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Revised January 1, 2009

Learn about judging responsibilities, ethics, and standards for daylily exhibitions. Enhance your skills and knowledge in this comprehensive clinic.

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Revised January 1, 2009

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  1. Welcome to Exhibition Judges Clinic I WELCOME! Revised January 1, 2009

  2. Agenda • Instructor Introductions, etc.5 minutes • Pre-Clinic Quiz10 minutes • Introduction to Judging45 minutes • Break10 minutes • Characteristics of Daylilies1 hour • Break10 minutes • Written Exam1 hour

  3. Clinic Pre-requisites • Have you obtained the AHS Daylily Exhibitions Handbook and are you familiar with the chapters on Exhibition Judging? • Are you an AHS member in good standing and have you maintained that membership for 24 consecutive months? • Do you have a keen interest and knowledge of daylilies? • Do you grow daylilies from at least 10 hybridizers?

  4. Pre-Clinic Quiz10 minutes • This is an anonymous, closed book and closed mouth quiz. • Circle the best answer for each question. You have 10 minutes. • Students, use this exam throughout the course as a study aid. • Instructors, review answers to this quiz with students when complete and collect exams at the end of the course and return them with your clinic paperwork. WELCOME! Revised January 1, 2009

  5. Part One: Introduction to Judging 45 minutes WELCOME! Revised January 1, 2009

  6. Introduction to Judging • Part One of this clinic covers four subjects: • Responsibilities and Requirements • Ethics of Judging • Judging Standards, Organization and Rules • Judges’ Accreditation


  8. Responsibilities and Requirements • Enhance and represent the image of the society in all possible ways. • Continue one’s education. A judge’s knowledge is never complete; it is a continual, growing process. • Improve own judging skills by attending and supporting clinics. • Share skill and experience with new judges and the public.

  9. Promote daylilies & encourage youth. Know, grow, & show typical cultivars, new and old, from all sizes, forms, sub-forms, colors, and patterns. Visit many gardens (private, AHS display gardens, and gardens of hybridizers.) Study advancements in breeding and culture. Responsibilities and Requirements(continued)


  11. Ethics of Judging • Do not solicit judging invitations. • Contact Regional Exhibition Judges Liaison for assistance. • Accept invitations when able and respond promptly. • Only judge accredited shows. • Do not expect reimbursement. • Be prepared prior to each show. • Judge your local club show only in emergency and with prior approval from AHS Exhibition Chair only. • Follow show schedule and other show official instructions unless conflict with AHS rules – tactfully discuss issues with Show Chairman if you discover a conflict between the schedule and published AHS rules.

  12. Ethics of Judging (Page 2 of 3) • Tell others on panel if you don't know a particular cultivar and look to them for assistance. • Be tactful and respectful of others. • Be fair, honest, impartial and avoid pettiness. • Behave with dignity - speak directly with others. • Remember that your invitation is to judge. • Panel Chairman is appointed by Chairman of Judges. This chairman keeps things moving, assures awards are placed correctly, summons clerks when needed and leads - not dominates. • Endeavor to withhold prejudices. • Never touch a specimen; have clerk move it.

  13. Ethics of Judging (Page 3 of 3) • Refrain from criticizing the local organization and members, the show and its officials, or fellow judges. • Should not judge in any class if you have prior knowledge that could bring impartiality into question. • Should not judge in any show if you have prior knowledge that could bring impartiality into question, leave exhibitors with perception of undue influence, or is so pervasive as to render the judge unable to participate fully. • Take job seriously; integrity is paramount. • Judges “filling in” in an emergency must re-tag any entries they have prepared as “For Display Only”.

  14. Ethics Questions • Your clerk breaks a petal on an exhibit while moving it. What do you do? • You don’t care for unusual forms at all and you are assigned to judge this section. What should you do? • A show you are judging really is being run differently than you are used to. What do you do? • What if you have daylilies in your own yard that perform much differently than you see on the show tables?

  15. Questions?


  17. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules • Must employ AHS standards. • At least 3 horticultural judges per panel are required and at least 2 must be senior judges. • Judges panel is the final authority for each class it judges. • Classification chairman may disqualify entries (e.g. for damage) or correct classification errors • Use appropriate AHS scale of points and AHS Standard System of Awards. Refer to your handbook for scoring. • Design sections require judges accredited by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

  18. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules (Page 2 of 7) • AHS Scale of Points will be used for the categories listed below. • Registered cultivars on-scape • Seedlings on-scape • Registered cultivars off-scape • AHS Standard System of Awards will be used and each name class is eligible for the following AHS awards: • One FirstBluescores 90 or above • One SecondRedscores 85 or above • One ThirdYellowscores 80 or above

