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Interval Scheduling

This algorithm selects non-overlapping time intervals to maximize the selected interval count. Strategies are based on earliest start, shortest and finishing intervals.

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Interval Scheduling

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  1. Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize # of selected intervals

  2. Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize # of selected intervals Idea #1: Select interval that starts earliest, remove overlapping intervals and recurse.

  3. Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize # of selected intervals Idea #2: Select the shortest interval, remove overlapping intervals and recurse.

  4. Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize # of selected intervals Idea #3: Select the interval with the fewest conflicts, remove overlapping intervals and recurse.

  5. Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize # of selected intervals Idea #4: Select the earliest finishing interval, remove overlapping intervals and recurse.

  6. Interval Scheduling • INTERVAL-SCHEDULING( s1, f1, …, sn, fn ) • Remain = {1,…,n} • Selected = {} • while ( |Remain| > 0 ) { • k = argmin i 2 Remain fi • Selected = Selected [ {k} • Remain = Remain – {k} • for every i in Remain { • if (si < fk) then Remain = Remain – {i} • } • } • RETURN Selected Idea #4: Select the earliest finishing interval, remove overlapping intervals and recurse.

  7. Interval Scheduling • INTERVAL-SCHEDULING( s1, f1, …, sn, fn ) • Remain = {1,…,n} • Selected = {} • while ( |Remain| > 0 ) { • k = argmin i 2 Remain fi • Selected = Selected [ {k} • Remain = Remain – {k} • for every i in Remain { • if (si < fk) then Remain = Remain – {i} • } • } • RETURN Selected Running time:

  8. Interval Scheduling • INTERVAL-SCHEDULING( s1, f1, …, sn, fn ) • Remain = {1,…,n} • Selected = {} • while ( |Remain| > 0 ) { • k = argmin i 2 Remain fi • Selected = Selected [ {k} • Remain = Remain – {k} • for every i in Remain { • if (si < fk) then Remain = Remain – {i} • } • } • RETURN Selected Thm: Algorithm works.

  9. Interval Scheduling • INTERVAL-SCHEDULING( s1, f1, …, sn, fn ) • Remain = {1,…,n} • Selected = {} • while ( |Remain| > 0 ) { • k = argmin i 2 Remain fi • Selected = Selected [ {k} • Remain = Remain – {k} • for every i in Remain { • if (si < fk) then Remain = Remain – {i} • } • } • RETURN Selected Which type of algorithm did we use ?

  10. Schedule All Intervals Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a partition of the intervals, each part of the partition consists of non-overlapping intervals minimize the number of parts in the partition

  11. Schedule All Intervals Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a partition of the intervals, each part of the partition consists of non-overlapping intervals minimize the number of parts in the partition Def: depth = max (over time t) number of intervals that are “active” at time t

  12. Schedule All Intervals Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals a partition of the intervals, each part of the partition consists of non-overlapping intervals minimize the number of parts in the partition Def: depth = max (over time t) number of intervals that are “active” at time t

  13. Schedule All Intervals Def: depth = max (over time t) number of intervals that are “active” at time t Observation 1: Need at least depth parts (labels). • SCHEDULE-ALL_INTERVALS ( s1, f1, …, sn, fn ) • Sort intervals by their starting time • for j=1 to n do • Consider = {1,…,depth} • for every i<j that overlaps with j do • Consider = Consider – { Label[i] } • if |Consider| > 0 then • Label[j] = anything from Consider • else • Label[j] = nothing • RETURN Label[]

  14. Schedule All Intervals Thm: Every interval gets a real label. Corollary: Algo returns an optimal solution (i.e. it works!). Running time: • SCHEDULE-ALL_INTERVALS ( s1, f1, …, sn, fn ) • Sort intervals by their starting time • for j=1 to n do • Consider = {1,…,depth} • for every i<j that overlaps with j do • Consider = Consider – { Label[i] } • if |Consider| > 0 then • Label[j] = anything from Consider • else • Label[j] = nothing • RETURN Label[]

  15. Weighted Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals, each interval has a cost a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize the sum of the costs in the subset

  16. Weighted Interval Scheduling Input: Output: Objective: a set of time-intervals, each interval has a cost a subset of non-overlapping intervals maximize the sum of the costs in the subset • WEIGHTED-SCHED-ATTEMPT (s1,f1,c1, …, sn,fn,cn) • Sort intervals by their finishing time • RETURN WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE (n) • WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE (j) • if (j=0) then RETURN 0 • k=j • while (interval k and j overlap) do k-- • RETURN • max(cj + WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE(k), • WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE(j-1))

  17. Weighted Interval Scheduling Does the algorithm below work ? • WEIGHTED-SCHED-ATTEMPT (s1,f1,c1, …, sn,fn,cn) • Sort intervals by their finishing time • RETURN WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE (n) • WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE (j) • if (j=0) then RETURN 0 • k=j • while (interval k and j overlap) do k-- • RETURN • max(cj + WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE(k), • WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE(j-1))

  18. Weighted Interval Scheduling Dynamic programming ! Heart of the solution: S[ ] = • WEIGHTED-SCHED-ATTEMPT (s1,f1,c1, …, sn,fn,cn) • Sort intervals by their finishing time • RETURN WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE (n) • WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE (j) • if (j=0) then RETURN 0 • k=j • while (interval k and j overlap) do k-- • RETURN • max(cj + WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE(k), • WEIGHTED-SCHEDULING-RECURSIVE(j-1))

  19. Weighted Interval Scheduling Dynamic programming ! Heart of the solution: S[ j ] = max cost using a subset of the first j intervals Another part of the heart: how to compute S[j] ? Finally, what do we return ?

  20. Weighted Interval Scheduling Dynamic programming ! Heart of the solution: S[ j ] = max cost using a subset of the first j intervals • WEIGHTED-SCHED-ATTEMPT (s1,f1,c1, …, sn,fn,cn) • Sort intervals by their finishing time • S[0] = 0 • for j=1 to n do • k = j • while (intervals k and j overlap) do k-- • S[j] = max( S[j-1], cj + S[k] ) • RETURN S[n]

  21. Longest Increasing Subsequence Input: Output: Objective: a sequence of numbers an increasing subsequence maximize length of the subsequence Example: 2 3 1 7 4 6 9 5

  22. Longest Increasing Subsequence Input: Output: Objective: a sequence of numbers an increasing subsequence maximize length of the subsequence Heart of the solution:

  23. Longest Increasing Subsequence Input: Output: Objective: a sequence of numbers an increasing subsequence maximize length of the subsequence Heart of the solution: S[k] =

  24. Longest Increasing Subsequence Input: Output: Objective: a sequence of numbers an increasing subsequence maximize length of the subsequence Heart of the solution: S[k] = the maximum length of an increasing subsequence of the first k numbers ending with the k-th number

  25. Longest Increasing Subsequence Input: Output: Objective: a sequence of numbers a1, a2, …, an an increasing subsequence maximize length of the subsequence Heart of the solution: S[k] = the maximum length of an increasing subsequence of the first k numbers ending with the k-th number S[k] = 1 + maximum S[i] where i < k satisfies ai < ak

  26. Longest Increasing Subsequence • LONGEST-INCR-SUBSEQ (a1,…,an) • for k=1 to n do • S[k] = 1 • for j=1 to k-1 do • if aj<ak and S[k]<S[j]+1 then • S[k] = S[j]+1 • return maxk S[k]

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