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G10.3R.C1.PO1- Compare original text to summary for accuracy of main ideas, concrete detail, and . English 10 Week 1: January 7-11, 2013. Spring Semester Reminders. NEW Interactive Student Notebook (Daily Journals/Notes)
G10.3R.C1.PO1- Compare original text to summary for accuracy of main ideas, concrete detail, and English 10 Week 1: January 7-11, 2013
Spring Semester Reminders • NEW Interactive Student Notebook (Daily Journals/Notes) • Keep ALL work and organize it in a binder- binder check approx every 2weeks. • Late work up to one week late for ½ Credit • Essays and Projects lose 10% each day late • After School tutoring available; let me know in advance • Tentatively: Mondays & Wednesdays 3-4:15pm • Test Day for DFA and Vocabulary on Fridays; if you’re planning on being absent take it early, otherwise, be prepared to take it at lunch on Monday (or when you return). • 3 passes (less= EC; more=loss in participation grade) • Use of Electronic Devices with MY PERMISSION only! Otherwise, they will be confiscated.
ISN Name Period Table of Contents Pg Date Assign. Table of Contents Pg Date Assign. Table of Contents Pg Date Assign. Page # Date Daily Journal Write ? Write Response Page # Date Notes Write it so that YOU will understand. Will be collected for a grade every Friday, unless otherwise noted.
Copy into Journal: “Unit: Inferences & Expository Notes” Page 1 You Will Need To Understand: • Terms Concepts Ideas Inferences Deductions • Big Ideas Multiple ideas can be drawn from a single text or selection. It is important to create personal and pertinent deductions that can be supported by the text. • Essential Questions What is a pertinent deduction? How can you determine when a deduction is pertinent? What does it mean for a deduction to be supported by the text? Why is it necessary to support deductions with examples from the text?
This Week’s Vocabulary : • Fathom • Facilitate • Enigmatic • Deviate • Chagrin • Capriciousness • Brevity • Blatant • Affable • Acquiesce • Chaotic • Emblemize • Flailing • Deductions • Inferences • Ideas • Concepts
Daily Journal 1 7 January 2013 • What is an inference? Give an example of an inference.
Vocabulary • Complete this week’s vocabulary: Inferences • You do not need to have a sentence for the following words, but you do need a synonym. Deduction- To make a judgement about something based on the information you have. Inference-To form an opinion/hypothesis that something is probably true because of other information that you already know. Idea- The overarching topic (Animal Testing) Concept- The more specific details of the topic (The treatment of animal test subjects is inhumane) • Vocabulary Sheets are due TODAY!
This Week’s Vocabulary : Inferences • Fathom • Facilitate • Enigmatic • Deviate • Chagrin • Capriciousness • Brevity • Blatant • Affable • Acquiesce • Chaotic • Emblemize • Flailing • Deductions • Inferences • Ideas • Concepts
Daily Journal 28 January 2013 • Describe how to tie your shoe. • Make sure you identify each step and describe it in detail.
Expository Writing • Gives information about a topic or explains how something works or is done. Compare & Contrast Cause & Effect Informative- define a rule or saying, describe an activity that takes several steps (friendship, success, or a solution to a problem) • Purpose: Explain, Inform, Describe, or Define
Vocabulary Check • Make sure you have the correct definition for each of the following words: • Acquiesce- (v) to agree or express agreement • Affable- (adj) friendly; outgoing disposition • Blatant (adj) noisy in a vulgar or offensive manner • Brevity- (n) the attribute of being brief or fleeting • Capricious- (adj) determined by chance or impulse or or whim rather than by necessity or reason • Chagrin- (n) strong feelings of embarrassment or shame • Deviate- (v) to stray from the norm
Enigmatic- (adj) resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought; not clear • Facilitate- (v) to make easier • Fathom- (n) understanding or comprehension • Deduction- To make a judgement about something based on the information you have. • Inference-To form an opinion/hypothesis that something is probably true because of other information that you already know. • Idea- The overarching topic (Animal Testing) General Specific • Concept- The more specific details of the topic (The treatment of animal test subjects is inhumane) Specific General
Daily Journal 39 January 2013 • Describe how you clean your room. • Make sure you identify each step and describe it in detail.
