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DRUG FREE COMMUNITIES SUPPORT PROGRAM FY2011 Grant Application Workshop. Executive Office of the President of the United States White House Office of National Drug Control Policy & Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. What We Hope You Learn.

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  1. DRUG FREE COMMUNITIES SUPPORT PROGRAMFY2011 Grant Application Workshop Executive Office of the President of the United States White House Office of National Drug Control Policy & Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

  2. What We Hope You Learn • Requirements of the DFC Support Program • Responding to the FY11 Request for Applications • Application and Budget Requirements

  3. DFC At a Glance • FY2011 Appropriation: *as of 01/2011 the FY2011 Federal Budget is still pending before Congress • 92% of every dollar appropriated to DFC has gone directly to local community coalitions • FY2010 cohort had 741 grants in 49 States and 4 U.S. Territories/Protectorates with more than 8,800 community volunteers • ONDCP manages DFC in partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

  4. ($90M for FY08) ($2.7M) ($4.5M) ($82.8M) ($2M)

  5. Theory of the DFC Program • A small amount of Federal funding combined with a local match of resources and volunteer support can reduce youth drug use • By mobilizing community leaders to identify and respond to the drug problems unique to their community, DFC is designed to change the entire community environment • Focusing on environmental changeultimately contributes to reductions in substance use among youth, and over time, substance abuse among adults

  6. DFC is Community Focused DFC-funded coalitions: • develop and implement a plan that is community-focused; not focused only on individuals • focus on changing the entire community by identifying and implementing strategies that will affect community beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and practices around drug issues RFA pg. 6

  7. DFC’s Definition of a Coalition A formal arrangement for cooperation and collaboration between groups or sectors of a community, in which each group retains its identity, but all agree to work together toward a common goal of building a safe, healthy, and drug free community • DFC grants are intended to support community-based coalitions RFA pg. 6

  8. Goals of the DFC Program • To establish and strengthencollaboration among communities, nonprofit agencies, and Federal, State, local and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions to prevent and reduce substance use among youth • To reduce substance useamong youth and, over time, reduce substance abuse among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse RFA pg. 5

  9. FY2011 Award Information As of the release of this RFA the FY2011 Federal Budget is still pending before Congress, therefore projections for available funding and for the number of potential awards are based on a $95M appropriation (the 2010 level for the program) and are subject change based on passage of the final FY2011 Federal Budget. FY2011 Projections (based on $95M appropriation): • $9.35million is available for new DFC grants • Approximately 75new DFC grants will be awarded • Awards are for up to $125,000 per year for 5 years,known as a “funding cycle” RFA pgs. 10-11

  10. FY2011 Award Information To apply for a DFC grant, a coalition must fall into one of the following three categories: • Never received a DFC grant • Experienced a lapse in funding during a 5-year cycle • Completing Year 5 of the first DFC funding cycle in September, 2010 RFA pg. 10

  11. The Grant Cycle March/April HHS format/requirement screening January RFA public March Applications Due May/June Peer Review Process April Statutory Eligibility Screening Eligible? Ineligible? June/July Rank Ordered September-November POs familiarizing new Grantees with DFC/NCA registration Late August Funding Decisions Announced December Mandatory New Grantee Training

  12. Who are Peer Reviewers? • Primarily DFC grantees in Years 1-4 or 6-10 • Can be former DFC grantees • Trained by ONDCP and SAMHSA to review the requirements of the FY2011 RFA and the goals of the DFC program • Add a human element to the process • Do not make it hard for reviewers to find information • Lose the “fluff” • Want to read your “story” • Write application for one of your peers to read

  13. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Table 2: Statutory Eligibility Requirements RFA pages 12-22

  14. Proving the Applicant Eligible • LABEL attachments so that eligibility screeners can easily find them • In order, as requested • Bold the title • Number the Attachments (e.g., Attachment 1) • NUMBER the Attachment pages • even if you have to hand write the numbers • Table 2 addresses Statutory Eligibility Requirements and you must include evidence in Attachments 1-8, 16

