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Good Governance Good Performance for the Public Sector. Cllr Paul Scriven, Sheffield, UK INTAN – KL 15 th Nov.2011. Cllr Paul Scriven & Scriven Consulting. Cllr Paul Scriven Cllr. 11 Years Former Leader Sheffield National Advisor To DPM On public services Most Effective local
Good Governance Good Performancefor the Public Sector Cllr Paul Scriven, Sheffield, UK INTAN – KL 15th Nov.2011
Cllr Paul Scriven & Scriven Consulting • Cllr Paul Scriven • Cllr. 11 Years • Former Leader Sheffield • National Advisor To DPM • On public services • Most Effective local • Politician in EU. • Winner Council of • Year 2010 Scriven Consulting • Advisor to city • Of Yiwu ,China • Board of KPMG • UK • Works with Tourism • Thailand • Works with LA’s in • Malaysia • Works with Councils and • Public bodies in UK.
What do we mean by Governance? Governance is a method through which power is exercised in the Management of a country’s Political, economic and social resource for Development. (World Bank 1992) Governance is the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a County’s social and economic resources for Development. (Asian Development Bank 1995) Governance is the process whereby societies or organisations make important decisions, determine whom they involve and how they render account. (Canada Institute of Governance 2002) Governance is the exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which the citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences. (UNDP 1997)
Governance goes Beyond Government! State – Creating Favourable and stable Political, economic and social environment. Civil Society - Mobilizes Peoples participation Market – Stimulates open Growth and opportunities for People.
Your Turn! In Your Table Group for the next 20 Mins List the what you think are the components of Good Governance Then by yourself rate your organisation Against them!
The 8 Characteristics • Accountability • Key Requirement of Good Governance • Applies to Government, Civic Society & Private Sector • Types –Political, legal, administrative & Social • Components –Answerability, sanctions, redress and system improvements. • Transparency • Free Flow of Information • Access of information to those affected by decision taken in governance process • Responsiveness • Citizen Orientated – Citizen Friendly • Timely Delivery of Service • Redress of Citizen grievance
The 8 Cont. Effective and Efficient Optimum use of resources Competency , Integrity and Performance of public servants Results and outcome orientated Rule of Law Fair Legal Framework Impartial enforcement machinery Independent Judiciary Participation Cornerstone of good governance Opportunities for citizens to participate in decision making, implementation and Monitoring of government decisions Freedom of expression and organisation, organized civil society
And finally.. Equality & Inclusion All groups, particularly the most vulnerable , have the opportunity to maintain or improve Their well being Equal opportunities for participation on the decision making process Consensus Orientated Mediation of different interests in society to reach a broad consensus on What is in the best interest of the whole community How can this be achieved
Your Turn Using the 8 Characteristics, in your Group Please rank where You think Malaysia is with the strongest 1 and Weakest 8. Then suggest ways to improve the bottom 3 Then do the same individually for your own Organisation
Scandal • Private Sector Board Room Pay and inside Dealing • Lead to the Cadbury Report (1980’s) • Public Sector Contacts not on time or budget • NHS Computer Scandal • School Building Programme • Hospital Building Programme • Politicians not acting with Honour • MP’s Expense scandals • Public Officials going beyond their powers • UK Boarder issues • Police not seen to be impartial • Race issues • Concern about widening inequalities
Who’s money is it anyway The main drivers for good governance in the U.K are : An International stable place to do business A Desire to deal with inequalities Excellence in Public Services A place where citizens can hold to account decision makers Participatory Democracy Keep the public onside with Tax levels NOW DEALING WITH CUT’s IN PUBLIC SPENDING
Some Policy Responses Non Executive Directors Non Executive Councillors Local Govt. Freedom of Information Legislation Audit Committees Meetings in Public Any contract over £500 on IT public system Codes of Conduct & Standards Boards Independent Police Complaint’s Commission Public Audit with Sanctions KPI’s with “name and Shame” Localism Open up the Market to New types of organisation Imprisonment for Politicians Committee on Standards in Public Life Independent Appointments Commission. Code for Public Governance The Good Governance standard for public services More in next session!
