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Locality Readiness Roadshow. margie.fielden@pmuw.wales.nhs.uk. 3 things occurring simultaneously:. Readiness baseline – 16 elements. Organisation LIMS project board in place Site LIMS project delivery team in place Organisation LIMS communications plan 2007/08 workload information provided
Locality Readiness Roadshow margie.fielden@pmuw.wales.nhs.uk
Readiness baseline – 16 elements • Organisation LIMS project board in place • Site LIMS project delivery team in place • Organisation LIMS communications plan • 2007/08 workload information provided • 2007/08 staffing information provided • Hardware requirements in labs addressed • Hardware requirements in requesting areas • Operating system / memory requirements • Use of NHS number • Legacy data management / duplicate records • Interfacing requirements • Training requirements in labs • Training requirements on wards, clinics etc • Resource requirements identified and committed • Commitment to adopt standardisation agreed by discplines • Benefits realisation planning and monitoring
Local projects in each LHB • There are varying experience and project management skill levels in LHBs • Let’s not reinvent the wheel in each LHB • Lets visit each organisation to kick-start local implementation planning • Let’s provide a toolkit that contains “stuff you can use from day 1” • Let’s use the structure we’re creating to share our good ideas, joy and pain – don’t struggle along in silence and equally don’t be stingy with your bright ideas • Be sure to include everyone eg NPHS, Screening Services
Getting started: • Project initiation document that includes: • Background information eg why are we replacing the current LIMS? (p4) • What’s our local project about? (p5) • What will the LIMS deliver? (p7) • What will the LIMS itself not deliver i.e what are the things we the human beings are undertaking and then utilising the LIMS to deliver? (p7) • A template format guiding you through the things required for your project eg project plan, communications plan, risk log, highlight reports, checkpoint reports, etc • Project work packages based on the 16 elements of readiness
Possible project structure model:NB – The role of the Project Manager is not to single-handedly deliver the project work packages but to facilitate making them happen, play the dating agency and air traffic control roles, pull things together, maintain the helicopter view, be the Board / delivery teams link. Individuals can have more than one role in the project egprojman and delivery group member.Delivery of work packages can be by individuals or groups, one piece of work can achieve multiple aims eg inventories so plan carefully before launching into action
Organisation Project BoardOrganisation Project Communications Plan Site Project Delivery Teams • Project Board ToR which includes Board’s purpose and aims plus full description of each member’s role • Templates for communication and stakeholder engagement plan, meeting agendas, highlight reports, checkpoint reports, risk log, issue log • Project plan based upon the 16 elements in MS Project (easily transferred into Excel or some other format if you don’t have MS Project software) • Slideshows on managing risk and issues
Workload and Staffing Information to Inform Competitive Dialogue and the Full Business Case • All organisations have provided all the information required • COMPLETE .... hoorah!!! • Make sure this appears in your plans, reports etc as it’s an element of your project you’ve delivered
Hardware requirements in labsHardware requirements in requesting areasOperating system and memory requirementsInterfacing requirements • Template for inventory of current equipment including spec • As dialogue progresses, requirements will be confirmed – get the inventory done so gap analysis can be conducted right away • Begin preparing to negotiate for necessary funding – use LIMS project info in PID, benefits etc to make your business cases irresistible
Trust use of NHS numberLegacy Data Management • WHC (2007) 074 Use of the NHS number .... carry on, it’s been mandated previously in eg. WHC (1998) 60 • 2004 – 2007 IHC funded Trust projects to improve quality of patient demographic info and project in 2007 to ensure Pathology requests from GPs include barcoded NHS number • Info on WCP, MPI, Nadex • 24th June 2009 Safer Practice Notice to be added to toolkit • Be vocal in your organisation – help make the case for investing in a suitable project
Training requirements in labsTraining requirements elsewhere • As dialogue progresses, requirements and options for delivery of training will be confirmed • Toolkit includes templates to help plan and record training (plus certificate of attendance master)
Resource requirement for local LIMS implementation project • Intention to raise awareness of need to plan for and gain organisation support of resources required to deliver project • Lab, IT and IT support resources
Organisation commitment to adopt standardisation agreed by each discipline • LIMS business case is for a single version across Wales • High level statement of intent by each discipline currently being finalised i.e. degree to which they intend to standardise in the new LIMS • Standardising underpins many of the benefits (to patient care, to the way people work etc) you’ll be punting to your Board, colleagues in other departments etc • Initiatives like Pathology Harmony, Microbiology developing all Wales SOPs well underway • As agreements are reached, all organisations will be informed – recommendation is to phase in standardisation rather than wait for LIMS implementation and then change lots in one huge episode
Benefits Realisation • Toolkit includes benefits management plan template • Table of identified project benefits from which to customise your organisation’s benefits plan • In the same way you’ll identify a communications lead for your local LIMS project, you’ll identify a benefits lead • LIMS Implementation Board activity will include focussing upon guiding organisations through benefits realisation planning and monitoring
What next? • Print off PID and 16 work package specifications • Print off Project Board ToR • Spend some time identifying leads eg comms, benefits and creating your teams (be bold) • Spend some time going through the toolkit items and thinking how you’ll adopt / adapt / improve / use them • Let Simon and / or me know if you need help • Anticipte completing the baseline readiness template a second time as at 31st August
People respond to different stimuli, have different preferred styles of learning etc.Cast your communications net wide. • Have a poster sheet headed “LIMS” in the staffroom with one colour of post-its for people to write queries on and another colour for answers (all contributions welcome) • Procuring and implementing the LIMS is deadly serious business, but don’t be afraid to use humour, it’s one of our major coping mechanisms when we’re nervous, unsure of what to expect, downright afraid • Use images people are familiar with in a slightly different way, get a tune to stick in their heads
What’s occurring?LIMS ....Great Lab Info ...Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere It’s going to be a campaign to communicate change and opportunity, not a rant
Invite conversation ... The Pathlabs in Wales have a notion To get a new LIMS for promotion Of full integration Across the whole nation. Great service with zero commotion!!!
Ol’ Blue Eyes says, “LIMS is coming, LIMS is coming, That’s the reason that the whole lab’s humming ..... • Lily says, “Get that new LIMS ‘cos T-Path makes me scream, oh T-Path makes me scream, yes T-Path makes me scream ..... Name that tune! Get a tune to stick in their heads but remember the age range in a lab is large
It’s new, it’s fab, it’s coming to our lab, it’s the LIMS, it’s the LIMS .... • New LIMS? What new LIMS? .... Shamelessly adapt football chants and use the back of the loo doors
Avoid images such as circled wagons or Marmite! Encourage people to think about and embrace change (not just in terms of the LIMS) • Accept that change will take place. It is inevitable. • Be secure in the knowledge that you can deal with whatever happens.To feel secure you must bend your insecurities, and avoid breakingwhen things don't go your way. • You'll always be secure to the degree that you can accept change.You actually become secure, not by standing still, but by growing,moving and being energized. • Your ultimate security is your understanding of this reality. • There is no permanent security on this earth, there is only opportunity. • Have the courage to bet on your new ideas, to take calculated risks,and to act on your opportunities. • There is nothing to stop you on the road to success but yourself.