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Delegate Convention. Meet the Nominees. Naomi Hopkins Ray Kagel Brett Lindemood Toby Norton. Welcome. Paul Petersen. The Real Reason We Are Here.
Meet the Nominees Naomi Hopkins Ray Kagel Brett Lindemood Toby Norton
Welcome Paul Petersen
The Real Reason We Are Here “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9 NIV). The Gathered & Scattered Church – Hugh Halter
CPLOM Mission Statement • 2 Goals • Support the ministry of its member congregations • Make and nurture disciples for Jesus Christ • 2 Methods • Provide Christian learning and renewal opportunities • Build up the community of believers • 1 Purpose • Reach out to the world in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Community Communion Mission Christ centered in all that we do!
MC Examples Abound!! Ministry to hosted retreat guests…Alison Pettyjohn came for Camp Rainbow Gold and now is signed up for the LIT camp! Her dad saw that our high school staff get to clean toilets…and thought his daughter might benefit from that! Ellie “Frisbee” Lutz working with the King’s Kids from Trinity Lutheran, Eden, ID. Ellie is serving in a shared ministry position with Camp Perkins (May-Aug) and Trinity (Sept-May) Camp Rainbow Gold is not a Christian organization, but the Cross is not hidden! It even took a prominent place in their nightly campfires. On the last night, Camp Perkins staff surrounded the group and sang “You are the Light of the World” to the group. One mother said it was like being surrounded by angels. Servant Event with the City Light Kids in Boise and youth from Beautiful Savior.
Community, Communion & Mission • Jesus didn’t wait for the lost to find him. He went out to find them. • He took the initiative and He paid the price • To release moments of connecting people to Jesus we need to be taking the initiative to be out in the midst of the people who need Christ in their lives Exciting to be part of the ministry at Camp Perkins!!
By-Law Update Proposed wording of Article V—Board of Directors Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteenmembers: a representative of the International Lutheran Laymen's League; one pastor from each of Northwest District Circuits 10 (Treasure Valley), 11 (Magic Valley), and 12 (Yellowstone); and eight members at large. The Executive Director of CPLOM is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors. In the event a pastor is not available from one of the Northwest District Circuits, the circuit counselor from any circuit where pastoral representation is unavailable may appoint a licensed deacon from said circuit to serve as the circuit's pastoral representative on the Camp Perkins Board of Directors. This appointment will be re-evaluated by the circuit counselor in conversation with the Camp Perkins Board of Directors at the end of every term of service to determine if pastoral representation is again available. Section 3. A nominating committee consisting of one person from each circuit shall be appointed by the Board to nominate candidates for the member at large positions on the Board of Directors. Current wording of Article V—Board of Directors Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteenmembers: a representative of the International Lutheran Laymen's League; one pastor from each of Northwest District Circuits 10 (Treasure Valley), 11 (Magic Valley), and 12 (Yellowstone); a minister of religion–commissioned; seven members at large. The Executive Director of CPLOM is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors. In the event a pastor is not available from one of the Northwest District Circuits 10, 11 &12, the circuit counselor from any circuit where pastoral representation is unavailable may appoint a licensed deacon from said circuit to serve as the circuit's pastoral representative on the Camp Perkins Board of Directors. This appointment will be re-evaluated by the circuit counselor in conversation with the Camp Perkins Board of Directors at the end of every year to determine if pastoral representation is again available. Section 3. A nominating committee consisting of one person from each circuit shall be appointed by the Board to nominate candidates for the minister of religion–commissioned and member at large positions on the Board of Directors.
State of the Camp Signe White Tracy Mueller
Retreats Strategic Plan Goal – by 2017 - all programs Perkins conducts will operate at a minimum of 75% capacity on average.
Hosted Ministry Retreat Center Capacity – 9000/year (30 people/mo for 10 months) Cabin Capacity – 2160/year (6 people/cabin for 18 weekends – June-Oct) 28% Capacity in 2012
Summer Camp Summer Camp – 57% of capacity Returning Campers – 60-64% of total summer campers Member Congregation Campers – 51% in 2004, down to 32% in 2012
Summer Camperships $22,000 awarded in 2009 $15,000 awarded in 2010 $22,000 awarded in 2011 $28,800 awarded in 2012 Spread the word!
