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Roadshow 2014. R&D Unit. Objective. To brief Faculties/RCs on the processes related to research. To update Faculties/RCs on the processes related to research. To gather feedback from Faculties/RCs on issues related to research. SOP. External Grant Application Internal Funding Application
Roadshow 2014 R&D Unit
Objective • To brief Faculties/RCs on the processes related to research. • To update Faculties/RCs on the processes related to research. • To gather feedback from Faculties/RCs on issues related to research.
SOP External Grant Application Internal Funding Application Procurement Procedures Cancellation of Purchase Reimbursement Request for Advance Research Trip Conference Application Purchased of Printed Materials Purchase of Equipment/Research materials not listed in Agreement Research Assistantship/Student Assistantship Allocation Transfer Progress Report Project Extension Change of Principal Investigator Asset Declaration Financial Support for Journal Publication UTAR Research Publication Scheme Event Organizing Student Research Activities, Event & Competition Research Centre Administrative Budget UTAR Undergraduate Research Scheme UTAR Postdoctoral Research Scholarship
Application for External Grant • SOP • Flowchart • The requirement varies from grant to grant • Faculty level: • Recommendation from RC & Faculty (External Grant) IPSR – appoints 2 evaluators, support & forward to funding bodies
External Funding Application * The actual dates are subject to MOE’s latest announcement • MOE Grant Scheme (http://jpt.mohe.gov.my/menupenyelidik.php)
External Funding Application MOSTI ScienceFund (online – eScienceFund) Applications can be submitted throughout the year.
External Funding Application CREST R&D Grant
External Funding Application Sumitomo Foundation Grant Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
External Funding Application Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) Science & Technology Research Grant -
Internal Funding Opening Dates UTARRF 2014 UTARSRF 2014 Application Form, policy etc. Grant Management Handbook
UTAR Research Fund Application Process 2014 UTARRF CYCLE 1
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) • For research that involves an extensive scope, longer duration and requires high commitment. • Max duration of the research programme is 3 years. • Max allocation RM600,000.00 per research programme for the whole duration (max 3 year) with maximum funding of RM200,000.00 per year.
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) • A research programme must involve a minimum of three (3) projects from different department/ faculties within UTAR. • The projects must be inter-related and provide answers to the problem statement/research question to be addressed by the research programme. Application must be multi-disciplinary (at least three (3) research areas), involving the corpus of science, engineering & technology and social sciences, arts & humanities
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) • Application Procedures • UTARSRF grant is open to all academic staff once in a calendar year. • Application for this grant shall use the following forms: a.FM-IPSR-R&D-045-UTARSRF Application Form(Programme); and b.FM-IPSR-R&D-046-UTARSRF Application Form(Project) • QP-IPSR-R&D-042 UTARSRF Application Procedure
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) The following expenditures are not eligible for funding under the UTARSRF: • Non project-specific equipment; • Conference registration and associated expenses; • Routine typing of manuscripts; and • Purchase of periodicals, journals and published papers.
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) • Research Output • Publications Each research programme must publish at least five (5)indexed journal publications. Acknowledgement of the UTARSRF has to be clearly indicated in the publication.
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) • Research Output • Intellectual Property (IP) Researcher is encouraged to apply for IP registration domestically before going for international level IP.
UTAR Strategic Research Fund(UTARSRF) • Research Output • Human Capital Development Every research programme is required to produce at least two (2) PhD or three (3) Master (by research) graduates.
