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Yu.A.Murin LHEP JINR. Large Area Fast Silicon Tracking Systems for MPD and CBM setups of NICA and FAIR megaprojects. 1. NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013. High and intermediate energy HI physics targets. Deconfined matter Chiral symmetry restoration Magnetic fields up to 10 18 G
Yu.A.Murin LHEP JINR Large Area Fast Silicon Tracking Systems for MPD and CBM setups of NICA and FAIR megaprojects 1 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
High and intermediate energy HI physics targets • Deconfined matter • Chiral symmetry restoration • Magnetic fields up to 1018 G • Strange matter continent • a new era for hypernuclear physics ALICE@CERN MPD@NICA-JINR RHIC@BNL CBM@FAIR Deconfined matter BM_N@JINR Confined matter Spinodial decay ? 2 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Three ways to create QGP in HI collissions • “Pressing” (E≈30÷50AGeV) : through high baryonic density– STAR low energy scan, CBM and NICA projects to follow as NICA and FAIR start operating in 2017-2018 - • rare probes are believed to be • very sensitive close to the triple point “Heating” (E>100A GeV) : through high energy density - NA61@CERN, STAR, PHENIX since 2000-2013 at RHIC, BNL; ALICE, CMS, ATLAS at LHC,CERN – no definite answer , large background • “Smart” (E≈3÷5AGeV) : through self-amplified long-range correlations within spinodial phase decomposition (J.Randrup, LBL) – to be proved with HI beams of Nuclotron-M as soon as high intensity HI beam appears at LHEP - direct production of • subthreshold heavy hyperons ?!!! 3 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Two major objectives to study heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies Superdense nuclear matter SIS-300 and NICA task Deconfinement through SD New Hypernuclear Physics SIS-100 (FAIR) and Nuclotron-M (NICA) tasks 4 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR Primary Beams • 1012/s; 1.5 GeV/u; 238U28+ • 1010/s 238U73+ up to 35 GeV/u • 3x1013/s 30 GeV protons SIS100: Au 11 A GeV SIS300: Au 35 A GeV p-Linac SIS18 SIS100/300 UNILAC Secondary Beams • range of radioactive beams up to 1.5 - 2 GeV/u; up to factor 10 000 higher in intensity than presently • antiprotons 3 - 30 GeV HESR Storage and Cooler Rings • radioactive beams • 1011 antiprotons 1.5 - 15 GeV/c, • stored and cooled CR &RESR APPA Technical Challenges NESR 100 m • cooled beams • rapid cycling superconducting magnets • dynamical vacuum 5 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The BM@N challenge : • to prove QGP creation through self-amplified long-range spinodial correlations with STS NICA BM@N Booster, Nuclotron • The NICA-MPD challenge : • to prove QGP creation in high net baryon density region with ITS SPD Collider MPD 6 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
MPD detector at NICA Magnet :0.5 T T0, Trigger :FFD Centrality & Event plane : ZDC Stage 1 (2017) TPC, BarrelTOF & ECAL, ZDC, FFD Stage 2: IT + Endcaps(tracker,TOF,ECAL) FFD Tracking (|h|<2):TPC PID: TOF, TPC, ECAL 0.5<p<1 GeV/c 7 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
HI beams of SIS18 (GSI) and Nuclotron (JINR) Energy & Intensities, pcs per cycle 8 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The CBM experiment at FAIR Transition Radiation Detectors Resistive Plate Chambers (TOF) Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector Electro- magnetic Calorimeter Silicon Tracking System Projectile Spectator Detector (Calorimeter) Micro Vertex Detector Target Dipole Magnet Muon Detection System two configurations: - electron-hadron - and muon setup 9 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Concept for the BM @N experiment at Nuclotron -M (original idea and figure of P.Senger, GSI ) TOF wall measures Time-of-flight for mass determination. tracking chambers Dipole magnet Time-of-flight wall (RPC) Silicon tracker Tracking chambers are needed to match tracks in Silicon detector to hits in TOF wall Silicon tracker in magnetic dipole field measures tracks (multiplicity) and curvature (particle momentum). 6 m 10 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The BM@N experiment project • measurements of the multistrange objects (Ξ, Ω, exotics) & hypernuclei in HI collisions • close to the threshold production in the region of high sensitivity to the models prediction GIBS magnet (SP-41) TS-target station, T0- start diamond detector, STS - silicon tracker, ST- straw tracker, DC- drift chambers, RPC- resistive plate chambers, ZDC- zero degree calorimeter, DTE – detector of tr. energy. 11 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
