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Manage requisitions efficiently with BuySpeed Online. Easily create, submit, and approve requisitions. Access control center, login, and submit issues seamlessly.
MSCAABuySpeed Online Department Access User Training
Requisition – Open Market • Requisitioner creates requisition online or • submits in paper or e-mail, or walks to warehouse counter and the requisition is created buy Purchasing staff • Approvals generated based on rules (dollar level, department hierarchy) • Approvers process the requisition • On final approval, the buyer is notified a requisition is ready for purchasing • Buyer can convert the requisition to bid, to PO, return to the requisitioner or cancel Create Requisition Requisitioner Or Purchasing Staff Submit forApproval Approver(s) Buyer Convert to Bidor PO BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Requisition – Inventory • Requisitioner creates requisition online or • submits in paper or e-mail, or walks to warehouse counter and the requisition is created buy Purchasing staff • The online requisition is submited for approval • Approvals generated based on rules • Approvers process the requisition • On final approval, the warehouse staff issue the item from inventory, staff sign the issue ticket, and the ticket is scanned into the requisition Create Requisition Requisitioner or Purchasing Staff Submit forApproval Approver(s) Issue item(s) to requestor Purchasing Staff BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Login Page Access the BuySpeed Online system by using the internet browser. Enter the Login ID you have been provided and your Password. Click “Login” The first time you login, you will be asked to create a new password. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Home Page/Control Center Home Page/Control Center displays all documents that pertain to you and your department. Documents can be viewed and maintained from this screen. General News and Information will be displayed here, if applicable. It contains news bulletins that may apply to the city users, vendors or both. Selecting any of the links will open the document or news items for your review or further action. Select a link to open the document BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Header Bar Icons on the Header Bar (l to r) • Search for Bids, Commodity Codes, Purchase Orders, Vendors, Contracts, Requisitions, Quotes and Items by entering multiple criteria. • Help displays a table of contents for documents and functions available to you. • Administrative Reports allows you to choose from and run preset reports. • Dashboard lists your documents from the last 180 days • G2B Punchout (Government to Business) allows you to purchase items from external vendor websites. This is not currently in use for MSCAA. • Logout – logs you out of BuySpeed Online. Icons on the Header Bar Header Bar Navigation Bar The Header bar is the entire gray bar. The Navigation bar is directly below the Header bar. They allow you to move within the BuySpeed Online application and provide links to important functions and documents. The Header and Navigation bars are displayed at the top of each page in the BuySpeed Online application. To the left of this page are definitions for the icons on the header bar. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
NIGP Codes • National Institute of Governmental Purchasing - (NIGP) Code • NIGP is a coding structure for standardized purchasing. The NIGP code is available as a 3-digit class code, a 5-digit class-item code, a 7-digit class-item-group code, and a detailed 11-digit code commodity code • MSCAA department users are not required to enter or use this code. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Header Bar - My Account Screen To view your user profile, click the My Account link on the header bar (the gray toolbar). To edit this information, click the Edit button. The required fields are identified with an asterisk (*). You can update all your user information for your profile. This screen allows you to change your password. You can also enter a security login question and login answer. These values will help to reset your password if you forget it. To select a Proxy User, choose a name from the drop down list and check the Activate Proxy User option. The Proxy User will be able to read and respond to your documents in your absence. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Header Bar - Customer Service The Customer Service link allows you to contact your local system support staff for BuySpeed Online issues. You must select an issue from the drop down list of issue types (bids, damaged products, other, PO, requisitions, returns, website). Next enter detail for the issue. Select Send & Exit to save and submit your issue. You will receive a confirmation message. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Header Bar - My Reminders Screen The My Reminders link displays reminders that have been set for you. The reminders may be set by you or for you by other users. The reminders are set from within the Purchase Order, Requisition, Bid or Quote document. A tab for each document type is listed. The full document may be displayed by selecting the link in the first column. Tabs for each document type Select this link to display the full document BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Header Bar – About Screen The About link displays the version of the BuySpeed Online application that you are running. The “tag” information may be requested when you contact customer support. