展現耶穌的榮耀 To reveal Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) 顯示耶穌作為基督(彌賽亞)
The First Sign of Jesus in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏耶穌的首個神蹟 John約2:1–11
John約2:1–2 The location of Cana: 迦拿的位置 15 km north of Nazareth, and 拿撒勒以北15km 25 km west of the Sea of Galilee 加利利海以西25km
Cana 迦拿 Sea of Galilee 加利利海 Jordan River 約旦河 Dead Sea 死海 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷
John 約 2:1–2 The location of Cana 迦拿的位置 The time: “the third day” 時間:第三天 The wedding feast 婚宴筵席
John 約 2:3–5 There was no more wine. 酒用盡了 Jesus addresses his mother. 耶穌著其母親
John 約 2:3–5 “My hour has not yet come.” “我的時候還沒有到” (John 約 7:30; 8:20; 12:23;13:1; 17:1) Mary commands the servants. 瑪麗亞吩咐用人
John 約 2:6–8 The total capacity was about 450 to 570 liters 總容量達到450—570升
John 約 2:9–10 The master of the feast was amazed. 筵席主人感到驚訝 Did Jesus make real wine? 耶穌真的變水為酒?
John 約 2:11 The first sign or miracle (of 7) 7件奇蹟中的第一件 The manifested glory 彰顯的榮耀 The belief of the disciples 門徒的信仰
The First Sign of Jesus in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏耶穌的首個神蹟 The conclusion: John 20:30–31 結論:約20:30–31 1. to “believe” 信
The First Sign of Jesus in John’s Gospel約翰福音裏耶穌的首個神蹟 2. Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God 耶穌是基督(彌賽亞),神的兒子 3. to have eternal life 有永恆的生命