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Memphis City Schools Striving Schools School Improvement Plan Report 2011-2012. Trezevant High School Dr. Joe Canada, Principal. Components of School Improvement Plan. Component 1a: School and Community Profile 1b: Academic and Non-Academic Data
Memphis City SchoolsStriving Schools School Improvement Plan Report2011-2012 Trezevant High School Dr. Joe Canada, Principal
Components of School Improvement Plan Component 1a: School and Community Profile 1b: Academic and Non-Academic Data Component 2: Beliefs, Mission and Vision Component 3: Curricular Practices/Instructional Practices/Assessment Practices/Organizational Practices Component 4: Action Plan Development Component 5: The School Improvement Plan and Process Evaluation
Component 1a:School and Community Profile Student Characteristics • Enrollment: 653 • African-American: 648 • White: 4 • Hispanic: 1 • Freshman : 195 • Sophomores: 155 • Juniors: 175 • Seniors: 128 • Resource: 20.5% • CDC: 2.8% • Free/Reduced Lunch: 94.6%
Component 1a:School and Community Profile Staff Characteristics • 3 Administrators • 2 Instructional Facilitators & 1 SIG Administrator • 1 Graduation Coach • 1 Guidance Counselor • 1 Librarian • 29 Classroom Teachers, 10 SPED Teachers, 2 AJROTC Instructors • 6 Paraprofessionals (Educational Assistants) • 1 ISS Assistant • Part-time: 1 PBIS (Behavior) Coach, 1 School Psychologist, 1 Social Worker, 1 School Nurse, and 2 Hall Monitors • 3 Secretaries, 7 Full-time Cafeteria Workers, 7 Full-time Custodial Workers • 1 MCS Security Officer and 2 MPD Police Officers
Component 1a:School and Community Profile Staff Characteristics (cont.) • 82.4 % of teachers are teaching on a professional or administrative license • 17.6% of teachers are teaching on an alternative license, apprentice license, or occupational license • 3 teachers are either 1st or 2nd year teachers
Component 1a:School and Community Profile Community Characteristics (Census 2000 Report) • Median family income: $30,220.00 • Families below the poverty level: 22.9% • Individuals below the poverty level: 25.9% • Married-couple families with children under the age of 18: 16.8% • Single female with children under the age of 18: 23.4%
Component 1a:Data Sources Academic Data Sources • Gateway Tests • EOC Tests • TCAP Writing Assessment • Discovery Education Formative Assessment • Learning Express Folio Writing Assessment • ACT Scores • Report Cards • CTE Competencies Non-Academic Data Sources • Graduation Rate • Drop-out Rate • MCS Retention and Promotion Rates • Percent of Stable Students Report • Suspension, Expulsions and Remands Report • Attendance: Student and Teacher
Trezevant High SchoolEOC Algebra IPercent Proficient & Advanced Increase the number of high school students scoring proficient/advanced in Algebra I from 14% to the state’s required AMO of 63% or the “safe harbor” goal of 22.6%.
Trezevant High SchoolEOC Reading/Language Arts/WritingPercent Proficient & Advanced Increase the number of high school students scoring proficient/advanced in Reading/Language Arts/ Writing from 37% to the state’s required AMO of 74% or the “safe harbor” goal of 43.3%.
Trezevant High SchoolEOC BiologyPercent Proficient & Advanced
Graduation Rate (%) In order to stay on track to meet the state’s graduation goal of 90% by the end of the 2013-14 school year, Trezevant must have at least a graduation rate of 76.7% by the end of this school year (2011-12).
Component 2: Beliefs, Mission and Vision Shared Beliefs All stakeholders believe: • Teachers should hold high expectations for all students. • All students can learn to their highest potential when instruction is designed with a clear purpose and direction. • All students are life-long learners. • Student attendance and learning will only improve if we first establish a safe school with a nurturing environment. • All teachers must use a variety of research-based teaching strategies to address the individual learning styles of students. • Academic activities should meet the real-world needs of students and the community.