Progress Report To be submitted to Research Centre Chairperson for evaluation UTARRF - 4 monthly ScienceFund - 6 monthly (online) FRGS - 6 monthly Other external funding - 6 monthly
Non submission case for internal funded project • Account shall be freeze after the 2nd reminder (clause 8.4 of UTARRF agreement). • A warning letter will be issued, cc DD and Dean. PI to submit evaluated report within 5 working days from the date of the warning letter. • Report not submitted. IPSR will initiate action to recommend to RDCC to terminate the project and to blacklist the PI for further internal funding for a year. If there is money spent, PI require to return total amount spent (clause 13 & 18 of UTARRF agreement)
Non submission case for external funded project • Account shall be freeze after the 2nd reminder. • A warning letter will be issued, cc DD and Dean. PI to submit evaluated report within 5 working days from the date of the warning letter. • Report not submitted. IPSR will not recommend the PI’s external funding application for the next one year
Financial Support for Journal Paper Publication Criteria The paper has been accepted for publication. The journal in which the paper to be or have been published are impact factored journals listed in Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science databases such as SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI. The (中文核心期刊要目总览) published by Peking University Publisher will also be considered. 1st author must be a UTAR staff or student. Proper affiliation of the author(s) at UTAR is included in the paper if allowed in the prescribed format by the publisher
Financial Support for Journal Paper Publication Coverage of Financial Support Only mandatory page charge is considered. Only a maximum of financial support of RM 2,000 per publication can be considered. For publications involving multimedia content, full justifications must be provided for the mandatory costs incurred in the content publication. Page charge arises from the publication of paper exceeding the prescribed page limit of the publisher shall not be considered. Paper reprint cost shall not be considered. Voluntary donations or other optional contributionsshall not be considered. Blacklisted publisher/journals by MOHE will not be considered. List of blacklisted publisher/journals Journal Citations Reports ISI Web of Knowledge
UTAR Research Publication Scheme Criteria • Only applicable for UTAR staff. • For journal articles that are published in Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science databases (SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI). • Provision of evidence of the impact factored journal concerned being listed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) – Thomson Reuter’s Web of Knowledge. The award of the research funding for the article will be based on the impact factor listed in the latest JCRat the date the article is published. • Only published journal articles will be considered. One article (sole or multiple authors) is eligible for only one application under this Scheme. Objective of this scheme is to encourage academic staff to produce high quality publications in cited journals.
UTAR Research Publication Scheme • Journal Title: Games and Culture (ISSN: 1555-4120) (A Journal of Interactive Media ) Example: Funding amount (RM) = RM 1000 x Journal Impact Factor =1000x 0.395 = RM 395.00
UTAR Research Publication Scheme Coverage of Awarded Funding • The awarded research funding will be deposited only to a research account in UTAR. • The awarded research funding can be utilized in any research project (new or existing) related to the same research area. The award recipient, upon consensus of each author, is to propose the plan and the utilization of the fund for the University’s approval. • The awarded research funding shall be utilized for R&D related activities with justifications. • Funding is from UTARRF, therefore the same internal funding rules apply.
UTAR Research Publication Scheme Application • Open throughout the year for journal articles published in the year concerned(papers published starting from 2013). • Separate applications should be submitted for multiple journal articles • FM-IPSR-R&D-047-Application for UTAR Research Publication Scheme • The first page of the published journal article, • Proposal on the funding utilization and • Evidence of the impact factored journal concerned being listed in the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) – Thomson Reuter’s Web of Knowledge.
UTAR Research Scholarship Scheme Revision on the RS Scheme are: • Duration of Research Scholarship (1+1) • Tuition Fees Support option
UTAR Research Scholarship Scheme Duration of Research Scholarship • A Research Scholarship holder (RS) shall be engaged for a duration of one (1) year to a specific research project. An extensionof the Research Scholarship may be granted for a second (2) year based on satisfactory progress in the research project and recommendation from the Principal Investigator. • Application for this extension is only applicable to 2013 UTARRF & UTARSRF projects onwards
UTAR Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Scheme (UTAR PRS)* Update : • The scheme was renamed Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Scheme (UTAR PRS) w.e.f. 19 November 2013 in view of the concern that the term ‘fellowship’ prevalently denotes employment. • The announcement was duly made on UTAR Research and IPSR portals accordingly. The objective and details of the scheme remains unchanged. • * previously know as UTAR Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme
UTAR Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Scheme (UTAR PRS) Requirements • Must possess a PhD degree relevant to the areas of interest of the University. The conferment date of their PhD shall not be more than three (3) years prior to the application submission date. • Have experience in carrying out research and have published in reviewed journals at either the national or international level. Research Areas • The Postdoctoral Research Scholarship holder’s proposed research in UTAR should be in line with the current research areas of the University • Application and referee forms can be obtained at UTAR Research Portal
UTAR Undergraduate Research Scheme Scheme (UTAR URS) Update : • UTAR URS was announced to researchers and students on 1 August and 12 August 2013 respectively. • As of 10 February 2014, there are: • 57 registered researcher projects; • 206 student applications were received, of which • 124 student participants were approved and 65 were rejected/ withdrawn/cancelled. • 95% of the approved student participants are from the Medicine, Science & Technology faculties. • 91 of the approved student participants have attended research workshops conducted in Perak, Sg Long and KL campuses.
