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Exploring Web 2.0: Impact on Libraries and Content Creation

Discover the significance of Web 2.0 for libraries with insights from Lee Rainie. Explore how user-generated content shapes the online landscape and impacts information sharing. Learn why broadband accessibility influences internet usage patterns, social interactions, and content creation practices.

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Exploring Web 2.0: Impact on Libraries and Content Creation

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  1. WEB 2.0And what it means to libraries Lee Rainie – DirectorComputers in LibrariesApril 16, 2007

  2. Web 2.0 – podcasting explained • http://youtube.com/watch?v=OEmss2lg-ug

  3. WEB 2.0And what it means to libraries Lee Rainie – DirectorComputers in LibrariesApril 16, 2007

  4. The starting point – Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle – September 2005 • The Web as platform • Netscape vs. Google • DoubleClick vs. Overture and AdSense • Akami vs. BitTorrent • Harnessing Collective Intelligence • Data is the Next “Intel inside” • Software above the level of a single device • Rich user experiences

  5. Web 1.0Web 2.0 Utility DoubleClick Google AdSense Advertising Ofoto Flickr Photo sharing Akamai BitTorrent Content distribution mp3.com Napster Music sharing Britannica Online Wikipedia Encyclopedias personal websites blogging Personal pages Evite upcoming.org Event planning-RSVP EVDB domain name search engine Business promotion speculation optimization page views cost per click Ad pricing metrics Publishing participation Content creation content management wikis Content management systems directories tagging Content classification taxonomy folksonomy systems Stickiness syndication Interoperability

  6. 6 hallmarks of the Web 2.0 world that matter to libraries

  7. Hallmark #1 The internet has become the computer

  8. The percentage of American adults who use computers and use the internet Computer users – 75% Internet users – 73%

  9. Internet and broadband adoption 1995-2007 All internet - 142 mill. Broadband at home- 96 mill.

  10. Wireless connectivity 2004-2007

  11. Implication: People go online from more places • 89% of online teens have access at home • 75% have internet access at school • 70% go online from a friend or relative’s house • 50% have gone online from a library • 9% go online from a community center or house of worship

  12. Implication: Broadband turns the web into a destination 43% of those using the internet on a typical day say they spend some time online just browsing for fun for no particular purpose

  13. Implication: Broadband (and experience) intensifies people’s internet use and it becomes more serious

  14. Implication: Broadband (and experience) makes people’s daily use intensify

  15. Implication: Broadband makes video a big part of the internet experience 85% of young broadband users have watched online video 62% have watched YouTube videos 19% have posted videos

  16. Implication: Broadband (and experience) make people’s internet use more social • 67% of teens play games online with others • 51% of young adults and 67% of older teens share photos on the internet • 39% of young adults share files from their computers with others online • 22% of young adults and 17% of older teens share videos online

  17. Hallmark #2 Tens of millions of Americans, especially the young, are creating and sharing content online

  18. Content creation 55% of online teens have created their own profile on a social network site like MySpace or Facebook ---- 20% of online adults have such profiles

  19. SNS Profiles: Switchboards for social life

  20. Content creation 51% of young adult internet users have uploaded photos to the internet ---- 37% of all users have done this

  21. Content creation 39% of online teens share their own creations online, such as artwork, photos, stories, or videos ---- 22% of online adults have done this

  22. Content creation 33% have created or worked on webpages or blogs for others, including those for groups they belong to, friends or school assignments ---- 13% of online adults do this

  23. Content creation 28% have created their own online journal or blog (33% of college students) ---- 12% of online adults have a blog

  24. Content creation 27% of online teens report keeping their own personal webpage ---- 14% of online adults have their own page

  25. Content creation 26% say they remix content they find online into their own artistic creations ---- 9% of online adults have done this

  26. Content creation 19% of online young adults have created an avatar that interacts with others online ---- 9% of all adult internet users have done this

  27. Content creation 15% of young adult internet users have uploaded videos to the web ---- 8% of all adult internet users have done this

  28. Content creation by age

  29. Hallmark #3 Even more internet users are accessing the content created by others

  30. Accessing new information content 46% of young internet users read blogs

  31. Accessing new information content 44% of young adult internet users seek information at Wikipedia sites

  32. Accessing new information content 14% of young internet users download podcasts

  33. Hallmark #4 Many are sharing what they know and what they feel online and that is building conversations and communities

  34. Information sharing and evaluation 33% of young adult internet users have rated a person, product, or service online

  35. Information sharing and evaluation 32% of online young adults have tagged online content

  36. Information sharing and evaluation 25% of younger internet users have commented on videos They also post comments on blogs and photos

  37. Hallmark #5 Tens of thousands are contributing their know-how and/or their processing power to the online commons

  38. Sharing me and my stuff • 40%+ of internet users participate in peer-to-peer exchanges • 10,000 – 30,000 active developers in the global open source movement • 1,000,000s participating in grid computing • Climate change, testing drug molecules to fight AIDS, analysis of the “proteome,” danger from “near earth” objects, comet stardust analysis, supercollider results analysis, extraterrestrial life, climate prediction, evolution math, searching for prime numbers, stock forecasting, projecting “pi”, global species distribution

  39. Hallmark #6 Online Americans are customizing their online experiences thanks to Web 2.0 tools

  40. Information customization ~ 40% of younger internet users customize news and other information pages; ~ half are on specialty listservs

  41. Information customization ~ A quarter to a third of younger internet users get RSS feeds

  42. 5 issues libraries and all online participants must struggle to address – thanks to library blogger Pam Berger http://www.infosearcher.com/

  43. Challenges of Web 2.0 1. Navigation--transitioning from linear to nonlinear in format

  44. Challenges of Web 2.0 2. Context--learning to see connections

  45. Challenges of Web 2.0 3. Focus--practicing reflection & deep thinking

  46. Challenges of Web 2.0 4. Skepticism--learning to evaluate information

  47. Challenges of Web 2.0 5. Ethical behavior--understanding the rules of cyberspace

  48. The meta-meaning of Web 2.0 Michael Wesch Asst. Prof. Cultural Anthropology Kansas State University On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE

  49. Where we’re going • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE • Michael Wesch • Kansas State University

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