Component 2: Beliefs, Mission and Vision Shared Beliefs (cont.) • Student learning will improve when all stakeholders respect each other and cooperate with each other. • Student achievement data (example: TCAP Writing Assessment and EOC Testing) are necessary for decision making in meeting the individual student needs. • Assessment, both formal and informal, to include before and after instruction will drive instructional decisions. • School policies should be formed by a consensus of stakeholders, communicated effectively, and enforced fairly and consistently.
Component 3 • Curricular Practices & Gap Analysis • Instructional Practices & Gap Analysis • Assessment Practices & Gap Analysis • Organizational Practices & Gap Analysis
Component 3.1: Curricular Practices • School uses the TN Dept. of Ed. State approved standards and provides training to staff in the use of these standards • Curriculum is prioritized and mapped • School has implemented formative assessment aligned with the school benchmarks • Support system is in place for enhancing the quality of curriculum and instruction • Monitoring is in place for enhancing the quality of curriculum and instruction • Teaching and learning materials are correlated to the State standards and distributed to the instructional staff • School communicates a shared vision of what students should know and be able to do at each grade level to all stakeholders through a variety of media formats
Component 3.2: Instructional Practices • Classroom instruction is aligned with the standards based curriculum • Classroom instruction is aligned with the assessments • Teaching process is data driven • Teachers incorporate a wide range of research-based student centered teaching strategies • Students are provided with multiple opportunities to receive additional assistance to improve their learning beyond the initial classroom instruction • Classroom instruction supports the learning of students with diverse cultural & language backgrounds & with different learning needs & learning styles
Component 3.3: Assessment Practices • Student assessments are aligned with the TN Dept. of Ed. Standards based curriculum • Appropriate assessments are used to guide decisions relative to student achievement • A variety of data points are used for decision making relative to student achievement • All categories of students are assessed • Professional Development is provided in the appropriate use of assessment • Support and technical assistance is provided to teachers in developing and using assessments
Component 3.4: Organizational Practices • School’s belief’s, mission and shared vision define the purpose and direction of the school • Organizational processes increase the opportunity for success in teaching and learning at all schools • Organizational practices and process promote the effective time-on-task for all students • School provides continuous professional development for school leaders in a variety of organizational formats • School is proactive in addressing issues that might impede teaching and learning
Component 4Action Steps • The high school graduation rate will increase from 62.3% to at least 76.7% by the end of the 2011-2012 school year. • By the end of the 2011-2012 school year, all African-American students, all White students, all Hispanic students, all students with disabilities, and all economically disadvantaged students will make or exceed Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Mathematics or the number of students below proficient in Mathematics will decrease by 10%, creating a “safe harbor” as established by No Child Left Behind guidelines. In other words, the number of Trezevant students scoring proficient/advanced in Algebra I will increase from 14% to the state’s required AMO of 63% or the “safe harbor” goal of 22.6%. • By the end of the 2011-2012 school year, all African-American students, all White students, all Hispanic students, all students with disabilities, and all economically disadvantaged students will make or exceed Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Reading/Language Arts/Writing or the number of students below proficient in Reading/Language Arts/Writing will decrease by 10%, creating a “safe harbor’ as established by No Child Left Behind guidelines. In other words, the number of Trezevant students scoring proficient/advanced in Reading/Language Arts/ Writing will increase from 37% to the state’s required AMO of 74% or the “safe harbor” goal of 43.3%.
Component 4: Goal 1Graduation Rate • The school administration and SIG administrator will continue implementing the School of Freshman Studies & Leadership to improve student engagement and academic performance. • The school administration and faculty will continue to change school culture in The School of Communication, Art, and Military Studies and the School of Business, Bio-Science, & Technology to improve student engagement and academic performance for 10th - 12th grade students. • The school will prepare students for college readiness and success in a global society through extended learning field trips and college tours. • The AVID Site Team will continue to implement the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) educational program to increase the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges. • Teachers will incorporate the use of e Beam Interactive Whiteboards and SOS Computers Student Response Systems in the classroom to enhance the learning experience for students, differentiate instruction for students having difficulty, and improve communication between teachers and students.