  15. Proving Sector Involvement • RFA asks for 2 pieces of evidence related to sector involvement: • Sector Table • Use Table 22/Appendix D • Include as Attachment 1 in your application 2. Coalition Involvement Agreement (CIA) • Use sample CIA/Appendix E, pgs 66-67, Table 23 must be included • Include as Attachment 2in your application RFA Pgs. 12-13

  16. Requirement 1: 12 Sectors • Youth • a person 18 years of age or younger • Parent • Mother/father/guardian/grandparent • Business • An individual actively involved in and/or connected to the local business community; Chamber of Commerce/business owner • Media • A representative from a media outlet or other source where the community gets information • School • Principal/Superintendent/Board Member • Youth-Serving Organizations • Boys and Girls Club/4-H RFA pg. 12

  17. Requirement 1: 12 Sectors • Law Enforcement • Chief of Police/Sheriff • Religious/Fraternal Organizations • Pastor/Rabbi/Imam/Interfaith Leader • Civic/Volunteer Groups • Sertoma Club/Kiwanis Club Officer • NOT a coalition volunteer, but someone representing a community-based civic/volunteer organization • Healthcare Professionals • Doctor/Nurse/Dentist/Health Professional • State/Local/Tribal Government • SSA/State Prevention or Treatment Director • Other Substance Abuse Organizations • Prevention/treatment provider/recovery organization RFA pg. 12

  18. Sector Table Tips • List one name per sector • Give the name of the individual that is most capable of leveraging resources of that sector • No single person can represent more than 1 sector • Use the “Specific Contribution to the Coalition” column to provide context as to how the individual serves the coalition/community • Be specific for each person and sector • Give the page number in the last column of the 1st page of the matching Coalition Involvement Agreement for that individual. • Sector member name must match the individual signing the CIA for that sector. RFA pg. 64-65

  19. Coalition Involvement Agreement Tips • Provide only the 12 that match the names in the Sector Table (Attachment 1) • Cannot be more than 12 months old at the time of application • CIA’s are NOT legally binding documents but are a way for applicants to document sector member commitment. • If someone other than the person listed as the Sector Member needs to sign the CIA, the person in the Sector Table MUST be named on the CIA • Must include Table 23 at the top of each CIA • List the 1st page number of each CIA in the last column on the Sector Table RFA pgs. 66-67

  20. Requirement 2: Six Months Existence • Two sets of coalition minutes are required • betweenJANUARY 1 & SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 • betweenOCTOBER 1, 2010 & MARCH 18, 2011 • Must include a list of all attendees by sector • All sectors do NOT have to be present in each set of minutes • Include month,day, and year of the meeting • Must demonstrate a focus on youth substance use prevention • Must be the coalition’sminutes--not those of an outside agent applying on behalf of a coalition • Include as Attachment 3 in your application RFA pgs 13-14

  21. Coalition Minutes Tips • Check the month, date & year to ensure compliance with the required timeframes • Define attendees by name, sector represented, agency/organization represented • If the minutes do not reflect the name of the applicant organization, explain any variance in coalition name

  22. Requirement 3: Mission Statement • Coalition must have as its principal mission the reduction of substance abuse, with a primary focus on reducing youth substance use • Must be the coalition’s mission--not that of an outside agent applying on behalf of the coalition • Include your mission statement as Attachment 4in your application RFA pgs14-15

  23. Mission Statement Tips • Make it easy to locate within the application • Put on a sheet of paper by itself • Label it “Attachment 4: Coalition’s Mission Statement” • Check to ensure that it clearly indicates youth substance use prevention is the mission of the COALITION

  24. Requirement 4: Multiple Drugs • “…developed a strategic plan to reduce substance use among youth, which targets multiple drugs of abuse” • Multiple = more than 1 • Name each drug specifically • Evidence:Discuss as answer in Narrative Questions 2 and 10 RFA pg. 15

  25. Multiple Drugs Tips • Clearly indicate the drugs the coalition will focus on in Question #2 • Clearly indicate the drug being addressed within each specific objective/strategy/activity within the Action Plan in Question #10

