1. Births and DeathsHardin County
2. Certified and Projected K-12 Enrollment*Hardin County
3. Family TypeHardin County
4. Fertility Rates*, Hardin County
5. Housing Units, Hardin County
6. Median Age, Hardin County
7. Percent Minority K-12 StudentsHardin County
8. Net Migration by DecadeHardin County
9. Per Capita EarningsHardin County
10. Percent of Persons 17 or Younger in PovertyHardin County
11. Percent of Persons 18 to 64 Years of Age in Poverty, Hardin County
12. Percent of Persons 65 or Older in PovertyHardin County
13. Percent of Population in PovertyHardin County
14. Projected PopulationHardin County
15. ResidenceHardin County