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In this post, FRP Tank Manufacturers Sharing Guidelines for Long Term Diesel Storage. #FRPTankManufacturers<br>
FRP Tank Manufacturers Sharing Guidelines for Long Term Diesel Storage Fuel prices hardly get down and fuel-using entities and fleet companies need to rethink their strategies on saving their budget by managing the use of their fuel. FRP tank manufacturers are sharing guidelines with you in this post to store diesel for long term. Fuel strategies used by experts to centre around using fuel up in days or weeks at most now buying greater amount of fuel when it is cheap. This creates requirement for long term fuel storage. Such strategies rotate around resolving the instability of the chemical, preventing entrance of microbes and ensuring compliance with regulations. Is there any specific time period to store diesel? If you ask this question to more people, you will get more different answers. And that’s so because the storage life of any diesel or fuel gets over the years. The tip is keeping the fuel cool and moisture free. Under ideal conditions, you can store diesel fuel between six and twelve months. To extend the life more than 12 months, fuel needs to be treated with stabilizers and biocides. In case you fail to keep the fuel under cool environment, specifically below 70 degrees F, twelve months is the reasonable longest life estimate for storage. Remember that this is for diesel fuel only. You cannot rules for storing inside storage tanks. If you properly maintain storage tanks by preventing water from coming inside and contaminating fuel, the life of fuel can be expanded. It is very necessary to keep up the structural integrity of storage tanks, especially those are installed above ground and may have top openings. Such tanks can attract rain water that can contaminate the fuel if they deteriorate over time.
There are different criteria depending on if you have stored fuel above or under the ground. Underground fuel storage tank is below the ground. Distinct states have distinct regulations. A facility has to have in place in order to prevent leaks and spills while determining corrosion issues that may arise over the period. Biocides and diesel fuel stability treatments will solve most issues related to fuel storage. Using biocide will help in killing active bacteria that grows in the diesel fuel in storage tanks. If you need more suggestions about using biocides and other products to keep the bacteria and moisture away from the diesel fuel stored inside the storage tank, just contact FRP tank manufacturers. They will give you the best advice for the same. This Article is originally posted on: http://www.olaladirectory.com.au/frp-tank-manufacturers-sharing-guidelines-for-long- term-diesel-storage/