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COMPROMISE. Definition. Futher Comprehension. 3. 1. What is Compromise. 2. Special. 4. Contents. Definition. 妥协. 1. 2. a middle way between two extremes. an accommodation in which both sides make concessions. n. 妥协 , 折衷 , 折衷案 , 和解. What is Compromise.
Definition Futher Comprehension 3 1 • What is Compromise 2 Special 4 Contents
Definition 妥协 1 2 a middle way between two extremes an accommodation in which both sides make concessions • n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解
What is Compromise Compromise is a basic negotiation process in which both parties give up something that they want in order to get something else they want more. • n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解
Example1 Example2 What is Compromise They found it wiser to compromise with her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。 The Clinton administration hasn't taken a position on increasing the number of visas beyond the temporary compromise reached two years ago. By • n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解
The History of Compromise Further Comprehention British USSR U.S.A MAP
Further Comprehention British Political compromise & political development in the west The pattern of English political development is an incremental-compromised pattern, and there are also many political compromises in the American political development,in America many important problems were mitigated and resolved by political compromise.Compromise was an important way in which many western countries resolved domestic political conflict and achieved political development. MAP
Further Comprehention British 英国政治发展属于典型的 渐进—妥协模式,美国的政治发 展中也充斥着政治妥协,许多重 大的问题往往是通过政治妥协 得到缓解并进而一步步解决的 。妥协是许多西方国家解决国 内政治冲突、实现政治发展的 重要方式。 MAP
Further Comprehention Compromise Cooperation and Victory Commemorate ——the Victory of Normandy-landing in 60th Anniversary In the Second World War, The United States British and USSRwent through the process from conflict to compromise and cooperation on the problem "open up the second battlefield in Europe".They accomplished the Normandy -landing at last. The three nations started cooperation of land on military ,economy and politics,and realized the common aim to defeat German Nazi.
Further Comprehention 二战中,美英苏在开辟 欧洲第二战场问题上经历 了从立场冲突到妥协合作 ,直至成功实现诺曼底登陆 的过程。三国围绕登陆作 战问题在军事、经济、政 治等方面展开合作,最终实 现了击溃德国法西斯的共 同目标。
Special Feeling anxious about being out of shape of humanity in the process of joining in society in his growing, Holdern was depressed and hesitated. Exploring his thinking coursein life orientation--from resistance to compromise, can lead us probing into Salinger's inner world. MAP LD.SALINGER
Special 《麦田里的守望者》的主 人公霍尔顿在成长中对社会 化人性的变形和扭曲的焦虑、 恐惧产生的苦闷和彷徨,形成 了其人生定位的一段心路历程 ——从反抗到妥协,而这些则 从某种意义上反映了塞林格 的精神世界。 MAP LD.SALINGER