Component 4: Goal 1Graduation Rate • The school will encourage overage students to take new classes in eLearning in order to meet graduation requirements. • The school will send letters home to parents concerning Gateway/EOC testing deficiencies, credit deficiencies, and other factors that affect graduation. • The academy counselor will check students’ transcripts during pre-registration to ensure that each student has the correct number of credits for his/her grade-level placement; they will also check the Gateway/EOC status for each student. • The school will provide an Open House for parents to pick up report cards. • The school will identify seniors and special education students who have not passed the Gateway Tests and provide after-school tutoring for them. • The school will provide incentives for seniors passing Gateway/EOC tests and/or all classes with good attendance and conduct. • The school will encourage students who have failed a course to make up the credit through the Course Recovery Program that is provided by MCS. • All teachers will attend professional development provided by the school and any district PD that they are asked to attend, including eBeam Interactive Whiteboard Training and SOS Computers Students Response Systems Training.
Component 4: Goal 1Graduation Rate • The administration and faculty will attend professional conferences and institutes (Effective Practices Conference for High Priority Schools in TN, ASCD, NASSP, AVID, Arts, Academy Institute, NCTE, NCTM, NSTA, IRA, Space Camp for Educators) to keep abreast of current educational issues and practices that will impact student achievement. • The behavior specialist will write and follow through with behavior contracts on seniors and other students who are not behaving appropriately at school and will monitor progress of failing/at risk students. • Each academy principal, counselor, and teachers will work with their assigned students who are not attending classes and contact their parents. • Teachers will differentiate instruction using research-based strategies to meet the needs of all students. • Instructional facilitators, graduation coach, counselor, and senior sponsors will meet with parents of seniors to address graduation requirements and college financial aid. • Each teacher will observe another teacher each nine weeks and complete an observation form. (Start a Personal Learning Plan).
Component 4: Goal 1Graduation Rate • Each new teacher will submit his /her own philosophy of effective teaching and learning. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will complete a Collaborative Professional Reflection Worksheet. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will meet with his /her evaluator to develop, refine, and document his / her own personal growth plan. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will submit a two-page summary of his / her personal collaborative learning plan /goal progress. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will submit his /her Reflection or “Final Thoughts” Piece. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • English, math, and biology teachers will be observed and mentored at least 11 times by Dr. Marguerite Jackson-Jones and Dr. Jodi Couch to enhance teacher quality and student achievement. • The school will be evaluated quarterly to ensure all SIG milestones are being met.
Component 4: Goal 2Mathematics • The school administration and SIG administrator will continue implementing the School of Freshman Studies & Leadership to improve student engagement and academic performance. • The school administration and faculty will continue to change school culture in The School of Communication, Art, and Military Studies and the School of Business, Bio-Science, & Technology to improve student engagement and academic performance for 10th - 12th grade students. • Teachers will work with special education teachers/students to develop individualized lesson plans that address these students’ particular needs with regard to state tests. • Students will be tested several times each nine-weeks including pre- and post-tests and a final comprehensive nine-week test to monitor student performance. • Algebra I students will be assessed three times during the school year using the Discovery Education Formative Assessment Tests. • The school data specialist will analyze assessments, post assessment results in the data den, and collaborate with administration and teachers.
