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Immunity is a natural system in body, which protects it from harmful bacteria, viruses, and microbes, etc. Ayurveda has remedies for improving immunity. Herbal immunity booster by Ayush department improves immunity naturally. For more information kindly visit our blog https://www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/blog/boost-your-immunity-with-ayurveda/
Boost your immunity withAyurveda chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/blog/boost-your-immunity-with-ayurveda/ By KaranvirSingh You will often see around you that out of many people who look similar in terms of health and height, some people are prone to diseases repeatedly, while some do not have much effect of weather or infection, etc. What is the reason? In fact, nature has created a system in every living body, which protects it from harmful bacteria, viruses, and microbes, etc. This is calledimmunity. Whose immunity is strong, they do not get harmed by germs that attack their body, but whose immunity is weakened, they cannot withstand the invasion of germs even in the slightest seasonal change. When the immunity of the body is weak compared to the external microbes, we first see its effect in the form of cold, cold, flu, cough, fever, etc. Those who go through such problems, again and again, must understand that their immunity is not supporting them properly and needs to be strengthened. The winter season is in a way a season of testing immunity, but the good thing is that it is also the best season to strengthenimmunity. Why does immunity getweakened? Unnecessary accumulation of fat in the body. Weightloss. Excess intake of fast-food, junk food,etc. Not properly nourishing thebody. Smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs,etc. Long-term use of painkillers, antibiotics, etc. Staying under stress for a longtime.
Sleeping less or sleeping unnecessarily for a longer period. Lack of manuallabor. Long live in a pollutedenvironment. In childhood and old age, the immunity power is usually somewhat weak, but due to poor lifestyle, it can be weak in pubertytoo. If the pregnant woman’s food is not well or she is suffering from malnutrition, then the chances of the child’s immunity are alsoweak. If you eat more sugar then it is harmful to immunity. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the ability of white blood cells to kill microbes in the event of eating 100 grams or more of sugar weakens for up to fivehours. Immunity is weakened by drinking less water because it becomes difficult to remove foreign liquids from the body due to a lack of sufficientwater. Recurrent infection orallergies If you feel that you are sick more often than others, complain of a cold, cough, sore throat, or skin rashes, then it may be due to your immune system. Candida test positive, frequent UTI, diarrhea, gingivitis, mouth sores, etc. are also symptoms of poorimmunity. Some people get sick just as the weather changes. This may be due to lower body temperature. The normal oral body temperature is 36.3 degrees for a strong immune system. Should not be below Because cold viruses survive at 33 degrees. Exercising daily can increase your body temperature and immunity. Also, hot spices like garlic, ginger, cinnamon cloves, etc. are also veryuseful. Vitamin D deficiency- Vitamin D enhances immunity and is lacking in most people. If there is a lack of vitamin D in your blood report, then you should make every effort to correct its level. Apart from this, persistent fatigue, sluggishness, or wounds that do not heal for a long time, sleeplessness, and depression and dark circles are also a sign of weakimmunity. Foods that boost your immunesystem Mulethi Mulethi is a healthy herb. Its roots have antiviral and antibacterial properties, which boost the immune system naturally. It also relieves many types ofdiseases. Garlic You can stay away from many types of problems by eating garlic. It has antibacterial properties, which helps fight the virus. Garlic boosts the body’s immunesystem. Protects you from any kind of viral infection. Chew raw garlic every day and eatit. Ways to boost your immunesystem
Greentea Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant, which helps the body to fight free radicals. If you want to boost your immunity naturally drink green tea. This will strengthen the immunesystem. Eat citrusfruits Eat oranges, tomatoes, lemons, berries, etc. They are rich in vitamin C. The intake of vitamin C increases white blood cells in the body. Inflammation is reduced. When white blood cells proliferate, immunity is boosted. You drink a glass of lemonade, orange juice everyday. Summer season is considered best to eat light and soothing food to avoid hunger and digestive problems. Foods to Increase Immunity can be quite beneficial in the summer season to increase some food immunity. In the summer season, including these immunity booster foods in your dailydiet. Alkaline Water HealthBenefits: Alkaline water gives many health benefits which we may not know. It can boost immunity (boost immunity) as well as hydrate your body and provide many other benefits for goodhealth. Alkaline Water Health Benefits: Alkaline water gives many health benefits which we may not know. It can boost immunity (boost immunity) as well as hydrate yourbody and provide many other benefits for goodhealth. Things to boost your immunesystem Stopsmoking For a strong immune system, it is recommended to first stop smoking. It is also called because smoking causes bad effects on your lungs and respiratory system, due to which the immune system also starts to weaken. Not only this, but it can also cause cancer in your respiratory organs. So for strong immunity, you should quitsmoking. Exercise Not only do we get good fitness by exercising, but it also contributes a lot to strengthen the immune system. Actually, during the exercise, many parts of our body get a good massage, due to which it can prove to be very helpful in boosting the immune system as well. So exercise regularly so that your immunity remainsstrong. Sleep