  26. Requirement 5: National Cross-Site Evaluation/Reporting System • Coalitions must be able to measure & report outcomes in compliance with the National Cross-Site Evaluation of the DFC Program • Coalitions must collect the four core measures • Past 30-day use, Age of Onset, Perception of Risk/Harm and Perception of Parental Disapproval • On three substances • Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana • In at least three grades • 6th-12th • Every two years RFA pgs. 16

  27. Requirement 5: National Cross-Site Evaluation/Reporting System • Each applicant must provide: • Name of the survey instrument(s) used to collect four core measures • How often/when will the survey(s) be administered? • What, if any supplemental, survey(s) will be used • Evidence: Answers are provided as Attachment 16 (See Appendix J, RFA pg. 76) RFA pgs. 16

  28. Requirement 6: Legally Eligible Entity • Must be an entity legally eligible to receive Federal funding • Can be a coalition with 501(c)(3) status • Can be an outside agent acting on behalf of the coalition • Evidence: MOU or statement of legal eligibility • Include as Attachment 5 in your application • Use Sample MOU in Appendix F, RFA pgs. 68-67 RFA pg. 17

  29. Requirement 7: 1:1 Match • Must show a dollar-for-dollar match from non-Federal sources equaling amount of request from the Federal Government • Cash (e.g., shared salary/benefit expenses for paid staff) • In-kind/donated (e.g., office/meeting space, paper, copying services) • Applicants serving Native American/American Indian communities with representation that includes at least one Native American member may include Bureau of Indian Affairs or Indian Health Service Federal funds as match • Do not overpromise match • Must account for every matched dollar to the Government • Evidence:424, 424A, Budget Narrative (see Appendix A, pgs. 45-59, Sample Budget) RFA pg. 18-19

  30. Funding Year & Match Requirement Years 1-6 = 100% Years 7-8 = 125% Years 9-10 = 150% DFC Match Requirements RFA pg. 22-23

  31. Requirement 8: Funding Request Limit • No more than $125,000/year • Make sure budget calculations are correct and do not exceed $125,000 for your Federal request • Evidence:424, 424A, and Budget Narrative RFA pg. 20

  32. Requirement 9: Community Overlap Two coalitions may not serve the same community unless both have clearly demonstrated a plan for collaboration • Go to http://www.ondcp.gov/dfc to see if there is a DFC-funded coalition near you and reach out to that coalition to check for overlap • Zip codes serve as the method for identifying potential overlaps • In your application, state which zip codes you propose to serve and indicate any overlaps you have identified • Include in your application a signed letter explaining the overlap of zip codes, and how the coalitions plan to collaborate Evidence: Include Letter(s) of Mutual Cooperation as Attachment 6 and list zip codes served in Attachment 10 (Section E, pgs. 38-40: General Applicant Information chart) RFA pgs. 20-21

  33. Community Overlap Tips • More than one coalition may serve an overlapping footprint provided they document mutual support. • Sector representatives may not represent more than one coalition at a time. • If two first-time applicants are applying for an overlapping grant, each must show support from the other.

  34. Requirement 10: One Grant at a Time Grantee = Entity awarded a grant • No more than one “regular” DFC grant per grantee or coalition at one time • Evidence: Include as Attachment 7, the signed Applicant Assurance of One Grant at a Time (See Appendix G, RFA pg. 72) Coalition with 501(c)(3) status Outside Agent RFA pg. 21

  35. Requirement 11: End of Grant Policy • No coalition can receive DFC funding for more than 10 years • Outside agents cannot seek funding for more than one coalition at a time or the same coalition for more than 10 years • Evidence: Include as Attachment 8, the signed End of Grant Policy/Congressional 10-Year Funding Limit Policy (See Appendix H, pg. 73-74) RFA pg. 22

  36. Review and Selection Process • Must receive application on time (March 18, 2011) • Screened for formatting, page limitsand related HHS requirements • Screened for Statutory Eligibility Requirements • If eligible, progresses to a Peer Review process (3 reviewers per application) • Rank ordered (average of the 3 scores) • Funding decisions announced (August 2011)