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Navigation Bar - Home The Navigation bar contains links (Home, Items, Documents, Vendors) that provide access to additional menus. The Home link displays Control Center, My Account, Customer Service and Logout which are displayed on the Header bar. If information has been loaded for News and Information, it is viewable from the Homepage and by selecting this link (Home). BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Navigation Bar - Items The Items link displays groupings of items available on the blanket purchase orders (POs) created in BuySpeed Online. This link is useful for quickly finding items already on contract that you can order from. Making a selection from this link allows you to add an item to a new requisition or to add an item to an existing requisition in progress. NOTE: Many Requirements Contracts will be established as blanket POs in BuySpeed Online. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Navigation Bar - Documents The Documents link provides navigation to Requisitions, Bids, POs, Receipts, and Invoices. Each document subgroup displays statuses per document type. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Navigation Bar - Vendors The Vendors link allow you to browse for vendors based on their NIGP commodity codes. You may also search for the vendors via the standard Search feature. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Error Messages BuySpeed Online displays errors either as a yellow warning message or a red error message. The yellow messages are warnings that do not require intervention. The red messages are “hard” errors. These error messages indicate that the document does not have proper information to continue. Your intervention is required in order to complete the document. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Purchase Methods • Open Market – used to purchase items not on Blankets or Contracts. These are typically one time purchases. • These requisitions go through Purchasing to determine whether to go out for bid or convert to PO • Master Blankets – used to establish price agreements on items such as Office Supplies or Concrete • Requisitioners can determine if these items exist on a price agreement contract by searching when creating a requisition. At this time no MSCAA Master Blankets have been established. • Inventory – used to request stock items maintained in the warehouse site locations • By selecting this type of requisition, the user can search the inventory items and see the quantity on hand. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Create a New Requisition Requisitions are used to requests goods or services. From the Documents link, select Requisition >New. A New Requisition window is displayed. The General tab is the active tab. Nine (9) tabs are displayed for each requisition Required Fields: Short Description for the requisition, Department and Location that the requisition is for. From Requisition Type, select Open Market or Release. If unsure, leave this field blank, and the setting will be determined from your selection on the Items tab. Save & Continue saves your changes. The General tab will remain open. Select the Items tab to proceed. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Open Market Requisition After completing the General tab select the Items tab. Upon selecting the Items Tab, two tab levels are displayed. • Header level tabs • Item level tabs Information entered at the header level applies to the entire document. Information enter at the item level applies to the specific item. The Items level tabs are General, Vendors, Address, Accounting and Notes. Search Items reviews existing contracts or blanket POs for items to add to this document For this example select Add Open Market Item. Use the alternate ID field to enter the priority Item level tabs Select Add Open Market Item BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Open Market Item Add Open Market Item Required Fields: Print Sequence the item # is the default for this field. This value can be changed. It determines the print sequence of the items on the requisition. Description of the item. This value can be typed by the user or selected from the standard text box (via eyeglasses browse) Select Item Type = Normal to enter detail for an open market req Item Type – Normal or Narrative. Narrative allows you to enter text only. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Open Market Item Open Market Item (cont’d) Quantity of the item requested. Estimated Unit cost of the item. UOM (unit of measure) default is each. Select from the drop down list NIGP Class this is not required for MSCAA users NIGP Class Item this is not required for MSCAA users. Save & Add New – item is saved and a new screen appears to add next item. Save & Exit – item is saved, return to the items tab. Save & Continue – saves, calculates the total, remains on the same screen and further revisions can be made. Reset – all fields that haven’t been saved are reset. Cancel and Exit – no changes made unless they had been previously changed, return to the item tab. