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Explore the metabolic benefits of oats, including the role of β-glucan and avenanthramides in managing metabolic syndromes. Discover the impact on weight control, cholesterol levels, and immune defense, making oats a valuable addition to a healthy diet.
Nutritional Quality of Oats Lena Dimberg Department of Food Science Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Outline • Metabolic syndrom • Oats • -Glucan -structure and bioactivity • Avenanthramides -structure and bioactivity • Concluding remarks
Metabolic Syndrome Chronical inflammation Obesity fat cells insulin resistance Oxidative stress glucose/insulin imbalance Hypertension Diabetes Type II High TGA & cholesterol CVD
Why Oats? A wonderful reservoir of natural nutrients and biologically active substances Lásztity; Food Rev. Int., 14, 99-119 (1998)
Characteristics of oats • starch-energy • vitamins (B and E)and minerals • high protein content - well balanced amino acid composition, no gluten • high lipid content, good FA composition -C18:1 (37%), C18:2 (37%), C18:3 (4%) • high content of dietary fibres -e.g. -glucan • high content of bioactive phytochemicals • e.g. tocopherols/tocotrienols, avenanthramides -
Whole Grain Cereal fruit and seed coats aleuron layer(s) starchy endosperm germ Bran Fruitcoat Seedcoat Aleuronelayers Effective compounds? Dietary fibres? Phytochemicals?
Health effects of -glucan? • Weight control • Improve glucose/insulin balance • Decrease blood cholesterol level • Inhibit constipation • May stimulate immune defence • May protect from colon cancer development
Health effects of -glucan? • Weightcontrol • Less energysupply • Usually less fat and sugar supply-incapsulated • Bulky, satiety feeling • Slow gastricemtying-delayed hunger • Low GI
Physiologicaleffects of β-glucan β-Glucanase treated cereals Untreated cereals
Health effects of -glucan, cont? • Glucose/insulin balance • Low absorption of glucose • Decrease insulin release • Improve insulin sensibility
Health effects of -glucan?, cont • Decreasebloodcholesterollevel • Excretion of bileacids-newbileacidsproduced from cholesterol
Health effects of -glucan, cont? • Inhibit constapation • Enlarged stool • Speed up transit time - stimulate muscle movements
Health effects of -glucan, cont? • May decrease colon cancer development • Dilution and binding of cancer causing agents • Provocative agents short time in intestine • Prebiotic-lower pH; produce LMW fatty acids • Attached bioactive components- dietary complex
To much fibers? • Encapsulate compounds • May result in energy and nutrient deficiencies • May cause dehydration • Causes gas production
Metabolic Syndrome Chronical inflammation Obesity fat cells insulin resistance Oxidative stress glucose/insulin imbalance Hypertension Diabetes Type II High TGA & cholesterol CVD
Oxidative Stress/Inflammation in artherial walls • Free radicals • Cell proliferation, migration, accumulation and attachment • Release of pro-inflammatory signalling and adhesion substances • Plaque formation • Increased blood pressure • Infarct
Tocopherols/tocotrienols, hydroxycinnamic acids, avenanthramides Oxidant : RO•,•O2- HO•, HOO•,H2O2 ROO• , 1O2 Antioxidants RO•, ·O2- HO· HOO· H2O2, ROO•, 1O2,
Avenanthramides Anthranilic acid moiety Hydroxycinnamic acid moiety R=H, OH or OCH3; n=1 or 2
Health effects of avenanthrmides? • Antioxidants • Anti-inflammatory • Anti-atherosclerotic • Anti-cancer
Hydrogen donators Radical scavangers Metal ion chelators Lipoxygenase inhibitors Decrease reactive oxygen species (ROS) production LDL-oxidation inhibitors Enhance activities of antioxidative enzymes Avenanthramides-antioxidant effects?-
Supress secretion of pro-inflammatory compounds Inhibit NF-kB activation Reduce skin itch and irritation Lipoxygenase inhibitor Avenanthramides-anti-inflammatory effects?-
Inhibit proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells Supress release of adhesion molecules Avenanthramides-anti-atherosclerotic effects?- • Decrease cell adhesion • Increase NO production
Avenanthramides-anti-cancer effects?- • Inhibit cancer cell proliferation
Tranilast Metabolites Oat avenanthramide
Supression of Vascular Stenosis by Tranilast Control Tranilast Fukuyama et. al. 1996. European Journal of Pharmacology, 318, 327-332
Concluding Remarks OATS Decrease the risk for the metabolic syndrome development The whole is more than the refined -Gucan and avenanthramides exert health-beneficial properties Good candidate for a healthy food