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Strategic Plan 2012. Attendance 96% . Quality First Teaching 90% Good +. Progress of Vunerable Group Progress of White British in reading,writing and maths reaches age related levels plus. Science
Strategic Plan 2012 Attendance 96% Quality First Teaching 90% Good + Progress of Vunerable Group Progress of White Britishin reading,writing and maths reaches age related levels plus Science SC1 standards closer to age related in all year groups Premises 90% premises satisfaction rating in staff surveys Mathematics All groups in every year group achieve a value added of 101 + Behaviour 90% confidence rating regarding impact of policy in staff surveys
What could success look like ? Attendance AAaTTa Quality First Teaching • Whole school percentage attendance is 96% - The attendance of persistently absent pupils improves on the previous year • Punctuality of targetted pupils improves • Progress in 90 % + of Literacy & Numeracy lessons is judged to be good or better by the end of every term Mathematics - Achievement of all groups improves to reach value added of 101 plus Science Progress of VunerableGroups White British Focus - Teacher assessments for SC1 Investigational skills is at or similar to National averages for most pupils in all year groups - Good evidence of SC1 from all year groups - The amount of progress made by identified vunerable groups including White British Pupils matches age expected levels or above Behaviour Premises - Pupils identified as persistently disruptive show significantly improved behaviour over time - Improvements agreed as priorities are achieved -Staff satisfaction ratings regarding cleaning reach a 90% rating overall
Where do I fit in ? The premises officer and cleaning team maintain a good standard of cleanliness Teaching staff facilitate effective cleaning by removing clutter and avoiding unreasonable mess Teaching staff will ask the Premises Officer to enter job requests into the jobs book for prioritisation Premises All staff will support the maintenance of the premises by encouraging pupils to take responsibility for tidiness including anti-littering The Premises Officer will conduct spot checks in order to monitor cleaning quality Governors will operate the Health & Safety Committee in order to monitor premises suitability
Where do I fit in ? Teachers plan lessons which demonstrate good progress for all groups Support staff secure good progress for individuals Senior staff provide feedback & support for individual teachers in order to strengthen teaching and learning Governors have an overview of strengths and areas for improvement Quality Of Teaching Cover supervisors teach lessons which maintain good progress for all groups Teachers routinely provide learning experiences which provide a good pace for active engagement in learning All staff teaching & supporting pupils in lessons provide good feedback for pupils which leads to improvements
Where do I fit in ? All staff involved in supporting learning in science reinforce the learning and application of science vocabulary Teachers plan science lessons which effectively link subject content with SC1 investigational skills Science Teachers routinely provide learning experiences which provide a good pace for practical learning in science which secures good progress Governors and senior leaders have a clear view of progress and standards and challenge any under-achievement The science subject lead provides good support for colleagues , and is able to evidence good coverage of key content & skills
Where do I fit in ? The Headteacher monitors the pattern of detentions and informs parents All staff consistently apply agreed positive behaviour strategies and sanctions Senior leaders carry out additional detention duties Senior leaders support staff in dealing with any pupils with persistent behavioural issues Behaviour Dinner supervisors apply agreed and consistent behaviour strategies and communicate any incidents to staff The SENCO supports staff to identify any external agencies who may be able to offer support Staff including dinner supervisors have access to any behaviour advice and training as available
Where do I fit in ? Governors agree aspirational whole school attendance target 96% The attendance lead and Headteacher monitor attendance regularly and challenge parents who need to improve Every member of staff commits to the target and provides positive reinforcement for pupils Attendance Teaching and support staff support any pupils who have missed learning in order to secure progress The whole school class Attendance Race is maintained and reinforced by all staff The Heateacher supported by EAL staff when required enforce the policy and challenge any holiday requests
Where do I fit in ? Teachers plan well differentiated and challenging learning, which secures good progress in line with National expectations Cover Supervisors and Support staff contribute to securing good progress with direction from teaching staff Teachers are aware of individual progress data and know who vunerableindividuals and groups are Progress of VunerableGroup Focus: White British Pupils Senior leaders support teaching staff to identify and put into place appropriate intervention and enrichment strategies which aim to accelerate progress The assessment lead supports all staff to interpret key data Governors and senior leaders review the progress made by vunerable groups each term and decide next steps provision
Where do I fit in ? All teachers routinely plan well differentiated learning in maths for all groups which promotes good progress The subject lead provides good advice/support and CPD for staff in terms of strategies and subject knowledge Support staff with direction from teachers secure good progress for individuals and groups The nominated maths governor supported by the maths lead has a clear view of standards and how progress is being improved Mathematics All staff make good links between mathematics and other subjects in order to strengthen the application of skills The subject lead monitors teaching and learning and provides tailored support for individual staff Parents are supported by staff to find out more about how they can support their children to develop confidence with mathematics