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #1----Member Congregations----- In five years • All congregations (38) will be actively involved in one or many of the following ways: • Camp Gatherings • Delegates equipped with information and means to share Camp Perkins story • Financial support – doubled (currently $17k) • Will be seeking ways to use the camp year round • Will see Camp as an extension of their ministry Accomplishments: • Purposeful contacts with ALL member congregation • Delegates completing commitment forms
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #2--------Program Development----In five years— • All Perkins programs operate at 75% capacity on average • Currently: Summer Camp – 57% Maximize Use of space: operate RC for all 8 summer wks 2015 Implement Net Promoter Score Implement Intentional Plan for start up retreats and programs Accomplishments: -Reviewed programs and focused on strongest for 2012-13 -Attained goal to operate programs in RC for 3 wks in 2013 -Evaluations implemented for programs and hosted groups
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #3-------- Outreach to new populations and strategic partnerships In 5 years • Camp Perkins will have strategic partners to increase utilization of facilities during periods when Member Congregations and Camp programs are not scheduled. • Camp Perkins will seek opportunities to reach new populations for the Gospel of Jesus Christ Accomplishments: • Contacted churches with large potential camper base who don't have their own camp
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #4-------- Financial Development--- In five years, • Gifts from individuals, churches, the district, Thrivent, and other church related entities will provide 20% of the funds needed for annual operations (~$120k). • In 25 years, the endowment will be providing 10% of the annual operating revenues needed to sustain the ministry (~$60k in today’s budget - $1.2 million endowment). Accomplishments: - Created annual development calendar on specific needs - 2012 annual fund increased by over 20% over 2011 - Established annual fund giving clubs
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #4-------- Financial Development--- Action Step…help us find… • Development Council – volunteers across the region that will reach out to their friends, contacts, churches, and through special events to raise both awareness and funds for the ministry of Camp Perkins. Accomplishments: - Held two gatherings in Twin Falls and Pocatello in March - Launching Legacy Club for supporters who included Camp in their will or estate plans
Strategic Plan…a review Legacy Club – Charter Membership • Include Camp in your estate before December 31, 2013 • (if you have already included Camp Perkins in your estate plan, contact Kim@CampPerkins.org.) • A Win/Win/Win opportunity.....make a gift that can benefit you in your lifetime, your heirs, and Camp. • Not just for Delegates – but for anyone who would like to see the Lord’s work continue at Camp Perkins! • Meet with Lloyd Probasco and learn how to make a gift through your estate that can do all three and join our Legacy Club.
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #5-------- Facilities--In five years, • All facilities will reflect: • Family Friendliness • Community-building focus • Quality • Comfort • Safety Accomplishments: - Lodge Loft remodel has been funded that will reflect Camp's commitment to staff with space that is quality, comfortable and safe in 2013 - Concepts drafted to enhance and improve facilities - Cabins have trimmed entries
Strategic Plan…a review Strategic Initiative #5-------- Facilities-- Action Steps: • Master Development Plan to USFS by September, 2013. • Focus on improving existing capacity rather than a major capacity expansion of the facility. • Lodge – winterized and community gathering area outside • Upper Showerhouse? • Cabins – family friendly
Lodge Expansion Vision • EHM Engineers – Gerald Martens • Check out the outline of the Lodge Expansion at lunch!
Strategic Plan Break Out Session 1. EACH Delegate picks ONE strategic initiative Initiative Board Champion - Member Congregations (Steve Thaete) - Program (Mike Suelzle) - Strategic Partnerships (Darin Letzring) - Financial Development (Dan Kahl) - Facilities (Jerry Werner) 2. Form Groups by Strategic Initiative 3. Each Group Picks Action Step(s) to complete within the next 12 months 4. Each Group presents their action plan(s) and schedule with points of contact for each step