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TIME, ATTENDANCE, & SCHEDULING. DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM TRAINING MODULE:. Requests for time off are not automatically approved. Overtime must be minimized.
Requests for time off are not automatically approved. • Overtime must be minimized. • It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they have an adequate number of hours in their short term bank to cover any requested PTO. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:GENERAL PRINCIPLES DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
It is the expectation of Duke University Hospital leadership that PTO is used for any time away from Duke. • PTO is an earned benefit. If an employee does not have a sufficient amount of PTO in his/her short term bank, he/she has not earned the benefit of time off. • Requests for a “standard” day off will be accommodated only as schedule and staffing requirements allow. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:GENERAL PRINCIPLES DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Paid Time Off for non-emergency requests will be granted based on workload, staffing, and the patient care needs of the health system. • The minimum staffing required in the SPC (under normal circumstances and NOT including technicians undergoing training) is determined by pharmacy management. • Requests for PTO for the next schedule period must be made via ActiveStaffer by the first Friday of the current work schedule. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:PAID TIME OFF (PTO) DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:PAID TIME OFF (PTO) • Approval or denial of any schedule request is done before (approximately one week) the schedule is posted (about two weeks before the first day of the schedule in question). DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:PAID TIME OFF (PTO) • Check with the your scheduling manager prior to making travel arrangements if they need to be made prior to the posting of the affected schedule. Never assume a PTO request will be approved, regardless of proper notice. DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:PAID TIME OFF (PTO) • PTO requests received after the deadline will be granted only as staffing allows. • If staffing levels do not allow granting of a needed PTO day, it is the requesting employee’s responsibility to arrange a schedule switch with available personnel to ensure adequate staffing. DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Employees may switch shifts or days off. Both employees and SPC management approve the switch by completing the WORK SCHEDULE SWITCH FORMin advance. Schedule switches CANNOT involve overtime (where there was none per the posted schedule). All switches must be approved IN ADVANCE by management. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling: SCHEDULE SWITCHES DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Including the time necessary to garb and de-garb; duration of work breaks may be no more than • 30 minutes for a break and • 45 minutes for lunch/dinner • Breaks are to be taken so that cleanroom work areas are properly covered (ALL work areas with 2 or more techs assigned should ALWAYS have at least one tech present; premix must always be covered as well). Time, Attendance, & Scheduling: WORK BREAKS DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
ALL DEVIATIONS FROM THE POSTED SCHEDULE MUST BE DOCUMENTED ON THE TIME ADJUSTMENT FORM AND COSIGNED BY A PHARMACIST. Any OT must be approved in advance by management. Overtime is allowed when an unexpected circumstance (e.g. an unscheduled absence) prevents full staffing of the Cleanroom. The pharmacist must determine that adequate staffing would be impossible without the use of overtime. In this circumstance, prior approval by management is not required. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:SCHEDULE DEVIATIONS DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Acceptable uses of OT DO NOT include: • Working to make up for a previously missed shift (e.g. working an unscheduled shift to make up for calling out), except with prior approval from management. • Picking up extra time when the cleanroom is at or above minimum staffing levels. • DEFINITION OF OVERTIME • When a staff member works in excess of 8 hours (except where employees are approved in advance for 10 or 12 hour shifts) in a day or 80 hours in a pay period (biweekly employees). Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:SCHEDULE DEVIATIONS DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
ALL DEVIATIONS FROM THE POSTED SCHEDULE MUST BE DOCUMENTED ON THE TIME ADJUSTMENT FORM AND COSIGNED BY A PHARMACIST. NO LUNCH Requesting NO LUNCH on the Time Adjustment Form may be done only when taking a lunch break would prevent doses from being prepared safely and on time. When submitting a NO LUNCH request, a reason must be provided on the Time Adjustment Form. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:SCHEDULE DEVIATIONS DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
ALL DEVIATIONS FROM THE POSTED SCHEDULE MUST BE DOCUMENTED ON THE TIME ADJUSTMENT FORM AND COSIGNED BY A PHARMACIST. • Schedule deviations include leaving early, working past the normal end of shift time, and arriving late. Also see Duke HR’s definition of tardiness and policy on Availability for Work. • All schedule deviations must be approved in advance and documented on the SPA Time & Attendance Adjustment sheet by the SPC Manager or a supervising pharmacist (if the department supervisor is not available). Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:SCHEDULE DEVIATIONS DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Violation of an attendance policy involving unscheduled absences or tardiness, or failure to properly notify the department supervisor when leaving the work area will result in corrective action. Employees should refer to the Duke HR website and/or the Duke Staff Handbook for more details concerning policies related to attendance. Cleanroom staff must clock in/out using ONLY the Clocking Station nearest the Cleanroom (on the wall between the two entrances to North Central Pharmacy). Employees leaving early must specifically request to use PTO fill if this function is desired, preferably using the PF code when clocking out. Failure to specify intent with regard to PTO fill is de facto permission to the SPC Manager to make the decision. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:ATTENDANCE DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Requests to arrive after the start time posted on the schedule will not be counted as tardiness only if approved in advance and documented by the SPC Manager. If an employee knows he/she will not arrive on time, he/she is expected to notify a pharmacist on duty at the earliest convenience. This notification does not, however, preclude the occurrence from being documented and counted as a tardy. Time, Attendance, & Scheduling:TARDINESS DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
Time off (consecutive days or intermittent) is available for personal serious illness; births and adoptions; the care of a child, parent, spouse or registered same-sex partner with a serious health condition; or to care for an injured or ill service member under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). For complete details on FMLA, eligibility and application, refer the Duke HR’s FMLA website. Where FMLA is foreseeable (e.g. maternity/paternity leave), it is vitally important to provide proper notice and complete the required paperwork at the earliest opportunity. FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
The SPC is an essential service of Duke Hospital and, as such, all SPC staff are considered essential personnel. • All staff should be familiar with the Severe Weather Policy and Duke’s severe weather resources (including alternate transportation and child care). • Resources for Adverse Weather • Duke Severe Weather Policy: www.hr.duke.edu/weather/ • Duke Hospital Severe Weather Child-care: hr.duke.edu/weather/childcare/ • Duke Severe Weather Notice Positing Site: www.duke.edu/today/ • Duke Severe Weather hotlines: • Duke University & Medical Center 684-INFO (4636) • Duke Hospital 681-SNOW (7669) Severe Weather DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
For definitive policy information, refer to: • Duke Human Resources (www.hr.duke.edu) • SPC SOP – Time, Attendance, and Scheduling • HR’s FMLA site (http://www.hr.duke.edu/absences/fmla_campus.html) Resources DUMC STERILE PREPARATIONS CLEANROOM
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