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PROLONGED SPASM OF THE LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING CORONARY ARTERY (case report). Kulić M., Mujičić E., Šošević A., Gorani D.*, Tahirović E., Spužić M. Heart center, KCU Sarajevo Cardiology Clinic, KC Priština*. SPASM OF THE CORONARY ARTERY. Definition Pathophysiology F requency

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  1. PROLONGED SPASM OF THE LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING CORONARY ARTERY(case report) Kulić M., Mujičić E., Šošević A., Gorani D.*, Tahirović E., Spužić M. Heart center, KCU Sarajevo Cardiology Clinic, KC Priština* 5th Congress of Cardiologists and Angiologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo, 27-29 May, 2010,.Hotel Radon Plaza

  2. SPASM OF THE CORONARY ARTERY • Definition • Pathophysiology • Frequency • Treatment • Case report • Conclusion Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  3. DEFINITION • In 1959, Prinzmetal et al described a syndrome of chest pain at restassociated with ST-segment elevation Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  4. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • Coronary spasm is caused primarily by vascular smooth muscle cell hypercontraction Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  5. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • Abnormalities of NO production • Activated platelets - releases thromboxane A2 • Low levels of intracellular magnesium and vitamin E as well. • Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are probable risk factors for variant angina Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  6. FREQUENCY • 2-3% of all patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization in the USA • In Italy, the incidence of variant angina is approximately 10%. • A Japanese type of variant angina (termed vasospastic angina) with 20-30% of patients who undergo coronary angiography. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  7. DIAGNOSIS • A 12-lead electrocardiograph should be repeated with each episode of chest pain • Serial cardiac enzyme assays • Holter monitoring • Exercise tolerance test • Thallium scintigraphy • Coronary angiography Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  8. MEDICAL THERAPY • Nitrates • Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) • Statins Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  9. CASE REPORT • 39-year old female patient • chest pain since february 2007. • EKG- SR, fr.: 75/min., neg T in D3, aVF, V1-V3 • RR: 120/80mmHg., P: 75/min • Lab exam: without abnormalities Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  10. SADA PRIKAZATI EKG 2007/2008 Kulić M, Mujičić E, Gorani D et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  11. EKG 2009.

  12. Exercise tolerance testwas characteristically normal • slika ergometrije

  13. CASE REPORT • Echocardiography was also normal with EF: 72%, without valvular abnormalities • She was planed for MSCT or for coronary angiography Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  14. CASE REPORT • Patient desided to performe directly coronary angiogram without MSCT • Patient came from Montenegro in our cath.lab • She also demanded coronary angiography by radial approach Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  15. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  16. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  17. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  18. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  19. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  20. Conclusion • Spasm of coronary arteries is sometimes a life-threatening condition • The complete team, consisting of interventional cardiologist, intensivist/anesthesiologist and others, is necessery to be preasent for positive outcome of tretment of these patients. Kulić M, Mujičić E, Šošević A et al. Prolonged spasm of the LAD

  21. Thank you

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