Identifying Ideas/Concepts • Analyze the short story, “Anticipating the Dream” • Fill out the Key Concept Synthesis
Daily Journal 410 January 2013 • Complete the Vocabulary In Context on page 358. • Format Paper as follows: Vocabulary Practice • Chaotic/ ordered = _____ Vocabulary Strategy: The Latin Root “Plac” • The doctor prescribed a medicine-free _______ pill to satisfy the patient. ** You are writing out the question and the answer for each of the questions within these two sections only. **
Vocabulary Review • Complete the vocabulary searches. • These are due at the end of the hour! • VOCABULARY TEST TOMORROW! • Spelling • Definitions • Synonyms • How to use it in a sentence
Daily Journal 114 January 2013 • Do you think survival is a matter of chance or do you think survivers make their luck with quick thinking and seizing opportunities that present themselves? • What are some survival stories you have read or heard about? List at least 2 examples and give as much detail as possible. • For each, do you think their survival would be attributed to luck or other causes? Explain.
Ideas & Concepts • Read the expository text on page 111. • Complete the Key Concepts Synthesis. • Remember to go through each paragraph and determine if the information is pertinent to the story’s purpose. • Then identify what the main idea of the section is, the main concept , and how the information is important to previous sections.
Vocabulary • Affirmation (n)- a statement asserting the existence or truth of something • Alacrity (n)- liveliness and eagerness; youthful energy • Burgeon (v)- grow and flourish • Charlatan (n)- a quack or one showing false pretenses • Cantankerous (adj)- difficult disposition; unwilling to cooperate • Derelict (adj)- abandoned duty or neglected by owner • Didactic (adj)- designed or intended to teach • Discrepancy (n)- a difference between conflicting facts or claims • Ephemeral (adj)- lasting a very short time • Famished (adj)- extremely hungry Due Tomorrow @ Start of Class!
Daily Journal 215 January 2013 Part 1: • Explain the difference between an idea and concept. • How can you identify each? Part 2: • Can ordinary people be heroes? Give an example to support your answer.
Ideas & Concepts QUIZ • Read the story on page 355 of your literature book. • Complete the Key Concepts Synthesis. • Remember to change the first column to “Ideas” from “Concepts” • With the exception of identifying the ideas, make sure you write in complete sentences. • On the bottom of your page, what can you infer the purpose of the story is? • Remember the purpose is more than just “to explain” or “to inform”; identify what the main idea is that they are trying to get across to the reader. Include concrete detail (support) and commentary (explanation) that describes how your evidence supports your conclusion or inference.
Daily Journal 316 January 2013 Describe how to make your favorite snack. Begin by making a list of items that will be needed to complete the task. Then, describe each step in detail. You will need to include at least 5 steps, each of which should include at least 2 sentences on how to complete that step. Example: 12 burrito size tortillas shredded cheese olives green chilies green enchilada sauce casserole dish Directions: • First pour enough enchilada sauce to cover the bottom of the baking dish. This is to prevent sticking. Be careful not to put too much, so that it turns your tortillas to mush. • ….
Ideas & Concepts QUIZ • Read the story on page 355 of your literature book. • Complete the Key Concepts Synthesis. • Remember to change the first column to “Ideas” from “Concepts” • With the exception of identifying the ideas, make sure you write in complete sentences. • On the bottom of your page, what can you infer the purpose of the story is? • Remember the purpose is more than just “to explain” or “to inform”; identify what the main idea is that they are trying to get across to the reader. Include concrete detail (support) and commentary (explanation) that describes how your evidence supports your conclusion or inference.
BT Test Review • Go over test from last week to prepare for short answer test this Friday.
Daily Journal 417 January 2013 Identify a problem and then describe how to solve it. Begin by making a list of items that will be needed to complete the task. Then, describe each step in detail. You will need to include at least 5 steps, each of which should include at least 2 sentences on how to complete that step AND how it is important to solving the problem! Ideas: • How to change a light bulb • How to study for a test that you failed • How to change a tire
BT Test Review • Go over test from last week to prepare for short answer test this Friday.