  19. Judging Standards and OrganizationScoring Example #1 • Registered cultivars may only have one blue, one red, and one yellow per name class.Example: 4 scapes of H. ‘Sugar Candy’ score above 85 points. What ribbons are awarded? • Entry #1scores 94 • Entry #2scores 92 • Entry #3scores 89 • Entry #4 scores 86

  20. Judging Standards and OrganizationScoring Example #1 • Registered cultivars may only have one blue, one red, and one yellow per name class.Example: 4 scapes of H. ‘Sugar Candy’ score above 85 points. What ribbons are awarded? • Entry #1scores 94BLUE • Entry #2scores 92RED • Entry #3scores 89YELLOW • Entry #4 scores 86NONE AWARDED

  21. Judging Standards and OrganizationScoring Example #2 • Seedlings are unique and judged based on individual merit.Example: 4 seedlings score above 85 points. • Entry #1scores 94 • Entry #2scores 92 • Entry #3scores 89 • Entry #4 scores 86

  22. Judging Standards and OrganizationScoring Example #2 • Seedlings (including pre-registered cultivars) are unique and judged based on individual merit.Example: 4 seedlings score above 85 points. • Entry #1scores 94BLUE • Entry #2scores 92BLUE • Entry #3scores 89RED • Entry #4 scores 86RED

  23. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules (Page 3 of 7) • On Scape Major Show Awards: • AHS Purple Best-In-Section Awardawarded to all blue ribbon winners scoring 95 or more (in Rosette Sections only) within Sections 1-9 of Division I • AHS Section Rosetteawarded to the best Purple ribbon winner (in each Rosette Section)within Sections 1-9 of Division I • AHS Best-in-Show Awardawarded to the best AHS Section Rosette winner • AHS Sweepstakesawarded to the exhibitor winning the most blue ribbons in Rosette Sections only. If there is a tie, purple, red, then yellow awards are counted to determine a winner.

  24. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules (Page 4 of 7) • On-scape, mandatory sections: • Extra Large • Large • Small • Miniature • Double and Polymerous • Spider • Unusual Form (UF) • Youth • Regional Popularity Poll • Seedlings • AHS Achievement Medal

  25. Judging Standards and OrganizationOff-Scape Division • A show is not required to have an off-scape division. • If it is offered, individual flowers can be judged or placed for display only. • Individual registered blooms are severed from the scape. • Off-scape seedlings and pre-registered cultivars are specifically excluded from competition. • May be shown as display only, but highly discouraged since such a display emphasizes the bloom only when other plant characteristics may not meet desired standards.

  26. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules (Page 5 of 7) • Optional sections • Ophelia Taylor Horticultural Award • American Horticultural Society Bole Medals and Citations • Entries in optional or locally sponsored on-scape sections are not eligible for AHS awards and if they are not judged by one of the 3 AHS Scales of Points, they must be exhibited ForDisplay Only. (Qualify for AHS Appreciation Award) • A single registered cultivar constitutes a “name class” and may be given an award if merited • Only one entry per exhibitor per name class

  27. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules (Page 6 of 7) • •No AHS horticultural awards for off-scape entries • •In judging, the overall perfection is considered • •No points for color of throat, reverse, or buds in named cultivar – these characteristics do count toward distinction in seedlings • •All other judging points being equal: • 1. Most blooms win • 2. Scape in prime beats one nearly bloomed out. • An exhibit with multiple blooms cannot score higher than the lowest-scoring bloom. Text

  28. Judging Standards, Organization, and Rules (Page 7 of 7) • •Removed anthers, fasciated scapes and malformed pistils are faults. • •Named cultivars should be cut not to exceed 36”, but the height restrictions are determined by the show schedule. • •Seedlings must be severed as near base as possible. • •A proliferation may not be removed and judges should consider how much the overall perfection is affected. • Registered cultivars must comply with registered size and this registered size determines what section of the show the exhibit is shown. • •No artificial color may be used. • •Portion below rim of container is not judged.

  29. Questions?


  31. Judges’ Accreditation • Student-in-Training • Junior Exhibition Judge • Senior Exhibition Judge • Exhibition Clinic Instructor • Honorary Exhibition Judge • Must pay dues by Jan 1 or start all training from the beginning • Read and become familiar with the Judges’ Handbook before each clinic • Application to become a senior judge must be filed within 4 years of successfully completing Clinic I.

