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Athletes briefing

Detailed event briefing for elite athletes covering schedules, check-in, course, post-race procedures, and key instructions for a triathlon event held on August 5, 2016.

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Athletes briefing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. <Insert Event Logo> AUGUST 5, 2016 Athletes briefing

  2. Briefing agenda • Welcome and Introductions • Competition Jury • Schedules and Timetables • Check-in and Procedures • The course • Post-Race Procedures • Weather forecast <Insert Event Logo>

  3. Welcome and Introductions • Fergus Murray, ITU Team Leader • Joyce Donaldson, ITU Technical Delegate • Yan Therrien, Assistant Technical Delegate • Janice Turner, ITU Race Referee • Ghislain Melancon, LOC Director • Patrice Brunet, President and CEO <Insert Event Logo>

  4. Competition Jury • Joyce Donaldson, TD Chair • Christian Triquet, Triathlon Canada • Marie-Claude Gregoire, ITU Medical Delegate <Insert Event Logo>

  5. Schedule and Timelines • Elite Briefing • Race packetpick up after briefing and it will include: • Helmet stickers (3x) • • Bike sticker (1x) • • Body decals (4x) – both arms and both legs • Coaches accreditation will be picked up after Elite Briefing • 19:30 Opening Ceremonies for Rio Olympics will be here on 37th floor • . • Saturday August 6: • 1:00 – 2:15 pm Bike Familiarization Meet at transition • 2:30 – 3:30 pm Swim Familiarization Meet at transition • * Be on time, please, IF you are late you may miss the escort

  6. Schedule and Timelines Sunday: ELITE WOMEN 15:00-16:00 Athletes’ Lounge open Elite Women 15:15-16:15 Transition Area open for Elite Women BIKE CHECK IN TRANSITION AFTER CHECK INTO LOUNGE 15:45 – 16:15 Swimwarm-up for Elite Women 16:20 Athletes Line Up for introduction 16:30Elite Women Start

  7. Schedule and Timelines • SUNDAY - ELITE MEN • 16:30-17:30 Athletes’ Lounge open Elite Men • 16:45-17:45 Transition Area open for Elite Men • BIKE CHECK IN TRANSITION • AFTER ATHLETES LOUNGE • 17:15-17:45 Swim warm-up for Elite Men • 17:50 Athletes Line Up Introduction • 18:00 Elite Men Start

  8. Athletes Lounge: Check in before Transition • Uniform & RACE GEAR check (name, country, logos, ITU logo, zippers, race and podium caps).Photos of each uniform. • CHECK ALL ITEMS THAT WILL BE WORN DURING RACE Wearing other uniform during the race = DSQ! • Body marking check (both arms, both legs) • Timing chip distribution • Swim cap distribution • Leave all of your personal gear/bags in Athlete Lounge

  9. BIKE CHECK NEW RULES • Refer to 5.2 in competition rules • •Handle bars with clips-ons • •Wheels • •Bike frame • •Approval for the addition/modification of any equipment to the bike, MUST be obtained from the Race Referre at the end of the athletes’ briefing • •Mechanic service available

  10. Transition – Bike Check • TRANSITION AREA • Bike check: handlebars, wheels and bike measuring specifications • Handle bars with clips-ons • •Wheels • •Bike frame • •Saddle position (-5cm≤ Men & -2cm≤ Women) • Spare wheels to be collected at Athlete Lounge, and will be taken to Wheel Stop: NEED TO BE LABELED COUNTRY CODE • Helmet check- (only manufacturers logo!) • DO NOT leave your helmet fastened in the transition • The athlete who does not comply with this rule will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. • Running Shoes outside the box, helmet on the bike • Rack in first transition by the rear wheel, and in 2nd transition by the front wheel

  11. Transition • Individual Bike Racks – • Name, Number, Country code and Flag • All used equipment goes into the box Failure to put equipment in box = 10 sec penalty on run • Mount line at the end of the TA (GREEN LINE) • Dismount at the beginning of TA(RED LINE

