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Pixel Sensors for a Linear Collider from Physics Requirements to Beam Test Validation

Pixel Sensors for a Linear Collider from Physics Requirements to Beam Test Validation. M Battaglia UC Berkeley and LBNL with P Denes, D Bisello, D Contarato, P Giubilato, L Glesener, B Hooberman, C Vu. KEK, January 30, 2008. Requirements for ILC Vertexing. ILC Vertexing.

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Pixel Sensors for a Linear Collider from Physics Requirements to Beam Test Validation

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  1. Pixel Sensors for a Linear Collider from Physics Requirements to Beam Test Validation M Battaglia UC Berkeley and LBNL with P Denes, D Bisello, D Contarato, P Giubilato, L Glesener, B Hooberman, C Vu KEK, January 30, 2008

  2. Requirements for ILC Vertexing ILC Vertexing Mokka+MarlinReco

  3. Towards multi-TeV

  4. Requirements for the Vertex Tracker Asymptotic I.P. Resolution [ a ] Technology (pitch, S/N) Geometry (Rin, Rout) Multiple Scattering I.P. Term [ b ] Technology (thickness) Geometry (Rin, NLayers) Technology (r/o electronics) Geometry (zLayers) Polar Angle Coverage Technology (pitch, r/o architecture, r/o time) Geometry (Rin) Space / Time Granularity

  5. Physics vs. VTX configuration Higgs BRs accuracy vs. I.P. Resolution Effect of VTX performance on accuracy of BR(H0gbb, cc, gg) at 0.35-0.5 TeV already assessed by various studies using parametric simulation: Yu et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 50 (2007); Kuhl, Desch LC-PHSM-2007-001; Ciborowski,Luzniak Snowmass 2005

  6. Physics vs. VTX configuration Charm Tagging vs. I.P. Resolution Study change in efficiency of charm tagging in Z0-like flavour composition Hawking, LC-PHSM-2000-021

  7. Parametrising the Vertex Tracker Response Provide extrap. resolution for various set of parameters (Rin, ladder thickness, ...) and VXD models obtained using G4 + Kalman Filter Fit: sextrapvs. p and q for isolated trks and ptcs in jets. Example: sextrap vs. p for isolated ms baseline VXD02, ladder thickness x 2, Rin = 18 mm:

  8. R z Pair Background and VTX Detector Geometry of innermost layer bound by distribution of incoherent pairs; Study z point of crossing of electrons with cylinder as function of radius R for various magnetic fields B;

  9. Beam tests using 0.05 - 1.0 GeV e- beams at LOASIS and ALS to validate simulation. LDRD-2 response to ALS beam halo Pair Background and VTX Detector Compare results of GUINEA_PIG + Mokka simulation with R2 scaling: M.B., V Telnov, Proc. 2nd Workshop on Backgrounds at MDI World Sci, 1998 Generate library of background pair hits to overlay to hits to perform detailed simulation of occupancy, rejection and effect on patrec.

  10. CMOS Pixels for ILC CMOS pixel sensors with analog, fast r/o attractive for ILC, requirements on particle extrapolation accuracy constrain pixel pitch and readout architecture, significant experience from IPHC group, applications to real experiments before ILC; Achieving < 3 mm single point resolution with pixel pitch ~ 15-20 mm, requires analog readout + charge interpolation: defines requirement on ADC accuracy to 4-5 bits if pedestal can be subtracted before digitisation; Power consumption constrains number of bits for ADC accuracy; Machine induced backgrounds constrain readout time; D. Grandjean/IPHC

  11. Requirements and R&D Streams ILC Vertex Tracker: Multiple Scattering Sensor Thickness (~50 mm) Pixel Size (10-20 mm) Asymptotic Resolution S/N + Cluster Size S/N + Cluster Size + Services Cooling [80 mW/cm2] + Ladder Support Readout Speed [25-50 MHz] Power Dissipation [<1mW/ADC] ADC Resolution [~5 bits] 5 hits/BX X 9 (20 mm pixels)/hit = 250 k hits cm-2 Airflow removes 70-100mW/cm2 < 0.5 mW/ADC 25 MHz r/o 25 ms/512 pixel col O(1 %) occupancy Backgrounds + Physics ( demonstrated) [ R&D in progress]

  12. Monolithic Pixel Sensor R&D at LBNL Chip Design: P. Denes Analog Pixel Architecture Binary Pixel Architecture • Charge Interpolation [s ~ a/(S/N)] • In-pixel CDS & On-chip Digitisation • Fast Readout • Small Pixels [s = pitch/ ] • In-pixel Discr. & Time Stamping • In-situ Charge Storage AMS 0.35mm-OPTO LDRD-1 (2005): 10, 20, 40mm pixels OKI 0.15mm FD-SOI LDRD-SOI-1 (2007): 10mm pixels, analog & binary pixels LDRD-2 (2006): 20mm pixels, in-pixel CDS 3T and SB pixels OKI 0.20mm FD-SOI LDRD-SOI-2 (2008): 10-15mm pixels, analog & binary pixels LDRD-3 (2007): 20mm pixels, in-pixel CDS on-chip 5-bit ADCs …

  13. e+e-g HZgbbm+m- at 0.5 TeV Multiple Scattering and Sensor Thickness Preserving track extrapolation accuracy to bulk of particles at low momentum requires ultra-thin sensors and mechanical support: Mokka+Marlin Simulation of VXD02 g need thin monolithic pixel sensor.