  37. Other Helpful Tips • Paper submissions ensure reviewers see your information in the same order and format in which you created it. Therefore, ONDCP recommends you TYPE IT, PRINT IT, BOX IT and SHIP IT in accordance with the guidelines for submission of paper applications within the RFA. • All applicants will be advised of receipt within 30 days. • If you used GRANTS.GOV to submit your grant, SAVE your confirmations & if you don’t get one, CALL THE HELP LINE IMMEDIATELY! • SAMHSA will not accept paper back-up copies if GRANTS.GOV is used. RFA pgs. 23-27; 60-63

  38. Other Helpful Tips • Get your DUNS number as soon as possible (RFA pg. 24) • Write your grant to read like a story of life in your community • Watch your page count - don’t waste space – number all of your pages (body and attachments) • If you start the Project Narrative on page 5 of your application and go to page 35, you have submitted 31 pages! The limit is 30!

  39. Other Helpful Tips • Application must have a consistent focusfrom Question 1 through Question 13 and budget. • Applicant must focus on environmental strategies and population-level change (RFA pgs. 6-7) • Action Plan must have specific strategies/activities for specific drugs named and is not general or unrealistic (RFA pgs. 35-36)

  40. Why Applicants Fail to Get Funded? • Miss the application deadline (March 18, 2011) • Applicant does not properly demonstrate that they meet the Statutory Eligibility Requirements (pgs. 12-22) • Applicant fails to use data to describe the nature and extent of the problem in their community • Applicant fails to respond to the questions in the RFA in a clear and concise manner--”fluff”

  41. Post-Funding Requirements • If you successfully compete for DFC funding in the FY2011 cycle, there are several important requirements you must meet as a condition of your funding • The following slides outline those requirements

  42. Environmental Prevention Strategies DFC-funded coalitions are expected to plan and implement efforts that are considered “environmental strategies” as outlined in the applicant’s response to RFA Question 10, Table 4: 12-Month Action Plan. RFA pgs. 6-7

  43. Grant Requirement: Reports • Program Progress Reports • Two times per year • Coalition Classification Tool • Once a year • Financial Status Report • Once a year • Financial Disbursement Report • Four times per year • Details at: • http://ondcp.gov/dfc/reportduedates.html

  44. Grant Requirement: Grantee Meetings • New Grantee Meeting (3 days) • All Year 1 and Year 6 grantees are required to send a minimum of two people (including the Program Director) to the mandatory New Grantee Meeting in Washington, DC in December, 2011 • The Program Director is the person charged with daily oversight of the coalition • Full details of this and any additional training requirements will be outlined in your Notice of Award, should you receive FY11 funding RFA pg. 9

  45. Grant Requirement: Grantee Meetings • CADCA’s National Coalition Academy (15 days) • Only required for first-time grantees (Year 1) • Must send 2 coalition members • Residential setting • Food/room provided dependent upon location • Coalitions responsible for travel to/from site (airfare/rental car/personal car usage) • For more information, go to: http://www.cadca.org/trainingevents/training_coalitions/national-coalition-academy RFA pg. 10

  46. Preparing the Application

  47. Preparing the Application Your application will be peer reviewed according to the published review criteria in the RFA (RFA pgs. 30-32) Project Narrative can be no more than 30 pages No limit for budget and attachments Retype all 13 bolded questions exactly as they appear in the RFA (Section A, RFA pgs. 32-37) Responses to questions should build upon each other

  48. Preparing the Application Font must be Times New Roman, 12 pt font Charts/tables can be 10 pt font (unless electronically submitted) Black and White (no color) 1” margins on all pages Single-spaced One column One sided All pages must be numbered consecutively from beginning to the end Hand number if necessary

  49. Project Narrative Evaluation Criteria (RFA pgs. 30-32) • Applicants need to review the points assigned to each of the 13 questions within the RFA • Peer Reviewers will use 5-, 10- and 15-point scales to score the questions • Review the RFA for language on these scoring mechanisms

  50. Responding to the Request for ApplicationsProject Narrative Section A, pgs. 32-37

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