  12. Swim: 1 lap 750 m Bike: 20k 4 laps of 5k Run: 5k 3 laps 1.67k each lap The Course <Insert Event Logo>

  13. Pre-start Procedure • Athlete Introduction: • 10 minutes before start – line up near swim start • As introduced, jog to the swim platform • Quickly select your start position • •After selecting your position, stay behind the line • Blocking more than one position = DSQ

  14. TD Start Procedure • Athletes in position: • The start can be given any timeafter the Race Referee announces ”On your mark” • Air horn blast • The race starts • Athletes not moving forward at the start will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. <Insert Event Logo>

  15. False Start Procedures • False startExample 1: • Several horn blasts • Kayaks in front of you • Everyonegoes back to her/his spot • Valid start but with early starters2: • If someone starts before the horn and everyone else starts with the horn, anyearly starter will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. • (During the time penalty athlete can not take any equipment!) <Insert Event Logo>

  16. Swim course • TODAY: FRIDAY AT 10:00 • Water temperature: 25.5C • Air temperature: 32C • 1lap (total distance of 750m)- clockwise • Distance to the first turn buoy 305 m • Pass all …(4)…. swim buoys…… on your right shoulder • Swim behaviour will be closely monitored • Take cap, gogglesto transition into your box

  17. Swim course ELITE SWIM

  18. Bike course • 2 Wheel Stations For locations see the map • Neutral wheels: Shimano, Campagnolo 10 & 11 Cassette • Team Wheels • Lap Counter: Beside the mount line • Lapped athletes are out of the race <Insert Event Logo>

  19. Bike Course Map <Insert Bike Course Map (show locations of wheel station & lap counter) (clarify if the athletes will be passing through the TZ on every lap)>

  20. Caution Caution signal: three sharp whistles and red flags <Insert Event Logo>

  21. RUN COURSE • 3 Laps(total distance of 5 km: 1.67 per lap) • Aid stations: • 2 per lap, for locations see the map • Sealed water • Discard plastic bottles AND litter in the Littering Zones located 20m before to 60m after Aid Stations • Penalty box: Located just before finish chute, on your left • Photo-finish • Congestion in finish area: • Go to mixed zone / recovery area

  22. Run Course

  23. Run penalty box • Run penalty box is for infringements in: TA1, Bike,TA 2 and run • ex: Mount before mount line, dismount after dismount line, equipment outside your box, racking your bike • outside of your own space etc. • (Transitions will be video recorded for infringements) • Location: Before the finish line • Your race number will be on a large white board. • (Athletes need to read the board) • Procedure:10 second time penalty served on any lap of the run. • If you do not stop it will result in a DSQ

  24. Post-race Procedures • Photo Finish • No congestion in finish area: go through mixed zone and • on to the recovery area • “Mixed Zone” - immediately after finish1, 2, 3 with host broadcaster first. • Medal Presentation - protocol –after finish of men’s race • Dress “up”: race uniform (or country clothes) coaches assistance needed: Ambush marketing rules apply. • Race caps/visors are allowed at podium with MAXIMUM • 1 sponsor logo with Maximum height 4 cm & total area 20cm • Prize money will be electronically transferred

  25. Ambush Marketing Rules • Ambush marketing is defined as: • “Deliberately using the opportunity of live television and media photographers to acquire additional exposure for your sponsor product, apparel or brand.” • The consequence for this behavior is: • 1.The athlete will immediately forfeit their prize money, if any, for that event. • Please follow the ambush marketing rules

  26. Post-race Procedures • Anti-Doping Control • Photo ID is needed for every athlete to go for testing <Insert Event Logo>

  27. Coaches areas • Accreditation • Accreditations will be distributed ONLY to those that have been entered through the online entry system by their NF. • ** The coaches list is FINAL • Coaches will collect their accreditation after the • ELITEBriefing • Access includes: • 1. Athletes lounge,Post recovery area • 2. Swim start area • 3. Adjacent to the penalty box

  28. Prize Money

  29. BRIEFING LINK ON ITU WEBSITE • http://www.triathlon.org/about/downloads/category/race_briefings/

  30. Please thank the sponsors, volunteers and Technical Officials! • Bonne Chance! • Good Luck!

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