Malaysia Governance In your Table Groups Brainstorm and think about The Governance rules and structures at Federal Level State Level Local Govt. Level What do you think is missing?
Good Governance Standards for Public Services Until 2004 NO common code in the UK Put together by an Independent Commission Built on Private Sector Nolan Commission Generic for ALL levels of Govt, For both Politicians & Public Servants But ALSO for any organisation that uses Public Money Assess own Organisation against Core Principles Organisations should report to the public each year on Compliance with the standards
1.Organisations Purpose 1. Good governance means focusing on the organisation’s purpose and on outcomes for citizens and service users 1.1 Being clear about the organisation’s purpose and its intended outcomes for citizens and service users 1.2 Making sure that users receive a high quality service 1.3 Making sure that taxpayers receive value for money
2. Roles & Functions 2. Good governance means performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles 2.1 Being clear about the functions of the governing body 2.2 Being clear about the responsibilities of non-executives and the executive, and making sure that those responsibilities are carried out 2.3 Being clear about relationships between governors and the public
3. Values & Behaviour 3. Good governance means promoting values for the whole organisation and demonstrating the values of good governance through behaviour 3.1 Putting organisational values into practice 3.2 Individual governors behaving in ways that uphold and exemplify effective governance
4.Transparent 4. Good governance means taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk 4.1 Being rigorous and transparent about how decisions are taken 4.2 Having and using good quality information, advice and support 4.3 Making sure that an effective risk management system is in operation
5. Capacity & Capability 5. Good governance means developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be effective 5.1 Making sure that appointed and elected governors have the skills, knowledge and experience they need to perform well 5.2 Developing the capability of people with governance responsibilities and evaluating their performance, as individuals and as a group 5.3 Striking a balance, in the membership of the governing body, between continuity and renewal
6. Engage & Be Accountable 6. Good governance means engaging stakeholders and making accountability real 6.1 Understanding formal and informal accountability relationships 6.2 Taking an active and planned approach to dialogue with and accountability to the public 6.3 Taking an active and planned approach to responsibility to staff 6.4 Engaging effectively with institutional stakeholders
Your Turn! The Commission gave questions for the Public to Ask. Over the next 30 minutes apply these to a public body your table agrees on What needs to change for YOU as customers?
The Questions? 1. Good governance means focusing on the organisation’s purpose and on outcomes for citizens and service users u What is this organisation for? u Can I easily find a clear explanation of what this organisation is doing? u Can I easily f nd out about the quality of service provided to the public? u What is being done to improve services? u Can I easily find out about the organisation’s funding and how it spends its money? 2. Good governance means performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles u Who is in charge of the organisation? u How are they elected or appointed? u At the top of the organisation, who is responsible for what?
More Questions? 3. Good governance means promoting values for the whole organisation and demonstrating the values of good governance through behaviour u According to the organisation, what values guide its work? u Does it follow these values in practice? u What standards of behaviour should I expect? u Do the senior people in the organisation put these standards of behaviour into practice? u Do they put into practice the ‘Nolan’ principles for people in public life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership)?
And More.. 4. Good governance means taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk u Who is responsible for what kinds of decisions in the organisation? u Can I easily find out what decisions have been taken and the reasons for them? u Are the decisions based on up-to-date and complete information and good advice? u Does the organisation publish a clear annual statement on the effectiveness of its risk management system? u Does the organisation publish a clear annual account of how it makes sure that its policies are put into practice? Is the statement reassuring? How does it compare with my own experience?
Keep Asking! 6. Good governance means engaging stakeholders and making accountability real u Can I easily get information to answer all these questions? u Are there opportunities for me and other people to make our views known? u Does the organisation publish an annual report containing its accounts for the year? Are copies freely available? Is the content informative? u How do I find out what decisions were taken as a result of my and others’ opinions being asked for? u Are there opportunities to question the people in charge about their plans and decisions? u Can I easily find out how to complain and who to contact with suggestions for changes? 5. Good governance means developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be effective u How does the organisation encourage people to get involved in running it? u What support does it provide for people who do get involved? u How does the organisation make sure that all those running the organisation are doing a good job?