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Narrative Item Additional items can be added to the requisition. Adding a narrative allows you to enter a line item with only text. (Ex: explanation that needs to go to vendor) Select Item Type = Narrative Selecting Item Type = Narrative. Narrative does not allow you to enter quantity, amount, NIGP code, etc. After the message is displayed, select ok to continue. Enter the narrative information in the description field. Select OK BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Narrative Item Enter the narrative information in the description field. Enter narrative information BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Open Market Items Print sequence can be changed. This allows you to rearrange items on the screen and on the printed requisition, even if you entered the items out of order. Items can be deleted. To delete an item after you have entered and saved it, click the box in the “Delete” column and click Save & Continue. Note: The print sequence is different that the order of the item # in the left column. Place a checkmark (click) the appropriate box that corresponds to the item you wish to delete. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Vendor Vendor Tab Department Access users are not required to recommend a vendor on the requisition, but they may do so. If you select the vendor tab at the Items level a Warning displays that you must create a vendor record at the header level. To proceed select the header level Vendor tab. Select Lookup & Add Vendor BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Vendor / Header Level Departments can list suggested vendors for a requisition on the Vendors Tab (at the header or item level). To lookup vendors, click “Lookup & Add Vendors.” This will display a lookup screen that allows you to find vendors by name, keyword, category (e.g. location within Baltimore area) and other fields. You may also search for all vendors providing commodities listed on the requisition by clicking “Find Vendors for All Commodity Codes on the Req.” You can select one or multiple vendors to add to the requisition by clicking the Select box on the left of the screen. This will either allow you to solicit informal quotes from these vendors or provide BOP with a list of recommended vendors. Place a checkmark (click) here to select vendor(s). BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Vendor / Header Level Once you have found vendors and added them to your requisition, you can either: Recommend a specific vendor – If you want to recommend a specific vendor to BOP, click the box in the column “Recommended.” You can recommend vendors at the header or item level. Request informal quotes At this time, MSCAA users can not request informal quotes online from vendors. However, users can use the attachment tab (shown on a following slide ) to attach informal quotes received from vendors. Place a check mark here to recommend this vendor BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Assign Vendor to Items Vendor assignment can be made at the Items level after first selecting a vendor at the header level. If you want to recommend a specific vendor to BOP, click the box in the column to the far right. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Address Information Address Tab The address information entered at the header level defaults as the address for each item. Use the Ship-to Address and Bill-to Address at the bottom of the screen to change either or both addresses. Address Tab: Select the appropriate Bill-to and Ship-to Addresses for the requisition (at the header or item level). BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Accounting / Header Level Accounting Tab Accounting can be entered in one of two ways: -Key in account codes directly by keying in each of the three components of the account string -Use the Lookup function (eyeglasses) to locate and select account codes NOTE: at this time, project codes are not available Requisitions can be allocated by either Percent (example: 50% to Account A, 50% to Account B) or by Dollar (example: $10,000 to Account A, $3,000 to Account B) Click “Rebuild for All Items” to apply header-level accounting to all items BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Accounting / Item Level Accounting Tab Click on the Item # to enter accounting for a specific item Accounting can be entered in one of two ways: -Key in account codes directly by Account, Cost-Center, Category -Use the Lookup function to locate and select account codes Requisitions can be allocated by either Percent (example: 50% to Account A, 50% to Account B) or by Dollar (example: $10,000 to Account A, $3,000 to Account B) BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Notes / Item Level Notes Tab You may add a note to any or each of the items to provide additional information or special instructions. To add a note to a specific item, select the item number. Select Save & Continue to add multiple note to an item BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Additional Header Level Tabs • Information may be added to the following tabs at the header level. • The header level information applies to the entire document BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Routing Routing Tab This tab will remain blank until an approval path is determined when the requisition is submitted for approval BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Attachment Attachment Tab Use the attachment tab to upload an attachment to your requisition. This can be used to attach specifications or quotes from vendors. Choose Browse Repository to find a file/attachment to add Attach a file from the repository to your requisition or select the shaded Add File option to browse and add your own file. