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Air Force Association

Air Force Association. AFA Wounded Airman Program Ac Hoc Committee Sept 2013. 1. Scope of Wounded Airman Program Charter. Ad Hoc Committee under direction of CoB Evaluate need for such a program and establish a relationship with Air Force programs dedicated to this effort

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Air Force Association

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  1. Air Force Association AFA Wounded Airman Program Ac Hoc Committee Sept 2013 1

  2. Scope of Wounded Airman Program Charter • Ad Hoc Committee under direction of CoB • Evaluate need for such a program and establish a relationship with Air Force programs dedicated to this effort • Propose the role of the AFA in supporting the Air Force and their programs • Leverage the strength of our Field and access to a community of support and donations • Establish an MOU with the Air Force to formalize relationship • Establish efficacy of a dedicated AFA fund/donations with reporting/accountability to both AFA and AF IAW the MOU

  3. Wounded Airman Program • First established in two cities with three AFA chapters • Washinton, DC – linked to WRAMC, Bethesda, Andrews, Ft Belvoir - Steele Chapter and Nation’s Capital Chapter • San Antonio – Linked to SAMMC - Alamo Chapter • Other Chapters participating this last year: • Colorado State, and Rocky Mountain Region  Gen David C. Jones Chapter Highpoint Chapter Pope Chapter Sarasota-Manatee Chapter Thomas W. Anthony Chapter Thunderbird Chapter

  4. Wounded Airmen Statistics • Air Force Wounded Airman Database (as of Aug 2013) • 2,854 = current population (1057 Active Duty / 1797 Veteran)2,227 Regular   (76%)   359 Guard      (12%)   268 Reserve   (12%)AFW2 Case Category544 Illnesses1,482 Psychological wounds (1,329 PTSD)828 Physical wounds (includes TBI)Concentrated Services = 1,431Sustainment case load = 1,423 • Enroll ~55 new recovering service members per month

  5. Focus Areas for AFA Support • Connecting Airmen and Families with local AFA Chapters when returning home and obtaining assistance for services • Arranging and providing financial assistance as needed • Mentorship assistance by the field as needed • Support for rehabilitation/equipment • Special cases identified by the AF WAP and not covered by other sources • Facilitate support by other agencies on behalf of the Airmen • Sponsor/support select events that involve Wounded Airmen

  6. Update • Outstanding and visible relationship with Air Force Wounded Airman Program • We are recognized and supported by by A1 and SAF as “first response” support to Airmen; they want us visible to Airmen and we are supported by the AF Aid Society • Adaptive Sports involvement at the Academy, Nellis, Andrews and San Antonio • AFA Cycling Classic - we are their exclusive benefactor • Working weekly with AF WAP case managers and leaders • MOU has been approved by A1 and GC; AFA leadership to sign today and Mr Ginsberg is ready to sign today, he has verbally expressed approval • Fund now at $ 44,202 • Collections this year were: $ 20,025 • Expenses this year were: $ 9,807 • Indirect expenses associated with AFA staff are absorbed by AFA • 100% of collections will be provided to Airmen in need

  7. The AFA is There …..

  8. The AFA is Making a Difference for David Newton

  9. Recommendation • The Recommendation of Ad Hoc Committee is that an AFA Wounded Airman Committee be approved as a Program within the AFA. • Recommend the Wounded Airman Committee remain in existance as an Ad Hoc under the VCoBFO until discussions are completed to establish its final structure within Field Operations while retaining its direct relationship to the National AFA Member and Field Operations staff and honoring its reporting requirements IAW the MOU . Changes to the OPM will be provided at a future date. • This Committee will be chaired by a National Director appointed by the CoB, supported by the VCoBFO. Members will be named by the VCoBFO IAW with the approved guidance

  10. Questions?

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