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Fascism. Fascism and National Socialism. Italian Fascism and German Nazi Party . Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) are the most well known founders of fascism. Fascism is typically referred to as a “movement” and an ideology not a “theory”.
Fascism and National Socialism • Italian Fascism and German Nazi Party. • Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) are the most well known founders of fascism. • Fascism is typically referred to as a “movement” and an ideology not a “theory”. • Most notorious for elevating violence and racism to the level of a national creed: the Holocaust.
The “Theoretical” Base (140-147) • Irrationalism • Social Darwinism • Nationalism • Glorification of the state • The leadership principle • Racism • Anticommunism
1 Irrationalism (140). • Reason or science cannot solve social problems. • Humans are not rational beings. • How does the above differ from conservatism? • Use of “myth”: blood, soil. • Why is this attractive?
2 Social Darwinism (141) • Life is a struggle for survivalwithin and between each species. • The struggle purifies the race.
3 Nationalism (141-143) • Nation = identifiable cultural/ethnic group • Pride of place goes to your particular ethnic group. • The individual does not matter, the group is everything. • Nazism sought to create a pure, Volkish state • Italian Fascism, originally, only elevated the state and the leader, only later did it follow Hitler in implementing “the final solution.”
4 Glorification of the state (143-144) • State as carrier of the culture and spirit of the people, the driving force that welds the people together. • The state as tool of the people, but only in the movement form: organic, living organism.
Totalitarianism (143) • A government that controls or attempts to control the totality of human life and completely subordinates the individual to the state.
Organic State (143) • The society is more than the sum of the individuals who make it up. • For Hitler this meant a “racial” state. Only the members of the true Aryan race may participate.
5 The leadership principle (144-145). • Each subordinate owes absolute obedience to his or her immediate superior, all the way up to the Führer. • The Führer’s will is the peoples will, and vice versa. • The Führer could do no wrong (see movie: “the downfall”)
6 Racism (145-147) • A pseudo-scientific idea that views the human species as divisible into sub-groups or “races”. • Modern science shows that in fact there are more differences among so-called “races” than there are between them.
7 Anticommunism • Liberalism and Marxism were both based upon “reason”. Fascists opposed these ideologies largely on this ground. • However, during the rise of Nazism and Fascism, liberal democracies supported the fascists over the communists under the principle that: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The Economic System- “corporatism” • Capitalists, workers, and government set labor policy. • Government has ultimate power in this relationship. • Result: harmony between workers and employers.
Current Trends- “neo-fascism” • World Church of the Creator (Now “the creativity movement”). • Leader, Matthew Hale currently serving 40 year sentence for conspiring to kill a Chicago Judge.
“Islamo-fascism”? • Are the terrorists “Islamic fascists”? • Read President Bush’s Oct. 6, 2005 speech: www.whitehouse.gov • The president equates the terrorists with communism and totalitarianism, but not fascism. • He uses the language of “Islamic radicalism.”