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Asexual Reproduction

Learn about asexual reproduction processes such as mitosis, binary fission, budding, sporulation, regeneration, and vegetative propagation. Explore mitosis stages and understand cloning techniques!

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Asexual Reproduction

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  1. Asexual Reproduction • Production of offspring from one parent • Involves mitosis Mitosis – Definition - exact duplication of all the chromosomes (# and information) in the nucleus, then separated into 2 identical sets. - occurs in all cells except sex cells Cancer – abnormal mitosis

  2. Structure of a double-stranded chromosome

  3. double-strandedhuman chromosomes ready for mitosis

  4. Chromatid – strand of a chromosome Chromatin – material of a chromatid Centromere – holds strands together Gene – bands of information on chromosome (DNA) chromatid centromere

  5. Mitosis

  6. YouTube - Mitosis http://www.cellsalive.com/mitosis.htm • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m73i1Zk8EA0&feature=related

  7. Mitosis: Dividing DNA & cells • Stage 1: cell copies DNA – chromosomes replicate Copy DNA! DNA cell nucleus (interphase)

  8. Mitosis: Dividing DNA & cells • Stage 2: DNA winds into chromosomes duplicated chromosomes Wind up! cell nucleus (prophase)

  9. Stage 3: Chromosomes line up • chromosomes line up in middle • attached to spindle fibers that will help them move Line up! duplicated chromosomes lined up in middle of cell (metaphase)

  10. Mitosis: Dividing DNA & cells • Stage 4: Chromosomes separate • chromosomes split, separating pairs • start moving to opposite ends Separate! chromosomes split & move to opposite ends (anaphase)

  11. Mitosis: Dividing DNA & cells • Stage 5: Cell starts to divide • cells start to divide • nucleus forms again Cleavage Divide! (telophase)

  12. Cell division in Animals

  13. I.P.M.A.T. Overview of mitosis prophase interphase cytokinesis metaphase anaphase telophase

  14. Mitosis in whitefish embryo

  15. Differences in Mitosis between Animal and Plant Cells Animal Cells - have centrioles - cleavage (cell membrane pinches in – cytokenisis) Plant Cells - no centrioles - no cleavage – cell plate forms

  16. Animal cell mitosis – cleavage – pinching in cleavage

  17. White Fish cells

  18. Plant cell mitosis – cell plate formation

  19. onion root tip

  20. Result of Mitosis: - 2 identical cells made with the exactchromosome # and information as parent cell – exact replicas.

  21. Methods of Asexual Reproduction -some organisms reproduce asexually (one parent) using the process of mitosis. • Binary Fission: • equal division of the cytoplasm of the organism. Ex. Ameba, Paramecium • One organism splits itself equally and produces 2 new organisms.

  22. Paramecium – Binary fission http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnlkvquWXS8

  23. Binary Fission Paramecium Ameba

  24. 2. Budding: NOT PLANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - unequal division of the cytoplasm Hydra Yeast

  25. Budding yeast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOvrq6ssy2Y Budding Hydra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=489CSop00sY

  26. Hydra - Animal

  27. 3. Sporulation: - multicellular organisms - spores are released and develop new individuals Bread Mold

  28. Sporulation – Bread mold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_X3aMh5Rb4

  29. 4. Regeneration: - invertebrates – undifferentiated cells (similar) - development of entire new organism from part of original. Ex. Starfish, planaria - replacement of lost structure. Ex. Lobster claw Planaria Starfish

  30. Planaria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7cXeWxxfD4&feature=related starfish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXN_5SPBPtM&feature=related planaria

  31. Spongebob episode – last few minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb1zdwZCAkA

  32. 5. Vegetative Propagation: - Asexual Reproduction in Plants (mitosis) - New plants develop from roots, stems and leaves of parent plant. Natural: bulbs, tubers, runners

  33. Natural A. Bulbs – enlarged underground stem, lots of layers ex. Onion, garlic, tulip

  34. B. Tubers – enlarged underground stem with buds (eyes) ex. Potato, yams

  35. Vegetative propogation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O7icCqFfEo

  36. C. Runners – stem that runs along the ground. Ex. Strawberries, pumpkins, watermelon, squash

  37. Strawberry - runners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbMr6d-ACYw

  38. Artificial: a. cutting – stem or leaf is placed in soil and a new plant develops. Ex. Geranium

  39. b. Grafting: - stem of one plant is attached to cut end of another. - No Blending - red rose bush grafted to yellow rose bush produces a plant with red and yellow roses.

  40. Grafting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EwtyO16dFg

  41. Results of Asexual Reproduction • offspring are genetically identical to parent • Same hereditary material (# and information on chromosomes) • Same characteristics

  42. Cloning • A way to make an IDENTICAL genetic copy • Has been done with sheep, pigs, cats

  43. Cloning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39BbcZVCx8I

  44. Steps to Cloning: • Take a parent cell nucleus & remove it • Take an egg cell from a female and remove the nucleus • Take the nucleus from the parent cell and put it into the egg cell • Implant the egg cell into a female for development

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