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Section III Expand Your Horizon

Section III Expand Your Horizon. Cosmetic Surgery.

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Section III Expand Your Horizon

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  1. Section III Expand Your Horizon Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic or plastic surgery is a procedure that changes certain part of the body based on the patient’s desire and satisfaction. Cosmetic surgery includes surgical and nonsurgical procedures. The five most common surgical surgeries are breast augmentation, liposuction, nasal surgery, eyelid surgery and facelift. The nonsurgical procedures include botox and laser hair removal. Nowadays cosmetic surgery is no longer a social taboo and it is not rare or astonishing to hear people around us have operations on their faces or bodies.

  2. Section III Expand Your Horizon The number of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States has increased over 50 percent in just 10 years. The increased use of cosmetic procedures crosses racial and ethnic lines in the U.S and is especially popular among Caucasian Americans. Europe also has become the second largest market for cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic surgery is now very common in the countries like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. However, this phenomenon is not unique in the western countries.

  3. Section III Expand Your Horizon In Asia, cosmetic surgery has become accepted, and the countries like South Korea, China and India have become Asia’s biggest cosmetic surgery markets. Thailand is also one of the main cosmetic surgery markets in Asia, with international patients coming from Australia, Europe and neighboring Asian countries. In China, cosmetic surgery is a $2.5 billion a year industry and it is growing at a pace of 20 percent annually,and more and more Chinese people are choosing to go under the knife.

  4. Section III Expand Your Horizon People get cosmetic surgery mostly for improving their appearance and self-esteem or removing the signs of aging. Naturally, both men and women are becoming increasingly conscious of their looks in today’s society. It is basic human nature to be unsatisfied with their bodies. Almost everyone wants to look good, not only for themselves but for their family, friends and their partners.

  5. Section III Expand Your Horizon Cosmetic surgery does help to improve their appearance, and therefore increase their confidence and self-esteem. Another reason people opt for cosmetic treatment is because they are waging a losing battle with time and age. Many people do not want to get old and are trying to delay the effects of aging. There are many creams and lotions on the market but none offer the long term solution like the surgery does.

  6. Section III Expand Your Horizon Plastic surgery is a means of correcting deformities or injuries for some people. Several people each year attempt to correct clefts or physical deformities that are manifested at birth. Some others require it to correct scarring and wounds that may have occurred during accidents. Plastic surgery becomes a necessity for those people to mingle back in society again, without being looked on with pity. It is a means of coming back to a normal life.

  7. Section III Expand Your Horizon Cosmetic surgery is a gift of science. It helps to improve the physical appearance and thus helps to enhance one’s self-image. Nevertheless, this tool should not be used just for the sake of looking beautiful. Cosmetic surgery may look easy and danger-free and may be readily available through the nearest doctor’s office.

  8. Section III Expand Your Horizon However, it is still surgery, and surgery carries risks. Thus surgery should be the last option when all other options have failed and proper research should be done before choosing any particular procedure or technique. In the world full of man-made products, the natural beauty should be advocated and the inner beauty ought to be glorified instead of the external one.

  9. Section III Expand Your Horizon 整形手术 整形手术或整容手术是指基于患者的意愿和要求改变身体某一特定部位的过程。整容手术包括外科手术和非外科手术。最常见的五种外科手术为隆胸、抽脂、鼻部手术、双眼皮手术和拉皮。非外科手术包括注射肉毒杆菌和激光去毛。在现代社会,整容手术不再是社会禁忌,当听到身边有人在脸上或身体上动刀子的时候,我们也习以为常了。

  10. Section III Expand Your Horizon 过去十年间,美国的整容手术数量增长了不止50%。美国整容手术的增加已经跨越了种族和民族的界限,尤其在美国白人当中特别流行。欧洲也已成为整容手术的第二大市场。在英国、法国和德国等国家,整容手术非常普遍。但是,这种现象不是欧洲独有的。

  11. Section III Expand Your Horizon 整容手术在亚洲也为人所接受,韩国、中国、印度是亚洲最大的整容市场。泰国也是亚洲主要的整容市场之一,吸引着来自澳大利亚、欧洲和其他亚洲邻国的整容者。在中国,整容手术年产值达25亿美元,并以每年20%的速度增长,越来越多的中国人选择挨刀子。

  12. Section III Expand Your Horizon 人们做整容手术主要是为了改善外貌、提高自信、消除衰老痕迹。现今社会男人和女人越来越在意自己的形象,这是很自然的现象。人们天生对自己的身体都有一种不满。几乎所有人都想拥有美丽的外表,不仅是为了自己,也是为了家人、朋友和伴侣。

  13. Section III Expand Your Horizon 整容手术确实能够改善人们的外表,提高自信。人们选择整容的另外一个原因是他们正在与时间和年龄打着一场必败之仗。很多人不想老,他们努力延缓衰老对容貌产生的影响。市场上有很多抗衰老的乳霜乳液,但没有一样像手术一样一劳永逸。

  14. Section III Expand Your Horizon 另一部分人需要整容手术来修复身体畸形和伤口。每年都有一些患者尝试修复天生的身体裂口或畸形。有些患者需要手术修复因事故造成的疤痕和伤口。对于那些想要重新融入社会,不想面对他人怜悯目光的人来说,整容手术是必要的。这是他们重回正常生活的手段。

