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Ch. 5. Junctions. Prof. Yun-Heub Song. Study of Previous Chapters. Chapter 3~4 1. The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 2. The Fermi Function Applied to Semiconductors 3. Schematic Diagrams 4. Diffusion and Drift of Carriers
Ch. 5. Junctions Prof. Yun-Heub Song
Study of Previous Chapters Chapter 3~4 1. The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 2. The Fermi Function Applied to Semiconductors 3. Schematic Diagrams 4. Diffusion and Drift of Carriers 5. Semiconductor in an Electric Field
The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function f(E) T=0K 1 T1 T2>T1 1/2 T2 EF E Energy state Density : N(E) E
Diffusion and Drift of Carriers If carriers is in the electric fields, E(x) p (diff.) and p (drift.) n(x) Jp (diff.) and Jp (drift.) n (diff.) p(x) n(drift.) Jn (diff.) Jn (drift.)
n(x) EC N0 EF Ei Ev n i x x Built in electric field Semiconductor in an Electric Field Ex) If injecting donor in order that Nd= N0exp(-ax) relation is satisfied, E(x) ? → Electrons move through direction reducing energy in E-field Equilibrium State : Flow of current is ‘0(zero)’
Contents Ch. 5. Junctions 1. Fabrication of p-n Junctions 2. Equilibrium Conditions 3. Forward- and Reverse-Biased Junctions ; Steady State Conditions 4. Reverse-Bias Breakdown 5. Transient and A-C Conditions 6. Deviations from the Simple Theory 7. Metal-Semiconductor Junctions 8. Hetero-Junctions
1.1. Thermal Oxidation Many fabrication steps involve heating up the wafer in order to enhance a chemical process. The overall reactions that occur during oxidation Si + O2→ SiO2 (dry oxidation) Si + 2H2O → SiO2 + 2H2 (wet oxidation) • 44% of Si is consumed from the surface of the substrate. • One of the very important reasons why Si integrated circuits exist is that a stable thermal oxide can be grown on Si with excellent interface electrical properties. Fig. 1. Silicon wafers being loaded into a furnace
Dry and Wet Thermal Oxide Grown on Si Oxide thickness depends on process time and temperature. (Refered to appendix VI(534~535 page), textbook)
1.2. Diffusion Dopants such as B, P or As are introduced into wafers in a high temp. diffusion furnace. The diffusivity of dopants in solids, D = D0 exp-(EA/kT) D0 is a constant depending on the material and dopant EA is the activation energy • - Calculating methods : Gaussian and erfc • Gaussian : The source of dopant atoms at the surface of the sample is limited. • erfc : The dopant atoms are supplied continuously, such that the concentration at the surface is maintained at a constant value. Fig. 2. Impurity concentration profile
1.3. Rapid Thermal Processing • A key parameter in all thermal processing steps is Dt. • Because an excessive Dt product leads to loss of control over compact doping profiles, which is detrimental to ultra-small devices, we try to minimize this quantity. • In furnace processing, Dt is minimized by operating at as low a temp. as feasible so that D is small. • RTP operates at higher temperatures (~1,000℃) but does so for only a few seconds(compared to minutes or hours in a furnace). Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of a rapid thermal processor
1.4. Ion Implantation A beam of impurity ions is accelerated to kinetic energies ranging from several keV to several MeV and is directed onto the surface of the semiconductor. • Mainly Parameters • Rp : As the impurity atoms enter the crystal, they give up their energy to the lattice in collisions and finally come to rest at some average penetration depth, we called the projected range. • △Rp : It called the straggle, measures the half-width of the distribution at peak of Fig. 4(a). • Both parameters increase with increasing implantation energy. By performing several implantations at different energies, it is possible to synthesize a desired impurity distribution, such as the uniformly doped region in Fig. 4 (b). Fig. 4. Distributions of implanted impurities
1.4. Ion Implantation Gaussian Formula Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of an ion implantation system
1.5. Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD) Fig. 6. Low pressure chemical vapor deposition(LPCVD) reactor • - SiO2 films can also be formed by CVD. • Thermal oxidation consumes Si from the substrate, and very high temperatures are required. • CVD of SiO2 does not consume Si from the substrate and can be done at much lower temperatures.
1.6. Photolithography • Patterns corresponding to complex circuitry are formed on a wafer using photolithography. • A thin layer of electron beam sensitive material called electron beam resist is placed on the iron-oxide-covered quartz plate, and the resist is exposed by the electron beam. • A resist is a thin organic polymer layer that undergoes chemical changes if it is exposed to energetic particles. This is exposed selectively. • After exposure, the resist is developed in a chemical solution. • The developer is either used to remove the exposed or unexposed material. Fig. 7. Schematics of optical stepper
1.6. Photolithography • Diffraction-limited minimum geometry - NA is the numerical aperture. This expression implies that for finer patterns, we should work with lager lenses and shorter wavelengths. • Depth-of-focus - This tells the range of distances around the focal plane where the image quality is sharp.
1.6. Photolithography Fig. Simple Image System
1.7. Etching • After the photoresist pattern is formed, it can be used as a mask to etch the material underneath. • Isotropic • Etch as fast laterally as etching vertically. • Anisotropic : Etches vertically but not laterally along the surface. • As shown in Fig. 8., RIE, appropriate etch gases flow into the chamber at reduced pressure, and a plasma is struck by applying an rf voltage across a cathode and an anode. • The rf voltage accelerates the light electrons in the system to much higher kinetic energies than the heavier ions. Fig. 8. Reactive ion etcher • The high energy electrons collide with neutral atoms and molecules to create ions and molecular fragments called radicals.
1.8. Metallization Fig. 9. Aluminum sputtering by Ar+ ions • Ar ions bombard the Al and physically dislodge Al atoms by momentum transfer. • Many of the Al atoms ejected from the target deposit on the Si wafers held in close proximity to the target.
Flows of Fabrication For Simplicity, only four diodes per wafer are shown, and the relative thicknesses of the oxide, PR, and the Al layers are exaggerated Fig. 10. Simplified description of steps in the fab. of p-n junctions.
2. Equilibrium Conditions • < Preface > • The mathematics of p-n junctions is greatly simplified for the case of the step junction, which has uniform p doping on one side of a sharp junction and uniform n doping on the other side. • Diffused or implanted junctions are actually graded(Nd – Na varies over a significant distance on either side of the junction). In these discussions we shall assume one-dimensional current flow in samples of uniform cross-sectional area. • The difference in doping on each side of the junction causes a potential difference between the two types of material. • There are four components of electrons and holes. These combine to give zero net current for the equilibrium case.
2.1. The Contact Potential • Before they are joined ; • n material • A large concentration of electrons and few holes. • Fermi energy level is above Eilevel. • p material • A large concentration of holes and few electrons. • Fermi energy level is below Ei level. Fig. 11. (a) Before the junction
2.1. The Contact Potential • After they are joined ; • Many carriers diffuse to take place because of the large carrier concentration gradients at the junction. • Holes diffuse from the p side into the n side, and electrons diffuse from n to p. • The resulting diffusion current cannot build up indefinitely, because an opposing electric field is created at the junction. Equilibrium State : Fig. 11. (b) After the junction
2.1. The Contact Potential • Electrons diffusing from n to p leave behind uncompensated donor ions is the n material, and holes leaving the p region leave behind uncompensated acceptors. • It is easy to visualize the development of a region of positive space charge near the n side of the junction and negative charge near the p side.