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Mrs. Merry’s Super Third Grade! Please find your child’s desk and have a seat. About. Me. Graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a BS in Electrical Engineering Recently completed the Master’s Program in Education at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Mrs. Merry’s Super Third Grade! Please find your child’s desk and have a seat.
About Me • Graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a BS in Electrical Engineering • Recently completed the Master’s Program in Education at Southeastern Louisiana University. • 1st year at Bonne Ecole. I taught 2nd grade at another school. • I am married to David Merry and we have 2 daughters. One attends Slidell Junior High and one attends Florida Avenue.
Classroom Rules, Rewards & Consequences • Be Respectful and Considerate • Keep a Clean and Organized Space • Stay on Task • Follow Directions the first time they are given • Use a Low Voice
Behavior Plan We use the “Clip System” in our classroom. Each morning, every student begins the day at the Ready to Learnlevel. If at any point they are off task or not following the rules, they will be asked to move their clip down one level. The lowest level is Parent Contact. They can also move up for doing the right thing.
Positive Rewards • Ready to Learn Level - 1 Star Buck • Good Job Level - 2 Star Bucks • Great Job Level - 3 Star Bucks • Extra Star Bucks • Row Points – Most points at the end of the week gets a treat.
P.B.I.S. P.B.I.S. stands for “Positive Behavior Intervention Support.” Our school expectations are to be Positive, Safe, Responsible, and Respectful. When students exhibit these positive behaviors, they are awarded Star Bucks. These Star Bucks can then be used to purchase monthly rewards. The rewards are given the last Friday of each month.
Grading Policy Letter grades of A, B, C, D, or F will be assigned in the following subjects: Reading, Language, Spelling, Math, Science and Social Studies. Students will receive an S, N, or U in P.E., Music, Art, Handwriting, and Conduct. Classroom grading will be based on various methods including oral and written quizzes, projects, reports and written tests. In 3rd grade, we alternate between Science or Social Studies on approximately a bi-weekly basis.
Grading Scale A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 75-84 D = 67-74 F = 0-66
Homework Policy • Homework is not given on a daily basis in all subjects. • Most of the time, homework is graded for completion and not accuracy, unless I feel the assignment warrants a grade. • If you notice that your child is having difficultywith a particular concept or is spending an excessive amount of time on homework, please let me know.
JPAMS • Parents can access their child’s grades and attendance in JPAMS. • Passwords will be mailed home soon from Central Office. • Parents will also be contacted via an automated system for absences, tardies, major discipline issues and failing grades.
Graded Papers/ Important Notes Graded Papers are sent home each Wednesday Please review all of your child’s papers and sign the front page. All graded papers should be returned to me by Friday.
Snacks/Water Bottles Please send a healthy snack with your child daily. Students will not be allowed to eat candy or drink soft drinks. We will have snack time somewhere between 9:30 and 10:00 each morning. Due to time restraints, most days the students will have a “working snack.” Students are allowed to bring a water bottle to school to drink whenever they need it. Please do not freeze the water or put ice in it. The condensation makes a mess on the desk and eventually on your child’s work. Be sure the bottle has a top to help avoid spills.
Student Absences If your child is absent for any reason, a note from you or from the doctor must be turned into the teacher within 2 days after the absence to be considered “excused.” The note must include the child’s first and last name, date of absence and reason for absence. If a note is not received within 2 days, the absence will be considered “unexcused.” If an absence is “unexcused” the student will not be allowed to make-up any of the work missed and will receive an “F” for any graded assignments. http://stpsb.org
Student Uniforms The only acceptable logo on the shirt is the Super Star. Shirts must be polo style with a collar and buttons. Bottoms must be a solid navy color and may not include any type of logo. Jeans, cargo pants, wind pants, jersey materials, and flip flops are not allowed. Undershirts must be tucked in. Spirit shirts can be purchased through the office for $8.00 and can only be worn on Fridays or on field trips. Spirit socks are also available for purchase for $4.00/pair or 3 pairs for $10.00.
Visitors/Safety I strongly encourage parent participation in our classroom! You are welcome anytime. If you would like to come to our classroom, please be sure to go to the front office first for a visitor’s sticker. If you want to volunteer to help in our classroom, please consider participating in Junior Achievement Day.
Visitors Bonne Ecole JA Day October 24, 2014 for K-3rd Teach Kids About Life Outside the Classroom!! Spend one day in the classroom! Junior Achievement will provide all of the supplies and train you on how to present the materials to the students. Team-teach with a friend or your spouse. It’s fun!
Conferences If you would like to set up a conference to discuss any concerns you may have about your child, you should do so by contacting the front office. The secretaries will then put a note in my box telling me the date and time of the conference. The school number is (985) 643-0674
Fundraiser Our Fundraiser started today! We are selling cookie dough again this year. Our classroom receives 50% of the profits! We use this money to buy technology, books, and other material for the classroom.
Helping Hands If you would like to help out our classroom, please take a “Helping Hand(s)” from the front board. These are items that are on my “Wish List” and really help cover some of the costs that a teacher spends on his/her room!
Support Sessions After our classroom Open House, you will have the opportunity to attend a variety of “Support Sessions.” For every one you attend, you will receive an additional ticket for the drawing! These sessions will be from 6:45-7:15. Here are the locations: • Resource - Room 80 (6th grade hall) • Gifted – Room 30 (1st grade hall) In Cafeteria: Band/Recorder PBIS Classroom Music/Chorus PTA MAE Speech Therapy PE. Strings Talented Programs
Before you go… • Please check my “Wish List” on the bulletin board. • On the green sticky note write a note of encouragement to your child. Leave them on their desks. • On the yellow sticky note write an anonymous question or comment for me. Leave them on the white board in the back.
Thanks For Flying By! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your child. I am here to help your child become successful in all aspects of third grade! Vittoria Merry