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A Story of Units

A Story of Units. Core Advancement Professional Development. Introductions . Presenters: Candice Hartley Laura Hill Jamie Carruth Emily Hand . A Story of Units vs. Engage NY. What is A Story of Units? The name of the PK-5 Math Curriculum What is EngageNY ?

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A Story of Units

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Story of Units Core Advancement Professional Development

  2. Introductions • Presenters: • Candice Hartley • Laura Hill • Jamie Carruth • Emily Hand

  3. A Story of Units vs. Engage NY • What is A Story of Units? • The name of the PK-5 Math Curriculum • What is EngageNY? • New York State’s Department of Education’s Website • Equivalent to www.louisianabelives.com • What is Common Core, Inc.? • A team of mathematicians & educators who wrote the PK-12 curriculum with the guidance of the CCSS writers.

  4. Session Objectives • Present an overview of how to implement A Story of Units: • Identify the Standards and their accompanying Progressions, as well as the Instructional Shifts as the foundation of A Story of Units. • Recognize the coherence within and across all grades K-5. • Describe how A Story of Units it builds on prior knowledge and supports future learning. • Develop a plan for immediate implementation, on-going support and continuous feedback.

  5. Agenda What is A Story of Units Lesson Structure The CCSS Approach to Mathematical Models Curriculum Overview Implementation

  6. What is A Story of Units? • A PK-5 math curriculum developed in close consultation with the writers of the CCSS. (p.3) • Not only built entirely around the CCSS, but the progression documents as well. • Based on the principle that mathematics is most effectively taught as a logical engaging story with the main character being “the unit”. • Skills consistently build on prior knowledge and support future learning rather than being taught in isolation. (p.4)

  7. Pages 4-9 In the How To Document

  8. Math Practices

  9. Assessments • Formative Assessments • Problem Sets • Exit Tickets • Homework • Formative or Summative • Mid-Module Assessment Tasks • Summative • End of Module Assessment Tasks

  10. PARCC Type I, II & III Tasks • Type I • Computational problems, fluency exercises, & applications including one-step and multi-step word problems. • Type II • Requires students to demonstrate reasoning skills, justify their arguments, and critique the reasoning of others. • Type III • Students model real-world situations using mathematics as they demonstrate more advanced problem solving skills.

  11. Pages 14-15 In the How To Document Scaffolding • All students must have the opportunity to learn and meet the high standards if they are to access the knowledge and skills needed to be college and career ready. • Accommodations cannot be just an extra set of resources for a particular set of students. • Must be folded into the curriculum in such a way that it becomes part of its DNA. • Research provided by Universal Design for Learning

  12. Pages 14-15 In the How To Document Scaffolding Continued • The scaffolds/accommodations integrated into A Story of Units do not alter the instructional level, content or performance criteria. • Provides students with choices with how they access content and demonstrate their knowledge and ability. • Basically, faithful adherence to the modules IS the primary scaffolding tool!!

  13. What are the built in accommodations? Pages 16-19 In the How To Document • Provide Multiple Means of Representation • Connect language with pictorial representation (ELL) • Allow creativity in expression & modeling solutions (Above Level) • Provide Multiple Means of Action & Expression • Accomplish within a time frame as opposed to a task frame (LD) • Get students up and moving “Show me an obtuse angle” (Below Level) • Provide Multiple Means of Engagement • Peer tutoring to provide opportunities for critiquing the reasoning of others & justifying solutions (Below Level) • Provide a variety of ways to respond (ie. Choral, oral, personal white board, fingers, pictorial models (ELL)

  14. Lesson Structure Pages 21-26 In the How To Document

  15. Grade 4 Module 1 • Module Overview • Lesson 1 & 2 • Instructional Strategy Breakout Session

  16. Curriculum Overview “Year at a Glance”

  17. Philosophy and Workflow of A Story of Units

  18. PK-12 Coherence

  19. A Story of Units

  20. A Story of Ratios

  21. A Story of Functions

  22. Materials List • Talk to your table and take inventory. • What do you have? • What do you need? • What materials can you move from one grade-level to another? • What materials can you modify, create or substitute? • What materials do you need to purchase?

  23. Next Steps • Round Table Discussions: • What questions were answered for you? • What does your redelivery plan look like?

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