STS design constraints • Coverage: • rapitidies from center-of mass to close to beam • aperture 2.5° < < 25° (less for BM_N) • Momentum resolution • δp/p 1% • field integral 1 Tm, 8 tracking stations • 25 µm single-hit spatial resolution • material budget per station ~1% X0 • No event pile-up • 10 MHz interaction rates • self-triggering read-out • signal shaping time < 20 ns • Efficient hit & track reconstruction • close to 100% hit eff. • > 95% track eff. for momenta >1 GeV/c • Minimum granularity @ hit rates < 20 MHz/cm2 • maximum strip length compatible with hit occupancy and S/N performance • largest read-out pitch compatible with the required spatial resolution • Radiation hard sensors compatible with the CBM physics program • 1 × 1013neq/cm2 (SIS100) • 1 × 1014neq/cm2 (SIS300) • Integration, operation, maintenance • compatible with the confined space in the dipole magnet 12 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
STS concept • Aperture: 2.5° < < 25° (some stations up to 38°). • 8 tracking stations between 0.3 m and 1 m downstream the target. • Built from double-sided silicon microstrip sensors in 3 sizes, arranged in modules on a small number of different detector ladders. • Readout electronics outside of the physics aperture. 13 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Assessment of tracking stations – material budget station 4 electronics sensor: 0.3% X0 r/o cables: 2×0.11% X0 side view front view 14 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Assessment of tracking stations – sensor occupancy sensor occupancy := ratio “nb. of hit strips : nb . of all strips“ in a sensor Y/cm station 1 15 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Assessment of tracking stations – hit cluster size cluster of strips := number of adjacent strips in a sensor that fire simultaneously distribution for full STS in station 4 mean: 2.7 16 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Track reconstruction performance studies track reconstruction efficiency momentum resolution 25 AGeV Au+Au central primary secondary • Ongoing layout improvements: • aperture improvements to be done in some of the stations: better coverage around beam pipe • optimize number and type of modules and their deployment in the stations 17 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Physics performance studies – example hyperons Au+Au, 8 AGeV Au+Au, 25 AGeV c several cm, decays just before/within STS 18 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Hyperon and hypernuclei with STS with CBM-like STS at Nuclotron existing SP-42 magnet Silicon tracker: 8 stations microstrips (400 µm each) Strips with 50 µm pitch and 7,5o stereo angle full event reconstruction central Au+Au collisions at 4 AGeV: total efficiency 8% 2 % H3- 19 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
MPD ITS status NICA MPD-ITS front view Th Computer model simulations by V.P.Kondratiev and N.Prokofiev, SPbSU 20 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The need for modern fast and high precision instrumentation based on microstrip sensors NICA MPD CBM/BM@N The Ladder Supermodule („the ladder“)= Sensitive modules on light weighed CF support frames with FEE in cooled containers at the rare ends NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The CBM-MPD STS Consortium Since Nov 2008 21 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