In this research conducted by doctors, it has also been claimed that deep sleep can also keep the immune system strong, so if you want to keep the system strong in yourself, then get a full sleep. However, some people also have insomnia problem and if you are struggling with such problem then eat such foods which can make you sleep fast and can also boost your sleepingquality. Fresh fruits andvegetables Consumption of fruits and vegetables is also commonly advised, but if we talk about the consumption of fruits and vegetables for a strong immunity then it becomes very important. In fact, fruits and vegetables contain the nutrients necessary to boost immunity, due to which consumption of these can prove to be helpful to a great extent in increasingimmunity. In a recent study, it was also observed that the immune system of those taking stress also weakens to a great extent. So if you want to keep your immunity strong, then don’t take stress about any work and try to finish all your work at the right time. Taking stress has negative effects on many cells of the body due to which it also damages the cells of the immune system and your immune system can become weak. So avoid taking stress for strong immunitypower. Meat Some people are also non-vegetarians and they consume foods that provide them with different types of nutrients, but such people should pay special attention to certain things before eating meat to strengthen their immune system. Whenever you buy meat from a meat market, there can be many types of viruses present there, which can also bring you in the grip of some serious disease. So whenever you consume meat, clean it first and cook it very well. By doing this, if there is any type of virus in it, the dirt will also be present, then after cooking it will be gone and your immune system will not be able toharm. How to boost your immune systemnaturally? Add Amla, lemon, ginger, raw turmeric and basil in your plate and use them for at least 21 days. You can consume them like this throughout the season. It is considered to be an Ayurvedic remedy to boost upimmunity. The diet should contain adequate amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants repair sick cells and reduce the effects of age while maintaining health. Beta-keratin, selenium, vitamin-A, vitamin-B2 and B6, vitamin-C, vitamin-E, vitamin-D, etc. are most important for strengthening immunity. Carrots, spinach, beets, tomatoes, cauliflower, apricots, barley, brown rice, sweet potato, orange, papaya, almonds, milk, curd, mushrooms, gourd seeds, sesame, etc. are useful to replenish these elements. Include green vegetables and fruits, especially in food. This is the best way to boostimmunity.
Thirst seems less during the winter season but remembers to drink 8-10 glasses of water during theday. Get plenty of sleep. Practice beingrelaxed. If you are often vulnerable to diseases, it also means that antibodies are becoming less in your body. For this, protein should be consumed in appropriate amounts. Massaging oil in the sunlight in the morning also inwinter. Immunity increases. Vitamin-D is an important factor forimmunity. Garlic is antibacterial and antiviral. One or two garlic should be consumed in a day duringwinter. Drinking green tea three to four times a day increases immunity. All citrus fruits of the winter season increaseimmunity. Drinking vegetable soup in winter not only enhances immunity but also benefits in cold andcold. If cold, cough persists for a long time, do not consider it normal, and get treatment. Ayurvedic remedies for improving immunity byCAC 15 Days Combo Herbal Immunity Booster by AyushDepartment CurcuminCapsule: It is a herbo-mineral capsule of size 500 MG which is 100% safe and is the purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Curcumin Capsules helps in pacifying all three doshas. Normally the Capsule consists of a standardized extract of the herb turmeric (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric having powerful, Antibacterial, Anti-microbial, Anti-inflammatory, Antifungal, and Antioxidant properties. These Capsules lowers the risk of Heart Attack, prevents Cancer by reducing the growth of cancerous cells, and helps in Anti-depressant property. These Capsules are very popular Anti-aging supplement and strengthen the weaker immunesystem. Dosage- take 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after ameal HerbalTea: CAC HERBAL TEA is purely herbal preparation and is purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC Herbal Tea helps in detoxification of the body, helps in Weight loss, Improves brain functions, fights cold, reduces heavy cough, and lowers cholesterol. Herbal Tea shows Anti-hypertensive, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-ageing, Anti- depressant, and Immune-modulator properties. These herbs prevent free radical damage and reduce the aging of cells in the body, and this makes your skin and hair look and feel younger and makes your immune system strong. It consists of Ayurvedic herbs that help to boostimmunity.
Dosage- Drink 1 cup twice daily with plain water after ameal Detox PremiumPowder: CAC DETOX PREMIUM POWDER is herbo-mineral sachets which are purely Ayurvedic formulation. These sachets help to detox the body and eliminate toxic materials and regulate metabolism and enhance the functions of the body. This formulation acts at the level of the nervous system and facilitates proper conduction of signal impulse from the nerves to the muscles. These sachets have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti- bacterial, anti-fungal, and immune-modulator. The ingredients present in it are moti pishti, parwal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kamdudha ras, Jahar Mohra, akik pishti, gandhak rasayan, sutshekhar ras, etc. These ingredients balance all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and help in blood purification, weakness, and strengthen your immunesystem. Dosage- Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water after ameal DetoxTablet: Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Detox tablets are 100% natural & safe containing 1gm herbs extract. The herbs used for the formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, anti-stress, & immuno-modulator properties. The herbs & minerals used for the preparation of this churna show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno- modulator properties. Giloy satva enhances the immune system. Giloy satva helps to remove stress, both physical as well as mental and helps in improving the immune system to fight against many viraldiseases. Dosage- takes 1 tab twice daily with plain water after a meal Shareon: WhatsApp