  15. Section III Expand Your Horizon 整容手术是科学的恩赐。它改善了人的身体外貌从而提高了个人的自我形象。然而,这个工具不应仅仅用于为了好看。整容手术看起来容易、安全,你在最近的诊所就可以做。

  16. Section III Expand Your Horizon 但是,它毕竟是手术,手术是有风险的。因此,整容手术应是在其他方法都失败的情况下,作为最后一种选择,并且必须在选择手术和技术前做必要的论证。在一个充斥着各种人造品的世界,我们应该提倡自然美,赞颂内在美,而非外在美。

  17. Section III Expand Your Horizon Practice What You Learnt Task 1 Comprehension Check Choose the best answer according to the text.

  18. Section III Expand Your Horizon 1. Cosmetic surgery ______. • includes surgical procedures only • is still a social taboo • is a procedure that changes certain part of the body • is only for correcting deformities or injuries Answer C

  19. Section III Expand Your Horizon 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE? • Asia also has big cosmetic surgery markets. • Europe is the largest market for cosmetic surgery. • The number of cosmetic procedures in America has doubled in just 10 years. • Cosmetic surgery is unique in western countries. Answer A

  20. Section III Expand Your Horizon 3. Which is NOT the main reason why people get cosmetic surgery? • To improve one’s appearance. • To boost one’s self-esteem. • To look younger. • To show one’s inner beauty. D Answer

  21. Section III Expand Your Horizon 4. For _______, cosmetic surgery is a necessity. • those who attempt to correct clefts or physical deformities • some people who need to correct injuries • those who want to correct scarring and wounds • all of the above Answer D

  22. Section III Expand Your Horizon 5. The final paragraph suggests that ______. • cosmetic surgery is only for the rich • natural beauty and inner beauty should be advocated • there are only benefits but no risks in a cosmetic surgery • people should first choose cosmetic surgery if they want to look beautiful Answer B

  23. Section III Expand Your Horizon Task 2 Vocabulary and Sentences (1)Replace the italicized words with the words or phrases given in the box. Change the form if necessary.

  24. Section III Expand Your Horizon 1. This medicine is for use, not to drink. external outside 2. This magazine in no way gangs. praises glorifies 3. While searching for a way to the family income, she began making dolls. augment increase 4. The White House said there would be no change in the procedures. usual way of doing things.

  25. Section III Expand Your Horizon Section III Expand Your Horizon 5. He is held in high by colleagues in the construction industry. esteem admiration and respect 6. His father has just recovered from heart operation. surgery. 7. This hospital is famous for correcting facial in babies. imperfections deformities 8. Mr. Williams is a conservative who fewer government controls on business. advocates recommends 9. They had having children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers. put off delayed 10. Many people were not satisfied with the of change. speed pace

  26. Section III Expand Your Horizon (2)Fill in the blanks with the words given, and change the form if necessary. • Do they really have nothing to do with the campaign that had been _______ against them? (wage) • He once __________ a pleasing personality on stage. (manifest) • Music is merely an ___________ to the power of her words. (enhance) • Then the cheers and applause ________ in a single sustained roar. (mingle) • The two peoples are _________ related. (ethnic) waged click click manifested click enhancement mingled click click ethnically

  27. Section III Expand Your Horizon • She even had ______ surgery to change the shape of her nose. (plastics) • You should choose the second ______, though. (opt) • Let’s not forget that two crucial _______ have been broken in the past few days. (taboo) • __________do not cover up the deficiencies of nature. (cosmetic) • The college welcomes students of all ______, faiths, and nationalities. (racial) plastic click option click taboos click Cosmetics click click races

  28. Section III Expand Your Horizon Task 3 Divergent Thinking Try to make one or more sentences with the given information. And what you write should not be merely from the text. Model:What is cosmetic surgery? (什么是整容手术?) (change, procedure) Cosmetic surgery, a procedure that changes certain part of the body, includes surgical and nonsurgical procedures.

  29. Section III Expand Your Horizon • What’s people’s attitude towards cosmetic surgery?(人们对整容手术的态度是什么?) (taboo, astonishing) Cosmetic surgery is no longer a social taboo and it is not rare or astonishing to hear people have it. Click ________________________________________________________________

  30. Section III Expand Your Horizon 2. What is the development of cosmetic surgery? (整容手术的发展情况)(the U.S., Europe, Asia) Click The number of cosmetic procedures in the U.S. has increased and Europe has become the second largest market for cosmetic procedures. Asia also has big cosmetic surgery market. _______________________________________________________________

  31. Section III Expand Your Horizon • Why do people get cosmetic surgery? (人们为什么做整容手术?)(improve, correct ) People get cosmetic surgery mostly for improving their appearance, increasing self-esteem or delaying the effects of aging, while for some people, cosmetic surgery is a means to correct deformities or injuries. Click ________________________________________________________________

  32. Section III Expand Your Horizon • How should people see cosmetic surgery? (人们应当如何看待整容手术?)(help, risk) Click Cosmetic surgery helps improve one’s physical appearance and self-esteem, but it also carries risks. ________________________________________________________________

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