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Developing Public Health Capacity across Wigan Borough

Developing Public Health Capacity across Wigan Borough. Making Health Everyone’s Business Andi Sizer, Health Improvement Service Co-ordinator Claire Roberts, Assistant Director, Health Improvement. Local Challenges.

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Developing Public Health Capacity across Wigan Borough

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  1. Developing Public Health Capacity across Wigan Borough Making Health Everyone’s Business Andi Sizer, Health Improvement Service Co-ordinator Claire Roberts, Assistant Director, Health Improvement

  2. Local Challenges Good partnerships but history of training that didn’t translate to increase in referrals Numerous topic based training programmes- competing demands/ unco-ordinated Staff confidence in raising issues Public health ‘not our business’ Additional & time consuming- not seen as integral to existing role

  3. Making Health Everyone’s Business: The Approach Staff Health & Wellbeing Developing staff skills & confidence Community Development For Health Maximising Health Gain Investment in health & wellbeing services Developing Public Health Leadership/ Culture change Commissioning levers

  4. Staff Health & Wellbeing RSPH training delivered to admin teams Cascade training within workplaces Workplace Health Champions Primary care

  5. Investment in services Helping people to access the right support Health Trainer service with capacity to work with over (3,500 capacity) Industrial scale weight management programme (11,000 capacity) Stop Smoking services Find & Treat ‘DIY Health Guides’

  6. Commissioning Levers Least developed area CQUIN Starting to use competency framework within service specifications

  7. Leadership & Culture Change RSPH training- voluntary sector leads, Youth Forum members, Teaching Assistants Workplace Health Champions Briefings/ training for elected members Foundation Trust members & governors (proposed) Primary Care Staff

  8. Community Development for Health ‘Connecting Communities to Health’ programme RSPH delivered in community settings- support for NHS Lifecheck Community Health Advocates

  9. Developing Staff Skills & Confidence Use of Yorks & Humber Competency Framework Essential Public Health programme Topic based training where appropriate

  10. Local Implementation Model for Skills Development City & Guild HT award Health Trainer Qualification- Health Trainers & Health Trainer Champions Level 3 Topic specific brief intervention Advance behaviour change Thematic training, e.g. smoking, alcohol, mental health. Advanced behaviour change techniques. Target frontline staff Level 2 Practical skills & tools to raise health issues. Delivered to all frontline staff who regularly work with patients/clients on a 1:1 basis Level 1 Essential Public Health (EPH) Develops knowledge & understanding of health improvement. Local health priorities covered. Covers aspects of self care/awareness of own health & well being. Delivered to support cultural change in organisations & as part of staff health & well being programmes. Developing health leadership Level 1 RSPH Level 2 award Self Care. Understanding impact of own behaviours/lifestyle on health & well being. Delivered to local community groups, local people. Supports community Health Advocates. Connecting Communities to Health Level 0

  11. EPH Quick Facts Developed by NHS Stockport Evidence based content and approach Reduces training time from 2 days to 2.5 hours (can be more flexible) Improved knowledge & confidence by at least 30% in Stockport Increased lifestyle service referrals Winner of 2009 North West Public Health Award Roll out of EPH in Wigan starting with ALW Community Healthcare Programme to be rolled out to acute trust and non-NHS organisations e.g. adult social care staff, Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust and Housing staff

  12. Training Objectives Increase frontline staff knowledge of local public health issues Increase individuals understanding of role Increase confidence in addressing lifestyle issues through conversations with clients- delivering ‘health chats’ Increase referrals into lifestyle support services

  13. Key Public Health & Lifestyle Issues Smoking Obesity (inc Breastfeeding) Alcohol & Substance Misuse Sexual Health Ageing (falls & fuel poverty) For both staff & patients

  14. Health Chats Practical Very Brief Intervention! Raise Issue Assess Patient Motivation Practical Not ‘Fact Packed’ Aim to Signpost Start Positive Change Evidence Based (NICE etc)

  15. Embedding EPH Locally: Case Study from ALW CH • Preparing the Ground • Presentation to Board in April 2010- senior level support for the programme • Kickstart event in May 2010- engaging staff from all Care Groups • Involvement of training & development leads • Identification of ‘Public Health Champions’ to cascade EPH training and support staff teams in each Care Group

  16. Embedding Essential Public Health ALW CH agreed to adopt EPH as part of mandatory training Communication strategy 15 staff trained as trainers for EPH Support and additional resources provided through the Health & Wellbeing Care Group Performance metrics agreed using existing monitoring systems where possible Implementation programme for roll out agreed

  17. Performance Framework Collection of metrics to assess: • No of staff/ individuals trained • Improvement in staff confidence to raise issues • Increased knowledge about local health issues and how to access to information/ services • Evidence of health chats being incorporated within interventions • Improved patient/ client experience • Increase in uptake of key health improvement services

  18. Future Developments Delivery of RSPH level 2 award to promote staff health & wellbeing Use of Yorks & Humber Competency Framework to inform staff learning & development plans Secondment of Public Health Analyst to improve data collection and analysis which will support workforce and service planning

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