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Internet searching. Some tips to make you better, quicker, & more accurate on the web. Leonie Dyason Teacher-Librarian & eLearning Co-ord. http://ecafemsc.globalteacher.org.au/. Use a favourite search engine to look up your topic. Use a good KEYWORD to find your answers. www.clusty.com
Internet searching Some tips to make you better, quicker, & more accurate on the web. Leonie Dyason Teacher-Librarian & eLearning Co-ord. http://ecafemsc.globalteacher.org.au/
Use a favourite search engine to look up your topic.Use a good KEYWORD to find your answers www.clusty.com www.ask.com www.google.com.au http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/ergo/
When using a two word search. When doing a two word search use a “+” or “-” in front of a word to add or exclude the word in your search, eg. indonesia +bird will look for both indonesia –bird will look for everything except bird
2. Using “s” on the ends of words needs careful thought. When looking for an item NEVER add the “s” to make it plural unless you only want that term. Use a “*” at the end of the word to get BOTH the singular and plural words. Some search engines will look for both every time, but check it out first. festival* will look for festivalandfestivals.
3. If looking for a phrase place the phrase in “double quotes” Use this when looking for • a name, eg “robert pattinson” • a poem’s title “who’ll come a waltzing” • some “copied” work from your draft notes to help with a bibliography entry you forgot to collect!
The computer usually looks for exactly what you enter. Sooooo use lower case, and you will get both CAPITALS and lower case words [correct spelling is also important!] eg. Type into search engine eg GOOGLE robert pattinson ~ and check the results Results 1 - 10 of about 19,300,000 for robert pattinson. (0.15 seconds) Robert Pattinson ~ and check the results Results 1 - 10 of about 19,300,000 for Robert Pattinson. (0.11 seconds) robert patterson ~ and check the results Results 1 - 10 of about 4,280,000 for robertpatterson. (0.10 seconds) 4. aallwwaayyss use lower case
Use your favourite search engine’s links to save lots of time. More -> blogs, youtube, …. images videos maps news GOOGLE Web 2.0 links
5.1 Google options – Wonder wheel Check out Wonder wheel for a serious time saver! Then select which set of information you really want, and click on that link – see what it does to the list of records – saves serious “googling time”. [dare I say this could be an index to the sites?]
5.2 Google options – Time line Ever wanted to know when the data you are reading was “printed”, or added to the internet? You can check out the decade it was added, and get specific about what decade you want to investigate further.
5.3 Google options – Squared Check out - www.google.com/squared [no .au on google] This feature gives you a grid of facts from the web for any topic you want. A good example is “bushrangers australian”. Those students who know how to do this will be able to hand in “treasure hunt” activities every readily.
6. Link to more good sites with google. • Use “link:” in http:www.google.com to a favourite site to see if there are any other good sites attached to this site. • Eg. link:indonesia.elga.net.id/travel.html • Use this technique to find out just who is linking to the sites you like (maybe they are influencing the content?!) Who links to the College website?
7. Use Title links in google. • When looking for sites that are mainly about your topic use title:before your search term, eg. title:indonesia This will search the web only at the title line – most sites use their main topic in their webs title line.
8. What if you only want Australian sites? To do this just type “ .au” at the end of your search, or in google click on the “pages from Australia” button. For example: convicts .au will give you ???? hits and mostly gives you better sites to look at if you are doing Australian convict history.
9. To find a particular file type java +Filetype:ppt will give you sites that are powerpoints or frog +indonesia +Filetype:gif Will give you pictures only.
10. Check out other special features of search engines. • Calculate • Convert currency. Eg. 3.5 USD in GBP • Define words, eg define: WWW • I’m feeling lucky in google • Map, weather, picture, facts • Time zones • igoogle page [best thing!]
11. Other Web 2.0 sites to use. 11.1 www.wordle.net This site will create a tag cloud of your text. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and colour schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them with JING (or print screen button), or save them to the Wordle gallery to share.
Imagine by John Lennon http://www.john-lennon.com/imagine.htm
11.2 Wallwisher. http://www.wallwisher.com/
This site is a free collaborative noticeboard tool. Go to my Web2 wall at http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/LDWeb2 This site can be used in many ways – just two are * Noticeboards * Notetaking
12. Use databases hidden in the WWW Public library databases from GV Library http://www.gvrlc.vic.gov.au/ and State Library Victoria http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/ Join up as a member it is free – comes out of your taxes and rates.
Checkout webquests • http://www.tommarch.com/ozblog/?p=42 Go to the online quiz [No. 4.Take this online quiz about the Internet and see how many right answers you get.] and visit all the web resource links there – remember to use some of the tips mentioned earlier.
Checkout iRubric RubricMachine – create rubrics (at the Landmarks for Schools website: http://landmark-project.com/rubric_builder/index.php ) Remember these? Great site.
Checkout bibliography makers Citation Machine – http://citationmachine.net/ This site takes all of the difficulty of a bibliography away from the students. All they need to do is CHOOSE a style, TYPE in all the squares and COPY/PASTE the result into their bibliography. An oldie, but a goodie and in 4 styles. • MLA ~ Modern Languages Association bibliography style. • APA ~ American Psychological Association bibliography style. • TURABIAN ~ Turabian referencing for bibliographies • CHICAGO ~ Chicago referencing for bibliographies
Want to learn more Web 2.0 tools. http://c4lpt.co.uk/Directory/ Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies is a directory from the UK of Web 2.0 tools. It is divided into 22 categories of tools - 3,009 tools in total with 2,282 free tools. The site also has links to learning programs for Web 2.0 and guidelines for use. Leonie Dyason Mooroopna Secondary College Teacher-Librarian & eLearning Co-ord. http://ecafemsc.globalteacher.org.au/
http://xkcd.com/256/ Map available to purchase from this site is dated 2007.
Map and blog note below from Strange Maps http://strangemaps.wordpress.com/ • “Somewhat in the style of a treasure map, this ‘Map of Online Communities’ shows MySpace, Wikipedia, SecondLife and other user-generated phenomena now populating the internet. • The geography is not as random as one could assume at first glance. Area and position are significant. Thus, each community’s geographic area represents its estimated size, and the ‘compass-shaped island’ gives clues as to what each quarter signifies: • North are more ‘practical’ communities, South is for the ‘intellectuals’. • West lies the communities with a ‘real life’ connection, East those with a focus on the web itself. • This irresistible map has been floating around the web for a couple of weeks, but I’ve held off posting it until now. • Why? I’m a map nerd, dammit, not a computer geek! Of course, I know of MySpace and am not surprised to see it occupy such a large and central part of the map. And sure, Wikipedia is on the intellectual extreme of the North-South axe. I can see why reunion dot com and classmates dot com would be far northwest (being practical for tracking down real life people). • But what is Source Forge, and in which way is it ‘intellectual’ and ‘web-solipsistic’ since it is situated on the other, southeastern extreme of the map? Why is there a Bay of Angst right next to Xanga? And what is Xanga? Is Sulawesi a reference to the “IRL” island in the Indonesian archipelago (it has the right shape – sort of), or am I missing some nerdy in-joke here? Why are there anthropomorphic dragons near the Ocean of Subculture? • Very frustratingly, almost nothing on this map makes sense to me! Oh, the horror! • The original location of this map is at xkcd, a web comic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. Overwhelmed (and overjoyed, I suspect) by the success of their map, they’re now selling it as a poster.”