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Exploring the Scientific Method: A Step-by-Step Approach

Understand the scientific method through steps like Research, Experimentation, Data Collection, and Drawing Conclusions to answer questions logically and systematically.

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Exploring the Scientific Method: A Step-by-Step Approach

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  1. Lecture Notes 2 Biology A Eaton Rapids High School K.Coppins

  2. I. What is the Scientific Method? Organized approach for studying any topic of interest. • A. ___________________________________ ______________________________________ • B. ___________________________________ ______________________________________ Series of general steps followed by scientists as they work.

  3. II. Steps of the Scientific Method The Big Question • A. ____________________________ • 1. Find something interesting to you. • 2. Observe it. • 3. Figure out what is interesting you so much and decide that you want to learn more.

  4. II. Steps of the Scientific Method Research • B. ____________________________ • 1. What do you already know? • 2. What do other people already know? • 3. What can you add to this knowledge?

  5. II. Steps of the Scientific Method Perform experiment • C. ____________________________ • 1. Come up with a _________________. This is a statement of what you think is correct. You will try to find evidence to support this idea. A hypothesis may not require experiments, but instead further research into what is known. hypothesis

  6. II. Steps of the Scientific Method • C. Perform Experiments • 2. Parts of an experiment—an experiment should be reproducible. • a. _____________: What you need to perform the experiment. • b. _____________: Detailed step-by- step instructions, including all measurements, that allow anyone to understand and exactly copy you. Materials Procedure

  7. II. Steps of the Scientific Method • C. Perform Experiments • 2. Parts of an experiment—an experiment should be reproducible. • c. __________: A standard for comparison. How do you know if anything new happened without something to compare? • d. ______________________: What you are changing. All other aspects of the experiment should be constant. Control Independent Variable

  8. II. Steps of the Scientific Method Gather Data • D. ________________________ • 1. Data are facts, observations, and measurements. • 2. Anything that changes as a result of the independent variable is called a dependent variable. • E. ________________________ • 1. Does data support or refute hypothesis? • 2. Does this data suggest any trends? • 3. Does this answer The Big Question, or are more experiments required? Draw Conclusions

  9. III. Trying it out • A. ____________________ • B. ____________________ • C. ____________________ • 1. _____________________ • 2. _____________________ • 3. _____________________ • 4. _____________________ • 5. _____________________ The Big Question Research Perform experiment Hypothesis Materials Procedure Control Independent Variable

  10. III. Trying it out • D. ____________________ • 1. _________________________________ • 2. _______________________ • E. _____________________ • 1. _________________________________ ___________________________________ • 2. _________________________________ • 3. _________________________________ Gather Data Make measurements/observations Record data Draw Conclusions Does the data support or refute the hypothesis? Are there any obvious trends? Does it answer The Big Question?

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