CBM-MPD STS Consortium • 8 institutes • 5 countries MPD and BM@N in Dubna • CBM in Darmstadt • GSI, Darmstadt, Germany • JINR, Dubna, Russia • IHEP, Protvino, Russia • MSU, Moscow, Russia • KRI, St.Petersburg, Russia • SPbSU, St.Petersburg • SE SRTIIE, Kharkov, Ukraine • NCPHEP, Minck,Belarus Rep. • PI AS, Prague,Czech Rep • Components • Sensors • Modules assembly • Ladder assembly • Radiation tests • In-beam tests 22 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Sensor development – involvement of Hamamatsu , an attempt to repeat at vendors in Russia, Belarussia, and Czech Republics The CBM-MPD STS Consortium: change in sensor production policy – mixed DSSD SSSD structure of STS (based on experience gotton!) DSSD: German Party responsibility – CiS, Erfurt (62х62) + Hamamatsu, Japan(42х62), double metalization on P-side SSSD-sandwich: the Consortium responsibility Hamamatsu, Japan(42х62), On-SemiConductor, Czech Rep. (62х62) + auxiliary chipcable (SE RTIIE) +RIMST,RF Usage of SINP MSU Si lab expertize ( Merkin M.M. et al) 23 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Microstrip sensors • double-sided, p-n-n structure • width: 6.2 cm • 1024 strips at 58 m pitch • three types, strip lengths: 2, 4, 6 cm, 4 cm • stereo angle front-back-sides 7.5° • integrated AC-coupled read-out • double metal interconnects on p-side, or replacement with an external micro cable • operation voltage up to few hundred volts • radiation hardness up to 1 × 1014 neq/cm2 4” and 6” wafers, 300 µm thick test and full-size sensors 23 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Prototype microstrip sensors under study: replacement for integrated 2nd metal layer CBM05 CBM05H4 CBM05H2 external on-sensor cable 24 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Readout chip STS-XYTER full-size prototype dedicated to signal detection from the double-sided microstrip sensors in the CBM environment fast low noise low power dissipation new w.r.t. n-XYTER architecture: effective two-level discriminator scheme design V1.0 @ AGH Kraków UMC 180 nm CMOS produced 2012 die size 6.5 mm × 10 mm 27 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
STS module module is building block of ladders smallest assembled functional unit front-end electronics board read-out cables sensor 10 – 50 cm 6 cm 2, 4, 6, (12) cm 28 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Mechanics hardware:Punch@Mould Produced in SPb with a dozen CF space frames manufactured @ CERN Punch and Mold for production of true CBM supporting frames 29 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Demonstrators and prototypes 30 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Prototype Device for ladder assembling manufactured at PLANAR, Minsk , Rep. of Belarus, 2012 31 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
CF&S Tunnel + channels 51 months Accelerator complex SC factory Collider Injector + channels Booster + channels Cryogenics • Nearest milestones: • - Completion of the ion sources commissioning (2013) • - Assembly and commissioning of HILac (mid of 2014) • Serial production of the Booster magnets (beginning of 2014) Start of the Booster commissioning for the BM@N experiment – end of 2015 Critical point design fabrication montage comissioning Funding in accordance with the project plan is mandatory 32 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
NICA STS project schedule 33 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
Preparations for the in-beam tests at Nuclotron • Equipment of JINR test bench with n-XYTER readout • Mechanics preparation • Slow Control for Protvino in-beam • Logic Init for recording the external DAQ information into the ROC Status: Preparations for the in-beam tests at Nuclotron 33 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013
The Conclusions • In 2013 common GSI-JINR project started with resources (@around 3 M EUR) released to develop corresponding infrastructure for massive production of modules and, especially, supermodules at LHEP JINR by mid-2015 for the BM@N and CBM STS projects, firstly, and NICA-MPD ITS, afterwards Through years 2008-2013 the CBM-MPD STS Consortium demonstrated self-sustained growth of R& D activity which could be successfully accomplished within 1,5 -2 years • Young generation recruitment and training is the basic problem for the project. Measures are to be discussed for more involvement of young researchers with their local supervisers from Czech Universities to the STS project. Thank you for your attention! 34 NICA-Praha-2013, 7-13 July, 2013