The scheme will allow undergraduate students who wish to gain research experience to volunteer to assist with a research project. Training workshop - Min 8 hours of research training with certificate of attendance; - Entitled to claim points for UTAR Soft Skill Development Certificate. Research project attachment - Min 140 hours; - No out-payment to student as this is a voluntary scheme. UTAR Undergraduate Research Scheme Scheme (UTAR URS)
Compliance to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) • Please be informed that in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) which came into force on 15 November 2013, UniversitiTunku Abdul Rahman (“UTAR”) is hereby bound to make notice and require consent in relation to collection, recording, storage, usage and retention of personal information. • The PDPA defines personal data as any information in respect of commercial transactions that relates directly or indirectly to an individual, who is identified or identifiable from that information or other information in possession of the individual. This includes name, address, IC number, passport number, email address and other contact details.
Compliance to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) • To ensure compliance to the law, all faculty academic staff/researchers and all postgraduate students conducting projects involving data collection/surveys, are mandated to provide notice to and request consent from your data subjects (non-UTAR) on the PDPA in relation to ALL research activities implemented. • The Personal Data Protection Statement form is to be completed by your data subject to indicate his/her acknowledgement & consent and submitted to you prior to commencement of any activity. This includes the organizing of surveys, seminars, conferences, etc. which requires collection recording, storage, usage and retention of personal data. PDPA Statement form.doc
Compliance to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) • Please be notified that all faculty academic staff/researchers and all postgraduate students conducting projects involving data collection/surveys are responsible for the proper filing of their data collection/survey questionnaires with the completed PDPA Statement forms from respondents. • The said form is also available for download from IPSR website and research portal. Links to download the Personal Data Protection Statement form => http://research.utar.edu.my/PDPA Statement form.doc • You may refer to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 at http://goo.gl/wzUnpi for further comprehension of the Act.
Compliance to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) The following parties have been notified to have them indicate their acknowledgement/s & consent/s by submitting the online Personal Data Protection Statement. • External co-researchers (non-UTAR) (thru faculty researchers/PIs); • Existing PRA/RSS (not registered as UTAR post graduate student) ; • Existing non-UTAR students under Student Assistantship Link to Statement => http://research.utar.edu.my/PDPA.jsp
Compliance to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) PLEASE TAKE NOTE…. • Online PDPA, once captured in database, company has done its duty. However for administrative purposes and smooth running of operations, one department may want a print out for filing and documentation without having to crosscheck with other department/s when in need/urgency.
UTAR Institutional Biosafety Committee (UTAR IBC) • UTAR IBC, has been duly registered with the National Biosafety Board, Dept of Biosafety, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment as at 12 Sept 2013. • The Committee is appointed by UTAR President for a 2-year term from 22 July 2013 till 21 July 2015. • UTAR IBC is chaired by FMHS Dean, Prof Cheong Soon Keng with Dr Lim Yang Mooi, FMHS as the appointed IBC Biological Safety Officer (BSO) as well as representatives from FMHS, FES, FEGT , FSc and UTAR OSHC. • UTAR IBC’s role is to ensure that any LMO/rDNA research conducted at UTAR, irrespective of the source of funding, shall comply with the Malaysian Biosafety Act 2007, any other related regulations and Malaysian laws relating to import and export, human, plant and animal health, environment and biological diversity.
Training on Supervision and Research Proposal Writing • The Staff Development Committee has highlighted that the faculties participation in training programmes on supervision and research proposal writing held since Dec 2012 has been low. • IPSR has arranged with CEE for these trainings to be conducted as these areas were highlighted by the faculties as needed for improvement in their SAC reports. • Moving forward, academic staff is encouraged to sign up and register for the said in-house training programmes: • Introduction to Research Proposal Writing and Project Management for Art and Social Sciences. • Good Practices in Supervision.
Website Policies, Guidelines,SOP and forms RESEARCH PORTAL Grant Management Handbook http://research.utar.edu.my/handbook/main.html WEB2 http://web2.utar.edu.my/portal/policy/index.jsp#IPSR