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Workshop Social Work. Inclusiv Education: Ending Exclusion and Segregation in the Educational System?. 1. Present Situation in Germany. Ratification of the UN-Disability-Convention on 03/26/2009 ; Integration in some cases - from inclusion still far away (see Häberlein-Klumpner 2009, 42);
Workshop Social Work Inclusiv Education: Ending Exclusion and Segregation in the Educational System?
1. Present Situation in Germany • Ratification of the UN-Disability-Convention on 03/26/2009; • Integration in some cases - from inclusion still far away (see Häberlein-Klumpner 2009, 42); • 16 Bundesländer with different school systems; • Bavaria: after 4 years of primary school, children are divided into four different types of schools; • More than 480 000 children and young people with "special needs" (over 390 000 to special schools, almost 89 000 in public schools); • 6% of all students attend 9 different types of special schools (trend is up); • 2.6% with priority "learning" (with a high social selection and a high proportion of migrant children) (see Saldern 2009, 72); (Statistical figures : see KMK 2009, 275).
Vernor Munoz (inspector of the UN Human Rights Commission of Education) assessed the German situation in 2009: „… It is the early and premature selection of children after only four years of learning together in primary schools. It is the classification of children according to different school types that produces multiple effects of social disadvantage, discrimination and exclusion, especially for children with social deprivation, migrant background and disabilities. …” (Munoz 2009, 7)
2. Strategies, Policies and Regulations regarding inclusive Education in the EU • „ET 2020“(based on the Lisbon Strategy): - Strategic framework for education and training; - essential to the development of today's knowledge society and economy). • Four strategic objectives: 3. Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; - to enable all citizens to acquire and develop skills and competencies needed for their employability and support further learning, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue; - Educational disadvantage should be addressed through high quality inclusive and early education.
2. Strategies, Policies and Regulations regarding inclusive Education in the EU • Efficiency and equity in European education and training systems (Com (2006) 481) - Reforms of education must be laid on the principles of efficiency and equity - to allow access to education and training for everyone; - Pre-primary education has the highest returns in terms of the achievement and social adaptation of children; - Early tracking has especially negative effects on the achievement levels of disadvantaged children; - The most important factors for efficiency and equity are the quality, experience and motivation of teachers and the types of pedagogy they use. • COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER „SCHOOLS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY“ Answer of the question:How can school systems best respond to the need to promote equity, to respond to cultural diversity and to reduce early school leaving? With „A School for all“ Steps to include children with ‘special' educational needs can therefore be seen as an extension of the principle that school be constructed around the particular needs of every individual child (COM 2007, 8).
Implementation of EU strategies, policies and regulations in Germany • Bavaria: passage in the education law of "active participation" should be deleted (see Özlü, Ercin 2011);
3. Integration or Inclusion? • Integration: • Integrationspraxis wird in einem kritischen Licht gesehen, weil sie Umformungsprozessen (Anpassungsdruck) von Seiten einer im wesentlichen unveränderten Schule mit ihrer tradierten Normalität ausgesetzt ist (seeBooth/ Ainscow 2002, 3). • Salamanca Declaration in 1994: beginning of the spread of the concept of inclusion;
Sander distinguishes three meanings of 'inclusion': • Inclusion synonymous with integration; • Inclusion as an optimized integration; • Inclusion as an optimized and extended integration and sees the third pointas a pioneering concept of current and future developments (see Sander 2004, 11f).
Index for Inclusion • „Inclusion involves change. It is an unending process of increasing learning and participation for all students. It is an ideal to which schools can aspire but which is never fully reached. But inclusion happens as soon as the process of increasing participation is started. An inclusiv school is one that is on the move. Inclusion in education involves: • Valuing all students and staff equally, […] • Incresing the participation of student in, and reducing their exclusion from, the cultures, curricula and communities of local schools, […] • Reducing barries to learning and participation for all students, […] • Viewing the difference between students as resources to support learning, rather than problems to be overcome, […] • Recognising that inclusion in education is one aspect of inclusion in society. Participation means learning alongside others and collaborating with them in shared learning experiences. It requires activ engagement with learning and having a say how education is experienced. More deeply, it is about being recognised, accepted and valued for oneself.“ (Booth/ Ainscow 2002, 3)
4. Examples of Good Pracitice in Germany • Jürgen schau dir mal dieses Projekt an: http://www.zsb.unihalle. de/forschung/projekte/izbb/tp1/ Wäre das ein Beispiel? Hab dir in die Notizen reinkopiert, was ich in meiner Theoriearbeit darüber geschrieben habe. Leider finde ich nichts im Netz über den Abschluss dieses Projekts.
Comenius 2.1. ProjectEU-Mail (EUropean Mixed Ability and Individualised Learning) • core question: How can teachers support individualised learning in mixed-ability groups? • 13 institutions from five European states worked together (England, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway); • They get to know and to share best practice in the partner countries by observation of classroom teaching and interviews of teachers, pupils, and parents; • key result: pupils must be the subject of their own learning; • leading to developing modules for teachers education and in-service training; • 70 moderators for teachers education were trained in 2007; • Running time of the project was October, 2004, to August, 2006. (see: eu-mail.info 2011)
Literaturverzeichnis Com (2006) 481: Communication from the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament of 8 September 2006 on Efficiency and equity in European education and training systems. Com (2007) COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER. SCHOOLS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. http://ec.europa.eu/education/school21/consultdoc_en.pdf (15.5.11). (ET 2020)Education and Training 2020 Council Conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020) [Official Journal C 119 of 28.5.2009]. http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/education_training_youth/general_framework/ef0016_en.htm (15.5.11). eu-mail.info (2011) About the Projekt. Projekt Summary. Background. Objektives. http://eu-mail.info/project/index.htm (17.5.11). Häberlein-Klumpner, Ramona (2009) Separation – Integration – Inklusion unter problemgeschichtlicher Perspektive. In: Thoma, Pius; Rehle, Cornelia (Hrsg.) Inklusive Schule. Leben und Lernen mittendrin. S. 35 – 44. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt. KMK (2009) Das Bildungswesen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2009 - PDF-Dateien http://www.kmk.org/dokumentation/das-bildungswesen-in-der-bundesrepublik-deutschland/dossier-deutsch/publikation-zum-download.html (21.4.11). Özlü, Ercin (2011) Regelschulen öffnen sich für Behinderte. Artikel im Landsberger Tagblatt Nr. 73 vom 29.3.2011. Munoz, Vernor (2009): Foreword In: Höhmann, Katrin; Kopp, Rainer; Schäfers, Heidemarie; Demmer, Marianne (Hrsg.) Lernen über Grenzen. Auf dem Weg zu einer Lernkultur, die vom Individuum ausgeht. S. 7 - 8. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich. Sander, Alfred (2004) Inklusive Pädagogik verwirklichen – Zur Begründung des Themas. In:Schnell, Irmtraud; Sander, Alfred (Hrsg.) Inklusive Pädagogik. S.11-22. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.