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African swine fever. African swine fever is an infectious disease of domestic and wild pigs of all breeds and ages. Acute disease is characterised by high fever, haemorrhages in the reticuloendothelial system, and a high mortality rate.
African swine fever is an infectious disease of domestic and wild pigs of all breeds and ages. Acute disease is characterised by high fever, haemorrhages in the reticuloendothelial system, and a high mortality rate.
Soft ticks of the Ornithodoros genus, especially O. moubata and O. erraticus, have been shown to be both reservoirs and transmission vectors of ASF virus (ASFV). ASFV is the only member of the Asfarviridae family, genus Asfivirus. Laboratory diagnostic procedures for ASF fall into two groups: the first contains the tests for virus isolation and the detection of virus antigens and genomic DNA, while the second contains the tests for antibody detection.
ASF cannot be differentiated from classical swine fever (hog cholera; CSF) by either clinical or post-mortem examination, and both diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any acute febrile haemorrhagic syndrome of pigs. Bacterial septicaemias may also be confused with ASF and CSF. Laboratory tests are essential to distinguish between these diseases. At present, there is no vaccine for ASF
Suspected cases: • official surveillance • restrictions on the movement of pigs, pig carcases, pig products, persons and vehicles • epidemiological inquiry
Confirmation of African swine fever on a holding: • all the pigs on the holding are killed and their carcases processed • all contaminated material (meat, semen, ova) or waste must be destroyed, processed or treated • cleaning and disinfection of all premises, vehicles and equipment under official supervision • meat of pigs slaughtered during the period between the probable introduction of disease to the holding and the taking of official measures shall wherever possible be traced and processed under official supervision
protection zone • a radius of at least 3 km surveillance zone • a radius of at least 10 km • census of all the holdings • ban on the movement and transport of pigs • cleaning and disinfection The competent authority may authorise, on strict conditions, the removal of pigs from a holding in the surveillance or protection zones after 30 or 40 days respectively after the completion of the preliminary cleansing and disinfection, and, if necessary, disinsectisation of the infected holding. Lifting restrictions: serological survey
Suspicion or confirmation in a slaughterhouse or means of transport • all susceptible pigs must be killed • all material (carcases, offal and waste) from contaminated animals must be processed • cleaning, disinfection and disinsectisation of buildings,equipment and vehicles under official supervision • epidemiological inquiry
Suspicion or confirmation in feral pigs • expert group to provide assistance, to define the infected area and establish the measures to be applied. • placing pig holdings in the defined area under official surveillance • official census of all categories of pigs on all holdings • all pigs on holdings must be kept isolated from feral pigs • no pigs enter or leave holdings, except where authorised
written plan of the measures to be taken to eradicate the disease in the infected area: • geographical distribution of the disease; • definition of the infected area; • an information campaign to increase hunters' awareness of the measures they have to adopt; • the method of removal of feral pigs found dead or shot; • surveillance and prevention measures applicable to the holdings situated in the defined infected area • transport and movement of animals within, from and to the area • ban on moving pigs, their semen, embryos or ova from the infected area for intra-Community trade
Vectors and vaccines • investigations and measures to eradicate the vectors of the disease (ticks) on the affected holdings • the use of African swine fever vaccines is prohibited in the territory of the European Union. Contingency plan National disease control centre