  32. Judges’ AccreditationStudent-in-Training • AHS member 24 consecutive months • Keen interest and knowledge of daylilies • Grow cultivars from at least 10 hybridizers • Obtain handbook and become familiar with Chapters on Exhibition Judging before taking Clinic I • Attend Clinic I and pass written test • After meeting these requirements, the applicant is a student-in-training and is not eligible to judge an accredited show. Clinic II must be successfully completed within 3 calendar years of completing Clinic I or the student will be required to start over.

  33. Judges’ AccreditationJunior Exhibition Judge • Attend and successfully complete Clinic II within 3 years of starting training. • Attend and successfully complete written point-scoring exam in Clinic II. • Upon receipt of Certificate of Accreditation from the AHS Exhibition Judges Chairman, the Junior Judge may judge in accredited show or serve on Master Panels.

  34. Judges’ AccreditationSenior Exhibition Judge • Serve as Junior Judge twice (2 shows, 2 master panels, or one of each). • Complete 2 of following: • Exhibit in an accredited AHS show. • Serve on a show Classification Committee. • Serve as clerk in horticulture on-scape division of a show. • Edit and produce the Show Schedule. • Chair or co-chair such a show. • Submit application to become a senior judge when you meet those requirements. • Complete requirements and attend Clinic III (refresher clinic) within 4 years (5 in hardship) of passing Clinic I test. • Attend as many refresher clinics as possible to further training, stay informed on changes in judging and express concerns about the judging process.

  35. Judges’ AccreditationSenior Exhibition Judge Renewal • A Senior judge receives a 4 year extension from the current year (not current accreditation expiration year) for one of the following: • Master Panel service. • Clinic instruction (instructor or assistant). • Attendance of Clinic III. • Extensions are not granted for judging a show. • There is only one extension per year regardless of how many of the above activities have been completed during the year.

  36. Judges’ AccreditationExhibition Clinic Instructor • Senior Exhibition Judge – 2 years. • Exhibit in numerous shows. • Judged in several accredited shows. • Grow a representative number of newer cultivars. • Served on at least two master panels (one for registered cultivars and one for seedlings). • Assisted with clinic instruction – 2 different years. • Be recommended by another instructor. • Agree to follow AHS curriculum. • Approved by AHS Exhibition Judges Committee. • Instruct at least once every 5 years to keep status.

  37. Judges’ AccreditationHonorary Exhibition Judge • Serve as Exhibition Judge for 12 consecutive years. • Once in honorary status, cannot judge. • Send request in writing to Regional President who passes it on to the AHS Exhibition Judges Chairman. • Must undergo full training requirements to return to active status.

  38. Part One of this clinic covered these four subjects: Responsibilities and Requirements Ethics of Judging Judging Standards, Organization and Rules Judges’ Accreditation Introduction to JudgingPart One Review

  39. Break WELCOME! Revised January 1, 2009

  40. Part Two: Characteristics of Daylilies 1 hour WELCOME! Revised January 1, 2009

  41. Characteristics of Daylilies • Part two covers the following topics: • Sizes and Forms • Subforms • Colors and Patterns • Texture and Substance • Scape Height and Branching • Older Cultivars

  42. Characteristics of DayliliesDifferent Size Categories • Flower size is determined by the hybridizer in the registration process and as published in the AHS Checklists. • Extra Large Flower – 7” or larger • Excludes Spiders and Unusual Forms • Large Flower – 4 ½” or more but less than 7” • Small Flower – 3” or more but less than 4 ½” • Miniature Flower – less than 3”

  43. EXTRA-LARGE FLOWER • 7” or larger in diameter excluding spiders and unusual forms Hemerocallis ‘BIG DIPPER’ H. ‘ROYAL BUTTERFLY’

  44. LARGE FLOWER 4 ½” or more and up to 7” ‘TIGERLING’ ‘ARTISANS TOUCH’

  45. SMALL FLOWER3” or more and up to 4 ½ ” ‘LITTLE INCIDENT’


  47. Characteristics of DayliliesDifferent Forms • Flower form and/or shape is controlled by the placement of the petals and sepals. • Forms recognized by AHS in the registration process are: • Single • Double/Polymerous • Spider • Unusual Form • Sculpted

  48. Size and FormForm Categories - Doubles • Layered or hose-in-hose • Three to six extra petals • Six regular stamens still exist • Petaloid • No extra petals • Petaloid tissue on one or both sides of stamens • Combination • Has characteristics of both above double forms • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Cultivars registered as Sculpted-cristate form or flowers showing cristation ( petal appendages) on the midrib or surface of the PETALS of a single flower are not doubles. Although a sculpted cristate form may give an appearance of doubling, it is not a double.


  50. Non-Double ExamplesThese are sculpted cristate forms  which give the appearance of doubles but are not registered as doubles. These are exhibited in their size-appropriate category in other parts of the show.

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