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Student Digital Leaders. Glyn Barritt , SSAT. Who are.. Student Digital Leaders?. Students with a passion to help their school shape vision and strategy around the use of technology >> exciting and expanding network, sharing practice
Student Digital Leaders Glyn Barritt, SSAT
Who are.. Student Digital Leaders? • Students with a passion to help their school shape vision and strategy around the use of technology >> exciting and expanding network, sharing practice • Digital leadership roles ensure that the most appropriate and engaging technologies are embedded into classroom practice … everyone benefits
Just a tiny bit of history! • Influenced by US GEN YES programme • Driven by core group of schools in UK, supported by Toshiba • Promoted at SSAT National Conference and Learning Without Frontiers Conference • Extended outwards with help of social media • #dlchat on Twitter, every Thursday evening at 9pm • See www.digitalleadernetwork.co.uk
Why SDLs make sense? • Students make up about 92% of those in attendance at any school • Most technology plans focus on roles of other 8% • teachers, administrators, technical support staff • Unbalanced? Yes! When ... • Students are increasingly savvy about the role technology plays in modern life!
So, what are the benefits? For the school … • Ensures that the most effective technology is embedded in all areas of school life. • Maximises the impact of the ICT budget … “ We used 10 student digital leaders in my school. I think they had the same impact as employing 4 extra ICT coordinators which would have cost the school around £200,000! School leader from pilot school ”
So, what are the benefits? ” Nick … I feel trusted as a personand I’m developing new skills “ For the students … • Develops leadership and specialist skills …and other 21st Century skills for future career/work • Flexibility in the jobs market .. able to do any job that a young person from overseas can do. • Important!Helps students bring ‘fun’ into learning! “ Tim … My role gives me responsibility and the ability for me to make a difference Vicky ..I am able to have my say about what happens with ICT in school ”
So, what are the benefits? For the nation - #EFF6 at EWF • Co-construct curriculums to engage all students in learning they enjoy and which prepares them for life • Work alongside teachers to lessen effects of new demands on their workloads • Help narrow the gap between policy makers and those designing and delivering the curriculum • Redesigning Schooling– www.redesigningschooling.org.ukreturning the future of education to the profession • Class of 2040 – designing strategies to deal with the unexpected!
Getting started … PLANNING • What issues in school might SDLs help to address or overcome? • Is this a whole school initiative or one that will be piloted by certain department(s)? • In which areas would we want our students to adoptdigital leadership roles?
PLANNING continued • How will students apply for the roles? • What qualities should SDL demonstrate? • How will the students benefit from their role? • What year groups might you approach first? • How long would a student serve as an SDL? • How would you ensure continuity? • Older students mentoring younger students? • Who in school will oversee SDL activity and champion initiative widely?
“ We started with 10 student digital leaders from years 9 and 10. We didn’t want it to interfere with the exams in year 11 but did want a level of maturity and skill level so year 9 and 10 seemed like the perfect fit. Spreading it across two year groups in the first instance helps with continuity ” “ ”
Still going with PLANNING! • How will you engage students? • Specific targetting of G&T or underachievers perhaps? • Open invitations to apply? • Will you allow students to suggest roles? • Interviews? (Competition can add gravitas to roles) • Incentives for students • How will you advertise the campaign?
SDL roles … • No hard and fast rules – every school operates SDLs with a different model • Multipurpose roles? Or specific purpose? • Important that SLT, teachers and technicians buy-in to the initiative • Embrace technical expertise students offer • Have realistic expectations too!
Leaders of technology • Give students a sense of unity and mission • Activities that focus on leadership aspects of roles • What do I need to know? • What skills do I need to be effective? • What qualities do I need to demonstrate and develop? • Allow the SDLs to think of the types of learning technology support • Will this require training?
Initial training • Listening and speaking • Asking for help • Communication skills • Sharing and showcasing • Using and applying • Reviewing • How to feedback
Bootcamp anyone? • Initiative will flounder if SDLs not skilled at outset • Lunch time or after-school club? • Half or whole day bootcamp? • Broad framework agenda structured by group of teachersbut deliverable by any teacher with interest in educational technology
SDL First Steps .. • Encourage SDLs to agree at least three collective targets for the newly formed group • Short, medium and long term targets • As much detail as possible >> action plans • SDLs should draw up a communications strategy, decide meeting times • Designate someone to take notes and to post these where school members can read them
Mozilla Open Badges • Badges will recognise achievement for those roles • Badgeathon Day with students and teachersand ongoing consultation • Design process with DigitalMe and Mozilla • National launch:April 2013 • International launch:September 2013!
SSAT’S SLA Student Leadership Accreditation • Encouraging students to lead through inquiry, inspiration, innovation and impact • No definitive description of leadership – students can define this • Longer term roles or single event • Self and peer assessment • Portfolio of evidence, supporting statements and milestone achievements on competency matrix
SSAT Student Leadership • Developing (Bronze), Extending (Silver), Transforming (Gold) across 10 strands • FREE for member schools
Aims of the SDL Network • Link exemplary practice from passionate teachers who have achieved so much • Help amplify key messages via Twitter, FB and other social media • Share SDL achievement via the Makewaves platform • In partnership with DigitalMe, extend Mozilla Open Badges accreditation scheme for SDLs • Take SDL global!
Glyn Barritt glyn.barritt@ssatuk.co.uk www.ssatuk.co.uk @sdigileaders@ictregister@schoolredesign