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American History Review: Industry, Urbanization, Immigration Jeopardy

Explore key terms and figures from the late 19th-century Gilded Age, including economic changes, social movements, influential individuals, and political events. Test your knowledge with this informative Jeopardy review!

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American History Review: Industry, Urbanization, Immigration Jeopardy

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  1. Industry, Urbanization and Immigration Jeopardy Review

  2. What was the term, created by Mark Twain, that described the period of corruption and scandal that underlay the apparent prosperity of the late 19th Century? • The Gilded Age

  3. Weather conditions, market factors, and this key change helped cause the decline of the long drive cattle industry. • Expansion of the railroads to the west

  4. This financier helped bail the U.S. govt. out of the Panic of 1893 by loaning gold to the U.S. treasury. • J.P. Morgan

  5. What term means a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money? It is usually related to an increased money supply. • Inflation

  6. Who was the only Democrat of the Gilded Age? • Grover Cleveland

  7. In what way did late 19th century farmers believe that their economic condition would be improved? • Free coinage of silver (increasing $ supply)

  8. This political party of the 1890’s disappeared, partly because the major parties adopted its main platforms. • The Populists

  9. Herbert Spencer was famous for applying an important and controversial scientific theory to social behavior. By what name was Spencer’s doctrine known? • Social Darwinism

  10. Which two European nations were America’s closest rivals in industrial output? • Germany and Britain

  11. Of which social philosophy was Walter Rauschenbusch a strong advocate? • Social Gospel

  12. William Kelly independently developed this process, named for its British inventor, for removing impurities from molten steel. • The Bessemer Process

  13. This type of worker was no longer as important with the advent of technology in industry. • Artisans

  14. Which industry became dominant in the South once industry took hold there? • Textiles

  15. The belief by some that the South would be the new Mecca of industry was known by this term. • The New South Creed

  16. These low-paid workers were commonly found in coal mines and cotton mills. • Children • Often as young as age 5

  17. Laborers from which of the following ethnic groups would be most likely to hold skilled positions? • Chinese • Mexican • Irish • German • German

  18. This union tended to shun unskilled laborers, contributing to the slow growth of the union. • The American Federation of Labor

  19. He was known as the Wizard of Menlo Park. • Thomas A. Edison

  20. Thomas Nast focused many critical cartoons upon this man, a notoriously corrupt NYC politician. • William Marcy “Boss” Tweed

  21. Young men and women migrating from rural areas could expect to get assistance from these faith-based organizations if they fell upon hard times in the cities. • YMCA & YWCA

  22. This reformer fought for anti-vice laws to combat the moral decay of the cities. • Anthony Comstock

  23. Jane Addams established this settlement house to assist the urban poor. • Hull House

  24. This Scottish-born immigrant became exceedingly wealthy by dominating the steel industry in America. • Andrew Carnegie

  25. Which of the following is not an New Immigrant country? • Poland • Germany • Russia • Italy Germany

  26. Which American labor union was led by Samuel Gompers? • American Federation of Labor

  27. Workers in the settlement house movement were expected to do this in order to fully understand the plight of the urban poor. • Live in the neighborhoods in which they worked

  28. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that states could not regulate interstate railroad rates? • Wabash v Illinois (1886)

  29. Under this code of behavior, manners and morals were to be unimpeachable. Those who were unrefined could improve themselves if they really tried. • The Victorian Code

  30. This demand by laborers was founded on a belief that the routine and restrictive nature of factory work needed to be broken up by leisure activities. • 8-hour day

  31. This was the most popular form of theatrical entertainment in the late 19th century. • Vaudeville

  32. Labor leaders would be most likely to vote for candidates in this party. • Democratic Party

  33. In what way did late 19th century farmers believe that their economic condition would be improved? • Free coinage of silver (increasing $ supply)

  34. What was the Congressional response to Wabash v. Illinois? • Passage of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

  35. Of which labor union was Terence Powderly the key leader? • The Knights of Labor

  36. What type of integration do you have if you control the entire production process? • Vertical integration

  37. The Knights of Labor were linked with violent anarchists and blamed for this event. • The Haymarket Square Riot (bombing)

  38. For what reason did management publicize the violence that took place at the Haymarket Square riot? • To turn public opinion against the unions

  39. This was the main issue of the 1896 Presidential Election. • The Silver Issue

  40. American imperialist hunger was fed by this “splendid little war.” • The Spanish-American War

  41. Why did President Cleveland send troops to break up the Pullman Strike? • To prevent the disruption of the U.S. mail service

  42. He won the 1884 election with the help of the Mugwumps. • Grover Cleveland

  43. Who was the leader of the Philippine Insurrection? • Emilio Aguinaldo

  44. The sinking of this vessel left McKinley with no political option other than to call for a declaration of war. • The USS Maine

  45. These two newspaper publishers waged a circulation war by exploiting events in Cuba. • Hearst and Pulitzer

  46. Cleveland was against spending additional money on these if the money was not going to the honored few who deserved them. • Veteran’s Pensions

  47. This Supreme Court case affirmed the right to segregate facilities based on race if those facilities were equivalent. • Plessey v. Ferguson

  48. For what reason did Jacob Coxey and his “army” march to Washington D.C.? • To convince Congress to create public works programs to provide jobs to the unemployed in the depression of the 1890s

  49. Who formed the Standard Oil Trust? • John D. Rockefeller

  50. Which 1890 act of legislation was aimed at eliminating monopolies? • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

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