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Social Work Interns’ Training: Suicide Evaluations. By Riley Bassford Spring 2011. Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death in adolescents aged 15-24 in the United states Risk for a repetition of a suicide attempt is highest 3-6 months after first attempt
Social Work Interns’ Training:Suicide Evaluations By Riley Bassford Spring 2011
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in adolescents aged 15-24 in the United states Risk for a repetition of a suicide attempt is highest 3-6 months after first attempt Suicide rates for males aged 15-19 in the United States are four times higher than the rate for their female peers 1 in 4 suffer from depression or mood disorder, most go undiagnosed and suffer psychological pain Most parasuicide occurs because there are firearms in the home or while incarcerated Facts about Adolescent Suicide
Psychiatric disorder Depression Family history of suicide Low family/peer support Isolation Self-hating thoughts Talking about suicide Age range 15-24 or 75-85 Unemployment Feelings of hopelessness Criminal behaviors Substance use History of abuse Physical illness Male Same sex orientation Low SES Risk Factors
Protective Factors • Supportive family • Connectedness to school or other organizations • Good social and coping skills • Self confidence • Willingness to seek help • Access to health services • Community support • Conflict resolution and skill building • Family cohesion and marital status • Parenting skills • School environment
Vital Questions to Ask • Have your problems been getting you down so much that you have been thinking about hurting yourself? • How would you hurt yourself? • Do you have the means available? • Have you ever tried to hurt yourself? If so how did you do it? • Has something happened to where you think life is not worth living?
Suicide Lethality Scale Going-down Coming-Up _X___________________________X______ Bottom
Questions Continued • What has been helping you stay alive so far • Why do you feel this is the time to hurt yourself? Why now? • Have you used alcohol or drugs? • Why do you want to live? • How frequently do you have these thoughts? • How long do these feelings last? • Is there anyone or anything that could stop you from hurting yourself? Who do you trust?
Sample Suicide Contract • SAMPLE NO SUICIDE CONTRACT • I,____________________, agree not to kill myself, attempt to kill myself, or cause any harm to myself during the period from__________ to__________, the time of my next appointment. • I agree to get enough sleep and eat well. • I agree to get rid of things I could use to kill myself-my guns and pills. • I agree that if I have a bad time and feel that I might hurt myself, I will call _____________, my counselor, immediately, at #____________________ or the Crisis Center at______________________. • I agree that these conditions are part of my counseling contract with ________________________. • SIGNED:________________________________ • WITNESSED:_____________________________ • DATE:_______________________________
Verification of Emergency Response Conference • I, or we, __________________________________, the parents of ________________, were involved in a conference with school personnel on _____________. We have been notified that our child is suicidal. We have been further advised that we should seek some psychological/psychiatric consultation immediately from the community. We have been provided with a list of community services. The school district has clarified its role and will provide follow-up assistance to our child to support the treatment services from the community. • _______________________________ ______________________________ • Parent/Legal Guardian Parent/Legal Guardian • _______________________________ ______________________________ • School Staff member & Title School Staff Member & Title • (Poland: “Suicide Intervention in the Schools”)
List of Resources • 1. Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center: (877) 7-CRISIS or (877) 727-4747- Toll free in Los Angeles or Orange County • 2. USA National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800- 784-2433 • 3. Youth Crisis Hotline, 24 hours a day 1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663) • 4. The Trevor Project. www.thetrevorproject.org or 1-866-488-7386 5. 2-1-1 “http://www.211oc.org” Get Connected. Get Answers • 6. Local Toll free Number for Emergency Psychiatric Evaluation in Orange County – 24 hour a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year: 866-830-6011 or 714-834-6900 • 7. Orange County Government Website http://egov.ocgov.com/ocgov/Health/Mental%20Health/Suicide%20Prevention • 8. www.suicide.org