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WP5 aims and goals

WP5: Building Networks / ERA relevant for Sustainable Crop production -- objectives --. WP5 aims and goals establish and maintain theme related co-operation / networking with partners and stakeholders for the development of sustainable crop production

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WP5 aims and goals

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  1. WP5: Building Networks / ERArelevant for Sustainable Crop production-- objectives -- WP5 aims and goals • establish and maintaintheme related co-operation / networking with partners and stakeholders for the development of sustainable crop production • promote the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia and improve its (inter)national “visibility” • improve networking and interconnectedness of KIS with the European Research Area • develop multilateral relations

  2. WP5: Building Networks / ERArelevant for Sustainable Crop production-- how to ? -- • Participation invarious events and clusters • Organization of various events • Commitment and manifestation of our commitment to sustainable agriculture • Building-up network web-based CropSustaIn Portal (communication documentory)

  3. Build-Up Connections and Networking (1) • with 6 project partners from 4 countries steering commitee (WP1) re-enforcing research potential: collaboration for the best (WP3) mobility visits & scientific targets (WP3) KIS AU-AGRO INRA JKI DSMZ EMBL JHI WP5 First meeting, TODAY for setting up programs and working topics definition of common interests in the area of sustainable agriculture direct / discuss ongoing collaboration projects 4 Meetings at KIS 8 interim visits to partners

  4. Scientific Clusters Stakeholders Authority bodies P P P P (inter)national events P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Build-Up Connections and Networking (2) should start with but go beyond the already defined 6 project partners involve other existing collaborations scientific clusters stakeholders & authorities (inter)national events KIS AU-AGRO INRA JKI DSMZ EMBL JHI

  5. Stakeholders Authority bodies Build-Up Connections and Networking (2) • 2nd meeting at KIS (M12) stakeholder representatives from • industry • farmer organisations • enduser • etc. • - stimulate a dialogue • initiate and strengthen cooperation • new projects KIS

  6. Build-Up Connections and Networking (2) • 4th meeting at KIS (M36) • open to any new partner having joint the network • recruited on conferences or from other clusters • national / international workshops etc. • to discuss future collaborations / projects

  7. -- PORT (M24) communication documentory for • providing data on the explored scientific themes Europ. Research Area • broadcasting agendas, events, scientific themes, news and headlines Scientific Clusters Stakeholders Authority bodies P P P P (inter)national events P KIS P P P P P AU-AGRO INRA JKI DSMZ EMBL JHI P P P P P P P P P P P P CropSustaIn

  8. -- PORT (M24) communication documentory for • visualization of developing collaborations / clusters between KIS and partners, stakeholders, endusers Europ. Research Area Scientific Clusters Stakeholders Authority bodies P P P • achievements P (inter)national events P KIS P P P P P AU-AGRO INRA JKI DSMZ EMBL JHI P P P P P P P P P P P P CropSustaIn

  9. Participation (1) scientific clusters • Particiaption in Scientific Clusters • representing CropSustaIn to a broader audience of institutes and research groups build up further connections and collaborations • embedding CropSustaIn into other networks • build-up further connections and networking Example, Food Cluster Initiative http://www.foodclusterinitiative.eu “building the European Research Area in Food”

  10. Participation (2) conferences • Participation of a total of 8 KIS researchers at 4 international scientific conferences  18th ICVG, Internat. Council for Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Grapevine, 2015, Turkey  6th International Congress of Nematology, 2014, South Africa 29th International Horticultural Congress, August 2014, Brisbane, Australia  International Mycological Conference, 2014, Thailand, or 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2013, China

  11. Organization / Participationworkshops in collaboration with EMBL 1. 4-day workshop on Molecular Phylogeny • organized by KIS, held in Ljubljana • for 30 participants from • KIS and other Slovenian institutes (e.g., universities) • CropSustaIn partner organizations (AU-AGRO, DSMZ, JHI, JKI, INRA) • 2. 5-day workshop on Bioinformatics in Agriculture • organized by EMBL-EBI, held atCambridge, GB,for up to 30 part. -9 researchers from KIS • CropSustaIn partners • EMBL-EBI partner institutions (e.g. Rothamsted, TGAC, John Innes Centre) the open nature of these workshops will • intensify existing collaborations (e.g., KIS – CropSustaIn Partners) • facilitate establishment of new collaborations and CropSustaIN networking

  12. Organization (2) ROUND TABLE discussions Round table discussions (2, ca. 30 participants) • with and for addressing the interests of stakeholders (farming industry, farming organizations, food industry) • for implementing stakeholders into the CropSystaIn network and to attract them as supporters in ongoing and future projects • topics of round table discussions: • “integrated pest and disease management and organic farming in Slovenia” • “sustainable agriculture in small scale farming systems” • Participation of representatives from any CorpSustaIn partner is highly encouraged !!!

  13. Organization (3) SEMINARS Seminars (3):KIS interconnectedness in the ERA • with representatives from Slovenian authority bodies (ca. 50 participants) • seminar topics: • “European Research Area – priorities, exigencies, opportunities” • “New 7th FP calls: How can we become involved in EC financed projects?” • “Intellectual property rights in ERA” • Participation of representatives from CropSustaIn Partners is highly encouraged !!!

  14. Organization (4) international workshops international workshops (2) on sustainability in agriculture • for farmers, stakeholders and the general publicwith (ca. 100 participants) • Participation of representatives from CropSustaIn Partners is highly encouraged !!!

  15. CommitmentThe Manifesto (M12) • CropSustaIn consortium / Agricultural Institute of Slovenia declares its commitment • for promoting sustainable agriculture • to attract interest from other enteties in the ERA • to attract incorporation of KIS and CropSustaIn also into similar other networks • A short and concise manifesto summerizes the commitment • published on the CropSustaIn platform • KIS official “Quality Rules” for describing the mission of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia

  16. Milestones &Deliverables / Reports

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