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Conflict and Resolution. GHD Training. Defining Conflict. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Pronunciation Function ˈ kän- ˌ flikt noun Etymology:
Conflict and Resolution GHD Training
Defining Conflict Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Pronunciation Function \ˈkän-ˌflikt\ noun Etymology: • Middle English, from Latin conflictus act of striking together, from confligere to strike together, from com- + fligere to strike — more at profligate Date:15th century 1:fight, battle, war<an armed conflict> 2 a: competitive or opposing action of incompatibles : antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons) b: mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands 3: the opposition of persons or forces that gives rise to the dramatic action in a drama or fiction
Defining Conflict Conflict and specific conflicts are seen by us through our culture’s worldview and our own experiences • includes definitions of “good”, “bad”, “right” and “wrong”
Conflict Exercise • In this room there are probably varying degrees of what conflict is, how it is handled and how people react to it • For each “conflict” shown next, rate it on your personal scale from 1 to 5- • 1 being not a big deal, very little emotion and 5 being a big deal with lots of emotion involved
Reflection • What types of responses did you have to some of the pictures? • Were there pictures that were more personal to you? Did that effect your rating? • How can “minor” conflicts like some of these get out of control between roommates? Best friends? Fellow GHDs and CAs?
Types of Conflict • There is a perceived breach of faith and trust between individuals • There is unresolved disagreement that has escalated to an emotional level • There is miscommunication leading to unclear expectations • There are personality clashes • There are differences in acquired values • There is underlying stress and tension • There are ego problems • There are combinations of the above How can we categorize the conflict pictures?
Conflict All of these types of conflict will pop-up throughout life College is hopefully where life lessons are taught-in the classroom and out of the classroom Since not all time is spent in the classroom during college…where else might these conflicts occur….??
Conflict Resolution • Conflict Resolution happens in one of two ways: • Conflicting parties come together to work out their differences together • A third party may come in to help resolve differences • GHDs & CAs as conflict facilitators • Very similar to mediators • Your goal- “to get people to express their views and listen to one another in the hopes of finding common ground to achieve a solution”(Illinois State University, 2004) • Used as part of the Room Change Process
“Resolving Conflict between Roommates” Refer to your handout as the skit plays out Conflict Resolution
Your Hats as Facilitator • The legitimatizer • You can provide a safe mechanism through which roommates can air differences without losing face by directly approaching each other. • The opener of communication channels • When roommates are not talking to each other for various reasons (emotional heat, hostile actions, etc.), you can open channels of communication and get them talking to each other. • The translator and transmitter of information • Sometimes roommates may be talking to, but not understanding, each other. They may come from different backgrounds or cultures, or they simply may perceive the problem differently. You may then act as a translator, transmitter, and clarifier of information.
Your Hats as Facilitator • The facilitator • If the roommates are talking but not getting anywhere, a third party offering skills in conflict resolution will facilitate the flow of feelings and information. You can also facilitate resolution of the problem simply by keeping the discussion flowing and by helping to maintain a good perspective on the goals of the mediation. • The trainee • One of the most important functions you can serve as mediator is to explain the mediation process involved within the framework of the particular conflict situation. • The resource expander • Often the roommates in conflict do not have access to information on how to get specialized help, if needed, in resolving their conflict. You can serve as a link to the necessary resource people.
Your Hat as Facilitator • The agent of reality • As the conflict nears resolution, it is your job as mediator to help the roommates to perceive each others needs. • The scapegoat • You may serve as someone to blame for the roommates' mutual dissatisfaction with the results. “And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.”
Resources Moore, Leila V. (2000)Managing conflict constructively.In M.J. Barr & M.K. Desler (Eds) The handbook of student affairs administration (2nd ed, pp. 393-409) San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. A Guide on the Mediation Process for Resident Assistants at Illinois State University.(August 2004) Dean of Students Office Illinois State University