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SAWS 2008-09 Annual Report presented by Dr Linda Makuleni (Chief Executive Officer)

SAWS 2008-09 Annual Report presented by Dr Linda Makuleni (Chief Executive Officer). Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs Committee Room 3, 90 Plein Street Building 4 November 2009. Table of Contents. Overview Strategic Goals/Key Focus Areas

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SAWS 2008-09 Annual Report presented by Dr Linda Makuleni (Chief Executive Officer)

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  1. SAWS 2008-09 Annual Report presented by Dr Linda Makuleni (Chief Executive Officer) Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs Committee Room 3, 90 Plein Street Building 4 November 2009

  2. Table of Contents • Overview • Strategic Goals/Key Focus Areas • An Overview of Financial Performance • Performance Against Targets • Challenges/Opportunities • Concluding Remarks • Questions/Comments

  3. Overview • Reporting period coincides with: • 1st year of the new Board appointed 1st April 2008 • Change in administration (from the then DEAT to DWEA) • Support appreciated from the Shareholder and Other Stakeholders, in particular: • SAWS Board, Management and Staff • The then Ministry and Dept of Environmental Affairs & Tourism • The new Ministry and Dept of Water & Environmental Affairs • The then Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs & Tourism; and • The new Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs; and • Other Stakeholders • Performance/Achievements • Unqualified Audit Report • 84% overall customer satisfaction on SAWS products and services (Perception Survey conducted by an independent service provider)

  4. Overview (continued) Human Capital Management • Total Staff Profile • Total staff compliment is 386 • 79% of employees are from the Historically Disadvantaged Background • 35% of the overall figure is female • Representation of the disabled stands at 2% fairly spread at different rational categories • Employment Equity Plan approved • Human Capital Development initiatives being implemented • Skills Development plan • Attraction and Retention Strategy • Succession Planning

  5. 2. Strategic Goals and Objectives

  6. 2. Strategic Goals and Objectives (continued)

  7. 2. Strategic Goals and Objectives (continued)

  8. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) An Overview of the Audit Report The Auditor-General (AG) reported that: Opinion • The Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respects,the financial position of SAWS as at 31 March 2009 • Without qualifying his Opinion, attention is drawn to the following matters, among others: • The basis of accounting as reflected in note 1 of the Financial Statements • Irregular expenditure to the amount of R1,1 million incurred, as disclosed in note 23 to the Financial Statements

  9. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) An Overview of the Management Report • AG believes that the evidence obtained indicates that governance policies and practices operated effectively and appropriately during the year under review. • There were no significant findings. • AG noted management’s disclosure of the irregular expenditure. • Other important matters include strengthening the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Policy. The SCM Policy has already been revised, approved by the SAWS EXCO and will be tabled at the November Board meeting for approval. • It is worth noting that none of the findings had been raised in previous years.

  10. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) An Overview of the Audit & Risk Committee • Committee Structure and Charter reviewed in line with governance best practices • Internal and External Audit Plans reviewed and approved • Risk management processes reviewed, enhanced and monitored on an ongoing basis • Reviewed • Audited Annual Financial Statements included in the Annual Report; • Auditor-General’s Management Letter and response by SAWS Management; • Changes in the accounting Policies and Practices; and • Significant adjustments resulting from the audit • No significant or material non-compliance issues were noted and/or reported; other than Management’s disclosure of the irregular expenditure • Committee satisfied with the effectiveness of internal controls

  11. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) Accounting Policies • Financial Statements prepared in accordance with GAAP, including any interpretations of such statements issued by the Accounting Practices Board. • Financial Statements in conformity with GAAP and GRAP which require the use of certain financial statements accounting estimates; and also that Management exercises its judgment in the process of applying the Entity’s accounting policies.

  12. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) Income Statement

  13. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) REVENUE 2008/9

  14. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued)

  15. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued)

  16. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) Key Employee Cost Drivers • In the 2006/7 financial year, the Organisational structure was re-aligned to support the SAWS strategic direction enhancing the placement of employees with expertise at appropriate levels, which had a financial impact of approximately R3.1 million • In the 2007/8 financial year, the Organisation augmented its critical & scarce skills with 53 appointments of which 39 were in scientific and technical fields. • Had all 53 been appointed at the beginning of the financial year, the annual impact would have been R5.6 million. However the appointments were spread throughout the year, hence the minimal increase in the 2007/8 financial year. • 2008/9 financial year: • The full impact of the above appointments was felt on the 2008/9 financial year, resulting in an increase to cost to company of approximately R5.6 million before factoring the 10% increment • As part of the attraction and retention strategy SAWS also paid R5.2 million in respect of critical & scarce skills to qualifying employees in the scientific and technical fields

  17. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued)

  18. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS

  19. 3. An Overview of Financial Performance (continued) CASH FLOW STATEMENT

  20. Performance Against Targets

  21. 4. Performance Against Targets

  22. 4. Performance Against Targets (continued)

  23. 3. Performance Against Targets (continued)

  24. 3. Performance Against Targets (continued)

  25. 3. Performance Against Targets (continued)

  26. 3. Performance Against Targets (continued)

  27. Challenges/Opportunities

  28. 5. Challenges/Opportunities (continued) AVIATION VOLUMES OVER THE YEARS

  29. 5. Challenges/Opportunities (continued) MTEF Submission

  30. 7. Concluding Remarks SAWS enlists your continued support in pursuing the following initiatives: • Securing an appropriate level of Government funding as per the funding model • Enhancement of aviation income recovery through the regulatory process. The appropriate level of funding would enable SAWS to focus more on: • Commercialisation of activities • Modernisation of infrastructure • Human Capital Development • Regional cooperation • Climate change and variability

  31. 8. Questions/Comments

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