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EAPN Strategic Plan 2012-2015. Executive Committee Meeting 29-30 April 2010. Members Inputs:. Encouraging level of Response ( 14 Networks and 4 European Organisations) Documents adjusted based on input from members: Criteria for proposed Changes Draft Strategic Plan
EAPN Strategic Plan 2012-2015 Executive Committee Meeting 29-30 April 2010
Members Inputs: • Encouraging level of Response ( 14 Networks and 4 European Organisations) • Documents adjusted based on input from members: • Criteria for proposed Changes • Draft Strategic Plan • Draft Structures and Working Methods
Reminder of Process to Date • Independent Evaluations 2006-2008 and 2009-2010 • Reports available – Criteria document summarises the key challenges coming from this evaluation work. • Decision that changes are needed but it is best not to make major changes before the 2010 Year • Reflection Group on Participation of People Experiencing Poverty • Draft Strategy for participation developed • Discussion at General Assembly 2010 • Follow Up of 2010 GA: Process with Exco and discussions with Working Groups to ensure that they got involved in the inputs from the Members
Objective for the Strategic Plan discussion at this Exco Meeting • We would have: • A first agreed draft of the EAPN Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015 • Agreement of a General Structure for EAPN to work on in the future • We need agreement and a clear decision at the end of each step proposed before moving to the next step.
Steps for Exco Meeting 29-30 April • Step 1: In General terms where does EAPN want to position itself for the coming three Years? • Step 2: Reactions to proposals re Mission, Vision and Values • Step 3: Establishing the right Goals and Objectives for the next 3 year period • Step 4: Discussion re proposed structural changes and how well do they meet the Goals and Objectives identified. • Step 5: Agreement on next Steps
Step 1: EAPN positioning - next 3 Years • How does EAPN want to position itself for the next 3 Years? • Reliable partner for the EU Inclusion policies • A space for exchange of interesting practices in the fight against poverty • A critical voice defending the interest of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion within the European Union • Exco Discussion • Are these a good description of where EAPN sees its role in the coming three Years? • How would you order these roles?
Step 2: Mission, Vision and Values • Discussion on the proposals re Mission, Vision and Values (see updated document) • Agreement how to finalise this part of the Strategy
Step 3: Goals and Objectives - next 3 years • Discussion Groups (see updated document): • Do the goals and objectives developed capture the key challenges for the coming period reflected in the criteria document? • Do the goals and objectives reflect the decision on how we want to position ourselves in the coming three years? • Proposals for changes • Particular need for discussion around goal on participation in light of varied feed back • Feed back from the Discussion Groups • Preliminary Agreement re goals and objectives for the next strategic plan
Step 4: Structural changes liked to Goals and Objectives identified. • Discussion Groups (Revised Structures Document): • How well do the proposed structural changes relate to the Goals and Objectives identified? • In light of the Goals and Objectives identified are there other changes that could be identified? • Do the proposed changes meet the overall need of EAPN for this period. Do they respond to the criteria document? • Feed back and preliminary agreement re proposed changes
Step 5: Agreement on next Steps • Summaries progress made during this Executive meeting • Agree next steps