  14. CMOS Sensor Back-thinning SiO + Metal Thin sensitive epi-layer makes CMOS Pixel sensors in principle ideally suited for back-thinning w/o significant degradation of performance expected (especially S/N), but questions arise from earlier results; Epi Si Bulk Si SEM Image of CMOS Pixel Chip Back-thinning of diced CMOS chips by partner Bay Area company: Aptek. Aptek uses grinding and proprietary hot wax formula for mounting die on grinding plate: Backthinning yield ~ 90 %, chip thickness measured at LBNL after processing: “50 mm” = mm , “40 mm” = mm; three chips fully characterised: Chip mounted on PCB with reversible glue and characterized Chip removed from PCB Back-thinning Chip re-mounted and re-characterized

  15. 40 mmBack-thinned Sensor Tests Study change in charge collection and signal-to-noise before and after back-thinning: Mimosa 5 sensors (IPHC Strasbourg), 1 M pixels 17 mm pitch, 1.8x1.8 cm2 surface 55Fe Determine chip gain and S/N for 5.9 keV X rays Collimated Laser Compare charge collection in Si at different depths 1.5 GeV e- beam Determine S/N and cluster size for m.i.p. S/N CMOS sensors back-thinning feasible NIM A579 (2007) 675

  16. LDRD-2 Chip LDRD-2 Chip: Chip features analog pixel cell with 20 transistors in 20x20mm2 pixel pitch providing in-pixel CDS, power cycling, different bias options, 3 and 5 mm diode sizes, rolling-shutter operation with two parallel outputs of 48 x 96 pixels each. Size: 1.5x1.5 mm2 6 matrices of 20x20 mm2 pixels; AMS0.35-OPTO process ~ 14 mm epitaxial layer

  17. LDRD-2: In-Pixel CDS Digitisation at end of pixel column limited in precision by speed and power dissipation: advantageous to subtract pedestal level in-pixel with correlated double sampling. Stored reference and pixel level with pulsed laser light: Cref diode - Cpixel = pedestal subtracted signal 20 mm

  18. LDRD-2: In-Pixel CDS Example of observed response with 1.2 GeV e- electrons Pedestal Pixel Reference - = Pixel Level w/ beam

  19. LDRD-2: 1.2 GeV e- Beam Test Cluster Event Display LDRD-2 tested on ALS 1.2 GeV e- beams; Noise ~ 45 ENC

  20. LDRD-2: 120 GeV p Beam Test T966 Preliminary 3 mm diode T966 Preliminary 5 mm diode LDRD-2 tested at FNAL MTest with T966 CMOS Pixel Telescope on 120 GeV proton beam: Preliminary results @ 21oC at 1.25 MHz

  21. LDRD-2: 25 MHz readout test LDRD-2 55Fe Operate LDRD-2 at different r/o speed LDRD-2 1.35 GeV e- beam Cluster S/N Results show no appreciable degradation of response up to maximum tested frequency of 25 MHz (r/o time 184 ms)

  22. LDRD-3 Chip LDRD-3 Chip: Third generation chip features same pixel cell as LDRD-2 with in-pixel CDS and 5-bit successive approximation fully differential ADCs at end of columns. CDS subtraction performed at digitisation level; Size: 4.8x2.4 mm2 matrix of 96x96 of 20x20 mm2 pixels; AMS0.35-OPTO process, received October 2007, ADC currently under test.

  23. LDRD-SOI-1 Chip SOI process offers appealing opportunity for monolithic pixel sensors, removing limitations from commercial CMOS; (courtesy Arai/KEK) SOI appealing to industry for low-power devices, ultra-low power stand-by; Specialised 0.15mm FD SOI process with high resistivity bulk and vias offered through KEK within R&D collaborative effort; Chip with 10x10 mm2 pixels, both 3Tanalog and digital architectures;

  24. TCAD Simulation p p Guardring Floating | p

  25. LDRD-SOI-1 Analog Pixels: Lab Tests Charge collection properties tested with fast pulsed IR laser focused to 20mm: signal loss for long integration times interpreted as combined effect of backgating and leakage current: Significant backgating effect observed in single transistor test, expect analog chip section functional for Vd < 20 V

