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Pig Jokes

Pig Jokes. Written by WLE 3 rd and 4 th Graders: March 2009. What’s a pig’s favorite food at McDonalds?. A ham burger. When a pig builds a house which tool does he like to use best?. A ham mer. Where do pigs like to sleep in the summer?. A ham mock. Which sharks do pigs play with?.

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Pig Jokes

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  1. Pig Jokes Written by WLE 3rd and 4th Graders: March 2009

  2. What’s a pig’s favorite food at McDonalds? A hamburger

  3. When a pig builds a house which tool does he like to use best? A hammer

  4. Where do pigs like to sleep in the summer? A hammock

  5. Which sharks do pigs play with? A hammerhead shark

  6. Where do pigs keep their dirty laundry? In a hamper

  7. Pigs have a favorite pet. What is it? A hamster

  8. Which kind of cheese do pigs like on cheeseburgers? Hamerican cheese

  9. How do pigs get to the hospital? In a hambulance.

  10. How do pigs keep dry in the rain? They use a hambrella

  11. Which fast sports car do pigs drive? A Hambourghini Joke by McKenzie

  12. What do pigs order at McDonalds? A Pig Mac Joke by Virlagio

  13. What do pigs put on rashes? oinkment

  14. Where do city pigs live? In styscrapers

  15. Which famous pig met the pilgrims? Porkahontas

  16. How do pig farmers get around? In pig-up trucks.

  17. What do pigs take with them when they go on a long walk in the woods? A pignic.

  18. What do pigs like to eat with their hot dogs? piggles.

  19. Where do pig athletes compete? At the Olympigs.

  20. What tool do pig miners use? Pig axes.

  21. What do mommy pigs give their piglets when they get hurt? Hogs and kisses.

  22. Why was the pig sent to jail? He was a pigpocketer

  23. Where do pigs go when they want to go somewhere really hot? To the Tropigs

  24. What does a pig use to eat his food? • A Knife and Pork By Juila and Sarah

  25. Who was the pig boywho always lied? • Pignocchio By Rhiana, Vanessa, and Ashley

  26. What do you call apig surprise attack? • A Hambush

  27. How does a pig defend itself when it’s attacked? • Porkchops Kevin and John

  28. What do pigs putin their weapons? • Hammunition By Kevin and John

  29. Which two musical instruments do pigs play? • The hamronica and the piggolo By Jessica and Lea and Alexandra

  30. A pig became a famous scientist. What was his name? • Albert Einswine By Jessica and Lea

  31. What do pigs send each other on February 14? • Valenswines By Kialynn and Haddy

  32. Where do pig lumberjacks sleep? • In a hog cabin By Kialynn and Haddy

  33. Why are pigs so loveable? • They hog everyone By Peyton

  34. Which hairstyle is favorite for lady pigs? • pigtails By Ashley

  35. Which monster are all pigs afraid of? • Pig Foot By Dylan and Jimmy

  36. In New York which park do pigs like best? • Central Pork By Alex and Connor

  37. Which book do pigs always check out of the library? • The Three Little Pigs By Gianni and Virlagio

  38. What do pigs put inside a frame? • A pigture By Brandon and Utsav

  39. Where do pigs keep their favorite drinks? • In a swine cellar By MacKenzi

  40. How do pigs protect their gardens? • With a pigget fence By Tony

  41. What do pigs do in their spare time? • Nothing. They are always boared. This is a boar doing nothing! By Tony

  42. Which animal is a pig’s best friend? • A porky pine By Jessie

  43. Where do pigs go shopping on the internet? • Hamazon.com By Katie and Hannah

  44. Which is a pig’s favorite country? • Hamerica By Iliya and Ivan

  45. When a pig kills another pig what do the police do? • They hamcuff him By Hannah

  46. What did the pig cashier say to the customer? • This is the correct hamount. By Lauren

  47. Where do pigs get their photos taken? • In a hamera booth. By Priya and Tireaus

  48. Who is a pig’s favorite female singer? • Hamma Montana. By Connor and Johnny and Ed and Alvaro

  49. Which is a pig’s favorite sport? • hamball By Josh, Mike and Brennan

  50. What is a pig’s favorite state? • New Hampshire By Kye and Cam and Shay

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