Component 4: Goal 2Mathematics • Teachers will use data from Discovery Education Formative Assessment Tests to collaborate with colleagues and compare data. The Professional Learning Community (PLC) will develop re-teaching strategies to address deficiencies for particular SPIs. Additional assessments will be conducted to check student mastery • Students in Algebra I will track mastery of SPIs weekly using the mastery tracking checklist. • Teachers will identify those students whose data show lack of mastery on the EOC SPIs. They will be tutored after school. • Teachers will incorporate the use of technology (computers, graphing calculators) in classroom as required for instruction, testing, and projects. • All students will use graphing calculators in the classroom daily in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry. • Teachers will incorporate the use of e Beam Interactive Whiteboards and SOS Computers Student Response Systems in the classroom to enhance the learning experience for students, differentiate instruction for students having difficulty, and improve communication between teachers and students.
Component 4: Goal 2Mathematics • Algebra I teachers will use the Stanford Math to meet the needs of Trezevant’s middle and lower achieving students. • Math teachers will actively engage all students in inquiry –based learning and real life problem solving using Explore Learning Gizmos. • All CDC students will be enrolled and use the FASTT Math program. • All math teachers will post a word wall containing content area vocabulary as well as test taking terms and teach these words and terms on a weekly basis. • Teachers will differentiate instruction using research-based strategies to meet the needs of all students. • All math teachers will incorporate at least three research-based strategies into their lesson plans daily. • All teachers will attend professional development provided by the school and any district PD that they are asked to attend, including eBeam Interactive Whiteboard Training and SOS Computers Students Response Systems Training. • Each academy principal, counselor, and teacher will work with their assigned students who are not attending classes and contact their parents.
Component 4: Goal 2Mathematics • Each teacher will observe another teacher each nine weeks and complete an observation form. (Start a Personal Learning Plan). • Each new teacher will submit his /her own philosophy of effective teaching and learning. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will complete a Collaborative Professional Reflection Worksheet. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will meet with his /her evaluator to develop, refine, and document his / her own personal growth plan. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will submit a two-page summary of his / her personal collaborative learning plan /goal progress. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will submit his /her Reflection or “Final Thoughts” Piece. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Math teachers will be observed and mentored at least 11 times by Dr. Jodi Couch to enhance teacher quality. • Graphing Calculator Training will be provided to parents of Algebra I students to increase awareness of technology capabilities in the classroom.
Component 4: Goal 3Reading/Language Arts/ Writing • The school administration and SIG administrator will continue implementing the School of Freshman Studies & Leadership to improve student engagement and academic performance. • The school administration and faculty will continue to change school culture in The School of Communication, Art, and Military Studies and the School of Business, Bio-Science, & Technology to improve student engagement and academic performance for 10th - 12th grade students. • Teachers will work with special education teachers/students to develop individualized lesson plans that address these students’ particular needs with regard to state tests. • Teachers will implement the essay scaffolding strategy to improve TCAP writing scores. • Students will be tested several times each nine-weeks including pre- and post-tests and a final comprehensive nine-week test to monitor student performance. • The school data specialist will analyze assessments, post assessment results in the data den, and collaborate with administration and teachers.
Component 4: Goal 3Reading/Language Arts/ Writing • Teachers will use data from Discovery Education Formative Assessment Tests and Learning Express Folio Writing Assessment to collaborate with colleagues and compare data. The Professional Learning Community (PLC) will develop re-teaching strategies to address deficiencies for particular SPIs. Additional assessments will be conducted to check student mastery. • Teachers will incorporate the use of technology in classrooms as required for instruction, testing, and projects. • Teachers will incorporate the use of e Beam Interactive Whiteboards and Turning Technologies Student Response Systems in the classroom to enhance the learning experience for students, differentiate instruction for students having difficulty, and improve communication between teachers and students. • Students in English I and English II will track mastery of SPIs each nine weeks using the mastery tracking checklist. • Teachers will identify those students whose data shows lack of mastery on EOC SPIs. They will be tutored after school. • All CDC students will be enrolled and use the Failure Free Reading program.