  26. LDRD-SOI-1 Analog Pixels: Lab Tests Study Depletion Thickness vs. SubstrateVoltage using 1060nm laser spot curves represents Study Leakage vs. Temperature w/ 1.384 ms integration time and CDS

  27. LDRD-SOI-1 Analog Pixels: p & n Irradiation First irradiation performed with 30 MeV protons (2.5x1012p/cm2) shows evidence of charge build-up in BOX from T tests; Exposure to 1-20 MeV neutrons (1011 n/cm2) shows no appreciable degradation of noise:

  28. LDRD-SOI-1 Analog Pixels: Beam Test ALS 1.35 GeV e- Cluster Display First Beam Signal on SOI Pixel Chip ALS 1.35 GeV e- to appear in NIM A (2007)

  29. LDRD-SOI-1 Digital Pixels: Beam Test ALS 1.35 GeV e- Digital pixel consists of 2T + comparator and latch, no internal amplification for minimum power dissipation, total 15 transistors in 10x10mm2

  30. SOI Pixel Chip

  31. VTX Simulation, Reconstruction, Analysis Physics Benchmarks Jet Flavour Tagging + CDF Vtx Fit Track Fit and Extrapolation G4/Mokka Sensor Simulation lcio Marlin lcio VTX Pattern Recognition Cluster Reconstruction PixelSim lcio ALS & FNAL Beam Test Data Sensor and Ladder Characterization PixelAna

  32. Thin Pixel Pilot Telescope Layout: 4 layers of 50 mm thin MIMOSA 5 sensors (17mm pixels) + reference detector; Sensor spacing: 1.5 cm beam 4 3 2 1 • First beam telescope based on • thin pixel sensors; • System test of multi-layered • detector in realistic conditions. Beam: 1.5 GeV e- from LBNL ALS booster at BTS 120. GeV p at MTest, FNAL

  33. TPPT at ALS Run 056 Event 001 Perform detailed studies of ILC VTX particle tracking with various, controllable, levels of track density (0.2-10 tracks mm-2) under realistic conditions; Distance of Closest Hit e+e-gHZ at 0.5 TeV TPPT Data TPPT layout chosen to closely resemble ILC VTX.

  34. s = 9.4 mm TPPT at ALS Alignment performed using ATLAS optical survey machine and track alignment; Extrapolation Resolution on Layer 1: s = 8.5mm matches ILC requirements. NIM A579 (2007) 675

  35. T-966 Beam Test Experiment at Fermilab Beam Test at FNAL MBTF 120 GeV p beam-line (T-966) (UC Berkeley + LBNL + INFN, Padova + Purdue U. Collaboration) TPPT-2 telescope: 4 layers of 50mm thick MIMOSA-5 sensors, ILC-like geometry, extrapolation resolution on DUT ~ 4-5 mm • Study LDRD sensors: • single point resolution & sensor efficiency, • response to inclined tracks, • tracking capabilities • in dense environment, • vertex reconstruction • accuracy with thin target, Validate simulation, test patrec and reco algorithms.

  36. 4mm Cu Target DUT TPPT-2 DUT 4-layered Telescope T-966 Beam Test Experiment at Fermilab Experimental Setup 4 layers of 50mm thick MIMOSA-5 chips precisely mounted on PC boards with cut through below chip, DUT on XY stage, finger scintillator coincidence for trigger

  37. T-966 at Fermilab First run June-July 2007: operated in various configurations: TPPT only, w/ LDRD-2, w/ target; Operated at 20oC through forced cold air cooling, significant day/night temperature effects, need repeat track alignment daily, first preliminary results: 1 2 3 4

  38. T-966 at Fermilab Cluster Pulse Height Cluster Pixel Multiplicity

  39. Track Alignment of T966 Telescope

  40. T-966 at Fermilab Preliminary Residuals on 1st Plane

  41. T-966 at Fermilab Residual on 1st Layer vs S/N of Hits

  42. e+e-g HZgbbm+m- at 0.5 TeV ALS LOASIS MTest TPPT@ALS T966 @ MTest Track Extrapolation Resolution

  43. T-966 at Fermilab Reconstructed 120 GeV p interaction in Cu target

  44. Very Preliminary 4mm Cu Target T-966 at Fermilab Vertex Reconstruction for 120 GeV p interactions

  45. T-966 at Fermilab Vertex Reconstruction for 120 GeV p interactions

  46. R&D program on pixel sensors for ILC is progressing despite significant budget and manpower limitations; Various technologies/architecture being studied, mostly complementary to concurrent efforts in Europe and Asia; R&D at LBNL supported by Lab strategic funding and synergies with existing activities (STAR HFT, ATLAS pixels, pixel R&D for BES); CMOS pixel chip with in-pixel CDS and fast r/o designed and tested, new chip with in-chip 5-bit ADCs under test; First pixel chip in SOI technology successfully tested on e- beam; Experience with beam Telescope based on thin CMOS pixels for tracking and vertexing.

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