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Hillside Elementary UBI

Intervention. Leveled Discipline System identifying behaviors and consequences. System included training staff and students as to which behaviors constituted Level II and Level III consequences. Level II consequences are determined and followed through by classroom teacher, while Level III are autom

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Hillside Elementary UBI

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    1. Hillside Elementary UBI/PBS Team 2006-2007 Yvonne Pearson- Principal Jolynn Koehler, Kara Gardner-Building Coordinators Allison Blood Kathie Pincock Conce Richmond Karen Oborn

    2. Intervention Leveled Discipline System identifying behaviors and consequences. System included training staff and students as to which behaviors constituted Level II and Level III consequences. Level II consequences are determined and followed through by classroom teacher, while Level III are automatic office referrals.

    3. Level II Behavior Slip Granite School District Hillside Elementary Level II Behavior Report Student____________________ Date______________ Time_____________ Issuing teacher____________________ Homeroom teacher_______________ ?Parent called_________________________________________________________ Level II behavior exhibited by student: ?repeated disruption of classroom ?repeated use of “put-down” words ?student talking in disrespectful tone to adult ?repeated use of non-directed profanity ?repeated work incompletion ?repeated running in hallways ?repeated littering ?repeated unsafe play ?repeated gum chewing ?deliberately poking or pinching ?repeated inappropriate dress (higher- intensity physical contact) ?repeated invasion of someone ?repeated possession of inappropriate else’s personal space or physical contact personal property ____________________________________________________________________ Consequence ?Name in behavior log ?Loss of privileges/recess ?Seat away in classroom-“Stop and Think” ?After school detention ?Think time in another classroom-“Stop and Go” ?Other Parent signature__________________________ Copy distribution: White-parent Yellow-homeroom teacher

    4. Level III Behavior Slip Granite School District Hillside Elementary Principal Level III Behavior Report Student____________________ Date_________ Time________ Issuing teacher____________ Homeroom teacher____________ ___________________________________________________ Infraction: Consequences: ?Repeated non-compliance ?Student conference with teacher/principal ?Verbal abuse/directed profanity ?Think time in another classroom ?Disrespectful behavior ?Phone contact by student to home ?Bullying/harassment/intimidation ?Phone contact by teacher/principal to home ?Fighting/Physical aggression/assault ?Loss of privileges/recess ?Stealing ?Supervised lunch recess ?Vandalism ?Parent conference ?Unauthorized absence from class/school ?After school detention ?In school suspension ?Out of school suspension ?Other Comment(s):____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________ Copy distribution: White-parent Yellow-principal Pink-homeroom teacher

    5. Rationale Data from the last two years shows that the old system using one white slip was vague and improperly implemented. A majority of the white slip infractions were referred to the office.

    6. Data Review During the Creation And Implementation of a Leveled Discipline System

    7. Previous Years Behavior Slip Data

    8. NEW LEVELED SYSTEM Data can now be separated into Level II and Level III behaviors. The new data is much more specific. We can now separate individual behaviors within each level and address specific problems with more appropriate interventions.



    14. What We Have Learned Although there was a consensus that the system needed to be changed, it was difficult to get staff to agree on what behaviors were severe enough to constitute an automatic office visit. Therefore, there were many unanticipated difficulties in implementation of the leveled discipline system.

    15. Difficulties Disagreement about which behaviors were level II or level III Difficult transition for staff from old slips to new slips Confusion about procedures to be followed in the new system Set up and printing of new slips

    16. Future Steps Train new staff yearly (approximately 25% new staff next year alone) New Principal support of system Getting data into discipline tracker and using data more effectively Continued refinement and staff buy in

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