Component 4: Goal 3Reading/Language Arts/ Writing • All English and World History teachers will use the Reading Plus Program as a remediation and enrichment tool to enhance student reading abilities and comprehension skills. • All English teachers will post a word wall containing content area vocabulary, as well as test- taking terms and teach these words and terms on a weekly basis. • Teachers will differentiate instruction using research-based strategies to meet the needs of all students. • All English teachers will incorporate at least three research-based strategies into their lesson plans daily. • All English teachers will provide an opportunity for students to read for pleasure during the school day. • All teachers will attend professional development provided by the school and any district PD that they are asked to attend, including eBeam Interactive Whiteboard Training and SOS Computers Students Response Systems Training. • Each academy principal, counselor, and teachers will work with their assigned students who are not attending classes and contact their parents.
Component 4: Goal 3Reading/Language Arts/ Writing • Each teacher will observe another teacher each nine weeks and complete an observation form. (Start a Personal Learning Plan). • Each new teacher will submit his /her own philosophy of effective teaching and learning. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will complete a Collaborative Professional Reflection Worksheet. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will meet with his /her evaluator to develop, refine, and document his / her own personal growth plan. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will submit a two-page summary of his / her personal collaborative learning plan /goal progress. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • Each teacher will submit his /her Reflection or “Final Thoughts” Piece. (Personal Learning Plan – for Staff) • English teachers will be observed and c at least coached 11 times by Dr. Marguerite Jackson-Jones to enhance teacher quality and increase student achievement.
Component 5: The School Improvement Plan and Process Evaluation • 5.1: Process Evaluation • 5.2: Implementation Evaluation • 5.3: Monitoring and Adjusting Evaluation
Component 5.1:Process Evaluation • What evidence do we have that shows that a collaborative process was used throughout the entire planning process? • What evidence do we have that proves alignment between our data and our goals? • What evidence do we have of our communication of the TSIPP to all stakeholders? • What evidence do we have that shows our beliefs, shared vision and mission in Component 2 align with our goals in Components 4? • What evidence do we have that shows our action steps in Component 4 align with our analysis of the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment and organization in Component 3? • What suggestions do we have for improving our planning process?
Component 5.2:Implementation Evaluation What is our plan to begin implementation of the action steps? • Monitoring dates are tentatively set for January 26, 2012 and April 12, 2012. • The assessment instruments to be used is the TSIP Implementation/Impact Check. • Letters will be sent to leadership team members requesting that specific information that will show implementation of our intervention strategies be brought to the meetings. • Implementation will be monitored monthly by the School Based Decision Making Council (SBDMC). • Long-term comparisons of data will be used.
Component 5.3:Monitoring & Adjusting Evaluation The monitoring and adjusting evaluation process will: • Evaluate the effectiveness of the School Improvement Plan and lead to change that will improve student performance • Evaluate the process used to develop the School Improvement Plan
Implementation/Impact CheckRubric Level of Implementation • 4 - The action step is completely implemented. • 3 - Implementation of this action step has begun; partial implementation. • 2 - Plans have been made to implement this action step. • 1 - This action step is not implemented.
Implementation/Impact CheckRubric Level of Assessment Impact • 4 - The school has a plan for formal assessment and has generated allthe evidence possible by this date. • 3 - The school has a plan for formal assessment and has generated some of the planned evidence. ORThe school has informally gathered evidence to assess the effectiveness of this action step. • 2 - The school has a plan to assess the impact of this action step, but has not yet begun to assess the action step. • 1 - The school has no plan to check or assess the impact of this action step.
Implementation/Impact CheckRubric Level of Impact • 4 - The evidence gathered to date shows this action step has made significantimpact on student achievement, instructional practices, or organizational improvement. • 3 - The evidence gathered to date shows this action step has made some impact on student achievement, instructional practices, or organizational improvement. • 2 - The evidence gathered to date shows this action step has made limited impact on student achievement, instructional practices, or organizational improvement. • 1 - The evidence gathered to date shows this action step has made noimpact. ORNo evidence has been gathered; therefore, impact cannot be determined at this time.