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Anger! . *Grace Waldon *. Anger: a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire. . Violence, upset, aggression, belligerence, hostility, defensive, sensitivity, emotional. Words associated with the emotion: anger! .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anger! *Grace Waldon*

  2. Anger: a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire. Violence, upset, aggression, belligerence, hostility, defensive, sensitivity, emotional. Words associated with the emotion: anger!

  3. Colors associated with this emotion include red and dark colors. Blacks and Greys are also colors involved.

  4. Anger: • This emotion has occurred in my life, especially when Randall locks my phone for an hour…. A defense mechanism I use to not be angry is counting down from five and taking a deep breath! There are many movies, music, and tv shows associated with anger. Scream-o music for one takes on a very angry feel. Anger management is an example of a movie concerning anger.

  5. This emotion can be bad if you take it to extremes and do not cope properly. However, it is healthy to be upset and angry to learn how to deal with the disappointments and trials of life. The first step is to recognize the emotion you are experiencing. ANGER!! Other defense mechanisms include: Repression: This is when someone blocks out painful thoughts and emotions. Denial: Refusing to accept reality Rationalization: Making excuses for or justifying behavior.

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