Read Expository Text • Read the text on Chewing Gum • Complete the Ideas and Concepts Synthesis
Daily Journals are due NOW • Make sure your table of contents is completed and EACH page has the following: pg #, title, date
Vocabulary Test • Part 1: Spelling and matching definitions • Part 2: Complete the sentence • Part 3: Synonyms and Antonyms
Daily Journal 1wk323 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (8 corrections) When asked if life is worth living, did Charles great grandmother really say Well it depends upon the liver. Part 2: Define the following: • Hook • Thesis • Topic Sentence • Concrete Detail • Commentary • Concluding Sentence
Daily Journal 1 CORRECTED Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (8 corrections) When asked if life is worth living, did Charles’ great-grandmother really say, “Well, it depends upon the liver”? Part 2: Define the following: • Hook- grabs readers attention • Thesis- last sentence that states idea of paragraph • Topic Sentence- states what paragraph is about • Concrete Detail- specific example or quote/ supporting detail • Commentary- explanation of CD and how it proves TS and Thesis • Concluding Sentence- Wraps up main point of paragraph
Expository Essay • Read prompt, answer questions, begin brainstorming • Brainstorming Due TOMORROW. • Rough Draft due FRIDAY
Daily Journal 2wk324 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (6 corrections) The avrageamerican generates 1000 lbs of recyclable garbage each year how much of this is actually recycled?
Daily Journal 2CORRECTED24 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (6 corrections) The average American generates 1,000 pounds of recyclable garbage each year. How much of this is actually recycled?
Expository Essay • Read prompt, answer questions, begin brainstorming • Brainstorming Due NOW. • Rough Draft due FRIDAY
Daily Journal 3wk428 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (4 corrections) By the year 2000, more then half of the kids in the United States had spend part of there lifes in single parent homes.
Daily Journal 3CORRECTED28 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (6 corrections) By the year 2000, more than half of the kids in the United States had spent part of theirlives in single-parent homes.
Vocabulary • Alleviate (v) • Aloof (adj) • Chagrin (n) • Clemency (n) • Disdain (n) • Equivocate (v) • Fertile (adj) • Flourish (v) • Compare • Contrast *Also make sure you know the words from AIMS wk 2
Rough Drafts • Finish typing Rough Drafts. • Due TODAY! • Make sure you format it correctly. Last # Name Mrs. Geraci English 10 Expository Essay 30 January 2013 Title Start typing your essay.
Daily Journal 4wk429 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (4 corrections) Oceans are as much as 90 percent barren compleatly without life they’re like wet desserts
Daily Journal 4CORRECTED28 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (4 corrections) Oceans are as much as 90 percent barren (completely without life); they’re like wet deserts.
Daily Journal 5wk430 January 2013 Part 1: • Correct the following sentence: (6 corrections) We finded out in astronomy 101. That the planet earth is the heaviest of all the planets in our solar system.
Notes: Expository Introduction • What is the purpose? • To define ____________________. • To explain how to ______________. • Format: • Hook- grab the reader’s attention • Introduce idea and begin answering the purpose. • Thesis
Review Student Sample • Read the introduction of the student sample and review it for accuracy and errors. • Come up with constructive criticism.
Daily Journal 6wk431 January 2013 • Correct the following sentence: (4 corrections) Laff, and the World laff with you, weep, and you weep alone.
Editing • Student Sample- Students will read along and help analyze them for accuracy. • Point out strengths and weaknesses, organization, and word choice.
Peer Review • Edit- You will be assigned partners to go over the letters, paragraph by paragraph making corrections and suggestions. • share ideas with author and clarify any confusing remarks for each paragraph.
Final Drafts • Revise- type final drafts making corrections. Print when finished. Keep for highlighting tomorrow • If you finish early: • Come and get the following worksheets: Inferences 3&4 w/s Fallacious Reasoning Intro w/s