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WY Sage with juniper

PVT map with 2 versions of WY Sage model. WY Sage with juniper. WY Sage – no juniper. Defining PVTs with JUOC encroachment: Option 1. Intersecting HVeg w/ modeled JUOC . JUOC extent from RFNN model and Potential Veg Zone map. JUOC extent from RFNN model (on top of final map).

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WY Sage with juniper

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PVT map with 2 versions of WY Sage model WY Sage with juniper WY Sage – no juniper

  2. Defining PVTs with JUOC encroachment: Option 1 Intersecting HVeg w/ modeled JUOC JUOC extent from RFNN model and Potential Veg Zone map JUOC extent from RFNN model (on top of final map)

  3. JUOC potential Former area of modeled JUOC -> now mapped as “WY Sage with Juniper encroachment” “Extract By Mask” Historic Veg-WY Sage Can do something similar with a version of RFNN instead of HVeg map: -model once with JUOC and once without -extract JUOC in “withJUOC” model from areas of sage in “noJUOC” model -reclassify these areas as “sage-with juniper encroachment” (Current Veg from circa 1920)

  4. Defining PVTs with JUOC encroachment: Option 2 Using RFNN probability surface -model once without JUOC -a second, two-class model (JUOC and everything else lumped) -use prob surface from 2nd model to reclassify 1st model: -everything with prob 10-50% -> “sage w/ JUOC encroachment” -everything with prob >50%-> “JUOC woodland”

  5. Defining PVTs with JUOC encroachment: Option 3 Using climate data to partition sage into 2 types Isolines in brown are 10”+ precip From suggestion by Rick Miller: Everything >=10” annprecip is open to JUOC encroachment Could also add a “distance from source” buffer e.g. if >=10” but >20km from JUOC potential then “sage – no juniper” WY Sage w/ JUOC but <10” precip WY Sage- no JUOC but >10” precip

  6. Defining PVTs with JUOC encroachment: Option 4 Using HUCs to partition sage into 2 types HUCs in red will reclassify sage types to “sage w/ JUOC”

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