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Attachment / Add File Select a file then select open to attach the file If this message appears, select Open if you fully trust the source of the file BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Add Attachment / Add File The file that you add will be listed here. The attached file is listed. Additional files may be attached. Attached files may also be deleted. File details are listed and the attached file(s) can be opened. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Notes/ Reminder - Header Level Notes Tab Notes can be added at the Header Level. These notes will apply to the entire document Reminder Tab Enter a reminder which will display for a specific user on a specified date for this document. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Summary Summary Tab The Summary Tab allows you to review all information for your document on a single page. Note: Errors that must be addressed before submitting for approval. Errors will display in Red, warning messages will display in yellow, but will allow you to proceed. Errors will be displayed above the Header Information. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Submit for Approval To proceed and send for approvals, click the “Submit for Approval” button on the bottom of the screen. If there is no approval path you will be given the option to manually add or automatically approve the requisition. If you automatically approve the requisition will go to “Ready for Purchasing” status and will be displayed on your control center. Select submit for approval BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Approval Path If there is an approval path it will be listed. There may be more than one approval path for your document. Once you select continue, the document will be “Pending Approval”. You can view the approval path at the bottom of the document’s summary page. Additional approvers can be added or deleted. After the Open Market requisition has been approved it goes to Purchasing and will be converted to a Bid or a PO. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Create a New Inventory Requisition From the Documents link, select Requisition >New. A New Requisition window is displayed. The General tab is the active tab. Required Fields: Short Description for the requisition, Department and Location that the requisition is for. From Requisition Type, select Inventory. If unsure, leave this field blank, and the setting will be determined from your selection on the Items tab. Save & Continue saves your changes. The General tab will remain open. Select the Items tab to proceed. Nine (9) tabs are displayed for each requisition BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Inventory Requisition After completing the General tab select the Items tab. Upon selecting the Items Tab, two tab levels are displayed. • Header level tabs • Item level tabs Information entered at the header level applies to the entire document. Information enter at the item level applies to the specific item. Search Items to select items from inventory BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Search Inventory Item The Search screen that appears allows searching by criteria like stock item number OR by selecting FIND IT, with no criteria, all inventory items will be returned. By clicking on the header of any column that changes color when the pointer is rolled over it, the list can be resorted by that column. There can be multiple pages to a search. The list shows, in the far right column, the Quantity on Hand. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Select Inventory Item Once the inventory item is identified, enter the quantity requested in the first field. Save & Exit will end this search. Save & Continue will allow other selections from this search. Save & Next Page processes the selection of an item from this page of the search and goes on to the next. Cancel and exit – no changes made, unless you had already saved. Returns to the item tab BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Inventory Item Once an item is selected, additional inventory items can be added, but only inventory items. One time purchases that are not stored in inventory (or on backorder in the warehouse) cannot be requested on the same requisition. Notice that an inventory requisition does not have a vendor tab, as the “vendor” is the warehouse. All other tabs function the same as in a Open Market Requisition. Approvals are processes according to the established rules. Once approved, the requisition is sent to the warehouse and can be issued by warehouse staff. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Searching the Status Use the (magnifying glass) advanced search feature Search using any one or combination of the fields for a requisition. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Searching the Status • The requisitions returned from the search will provide information about the status. • A requisition with a PO number next to it means that the purchasing team has started the purchase order. To see the status of the PO (sent to the vendor or received), click on the PO number. • An inventory requisition with the status of ready for purchasing means it has not yet been issued from inventory – the status of gone to PO (with no PO number) means the request was issued from inventory BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..
Additional Functions • Clone a Document creates a new Req/Bid/PO from an existing document • Cancel a Document cancels the existing document so it cannot be processed • Print function prints the current document. A Vendor’s copy may also be printed. BuySpeed Online 2007. Periscope Holdings, Inc..