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Cardiotonics: Digitalis & Arjuna Bark Pharmacognosy Seminar

Explore the pharmacognostic details of cardiotonics like Digitalis and Arjuna Bark, their chemical constituents, usage, and identification tests through this informative seminar presented by Maharudra S. Rakh. Dive into the world of cardiac glycosides and herbal medicine.

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Cardiotonics: Digitalis & Arjuna Bark Pharmacognosy Seminar

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  1. WELCOME rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  2. A SEMINAR ON “Cardiotonics” Presented by MAHARUDRA S. RAKH M. PHARM ., M.B.A E- mail: rmspharma@gmail.com PHARMACOGNOSY First year

  3. Cardiotonics • Cardiotonics (Greek Kardia-heart) are the drugs which give strength or energy to the activity of the heart. • The cardiotonics increase the force of contraction of cardiac muscles and stimulate the overall activity of the heart • Examples- dititalis, squill, thevetia, strophantus, arjuna bark rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  4. DIGITALIS Synonyms:- Digitalis leaves, Foxglove leaves. Biological Source:- Digitalis consists of dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea, Family Scrophulariaceae GeographicaI Source: in England, other parts of Europe, United States and India Cultivation and Collection: biennial or perennial herb of about 1 to 2 meters. propagated by seeds calcarious, acidic sandy, light soil with traces of manganese. altitude of 1600 to 3000 m. temperature range 20 - 30°C and rainfall 30-40 cm per annum. plantation is done twice a year. The leaved are picked up in the afternoon dried leaves (containing not more than 5% of moisture) packed into the air-tight containers rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  5. Macroscopic Characters: Colour - Dark greyish-green Odour – Slight Taste – Bitter Size - 10 to 40 cm long and 4 to 20 cm wide Shape - Ovate-lanceolate to broadly ovate; Microscopic Characters: anomocytic stomata on both surfaces trichomes are uniseriate, multicellular (3 to 5 cells) also glandular trichomes, free of calcium oxalate and sclerenchyma. Starch grains in the endodermis. collenchyma at 3 different places i.e. at the upper epidermis, lower epidermis, and pericyclic part Chemical Constituents: Digitalis contains 0.2 to 0.45% mixture of both primary & secondary cardiac glycoside (cardenolides) Purpurea glycosides A and B and glucogitaloxin, gitaloxin, verodoxin, and glucovero. Other chemicals- digitoxin, gitoxin and gitaloxin rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  6. Chemical Tests Keller-killani test for digitoxose : 1gm digitalis powder+ 10 ml, 70% alcohol (for 2 to 3 minutes)---boil---filtrate+ 5ml water and 0.5 ml strong lead acetate solution ------shake--- filtrate+ chloroform & evaporated ---- extractive+ glacial acetic acid + 2 drops ferric chloride solution + 2 ml concentrated sulphuric acid------ reddish brown layer acquiring bluish-green colour Legal test: The extract is dissolved in pyridine, sodium nitroprusside solution is added to it and made alkaline-pink or red colour is produced. Bat jet test: To a section of digitalis, sodium picrate solution is added. It shows yellow to orange colour. Use:- in the treatment of congestive heart failure Dose:- Initial dose - 1 - 2 g in 24 - 48 hours . Adulterants: The leaves ofVerbascumthapsus (Scrophulariaceae) The primrose leaves : The leaves ofPrimulavulgaris (Primulaceae) rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  7. ARJUNA Synonym: Arjun bark, Arjun Biological Source: Arjuna consists of dried stem bark of the plant known as Terminaliaarjuna Rob, belonging to family Combretaceae Geographical Source : in Indian (Chotta-Nagpur region, M.P.) Cultivation and Collection : -naturally growing plant in the dense forests -wild growing plants - seeds germination in 21 days -fertile loam and rainfall in range of 75 to 190 cm rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  8. Macroscopic Characters : • Colour - greyish-brown • Odour - None • Taste - Astringent • Shape - Flats Chemical constituents: -contains 15% of tannins -also contains triterpenoidsaponin, arjunolic acid, arjunic acid, arjunogenin. sitosterol, ellagic acid, and arjunic acid, flavonoids, calcium, aluminium and magnesium salts rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  9. Chemical test: Ether extract shows pinkish fluorescence under UV light Uses :as cardiotonic. antidysenteric. diuretic and tonic properties. hypotensive action Adulterants :Terminaliatomentosa rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  10. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

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